SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Rito Munro Fraser

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May 14, 2023
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: strikestig

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:45160495

Discord Username: hyllested

Age: 20

What's your current playtime: 845 Hours total (According to 1 Year achievement) - 213 Past Month

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name:
- Foundation: Rito Munro Fraser
- UNGOC: Tiro 'Hyllested'

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first GM application.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I have a single warn I received for RDM on the 20th of July 2024.

How many hours can you be on everyday: I will be able to at least spend 2-3 hours on the server a day.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
I do not, however I have spent a good amount of time on the server, participating in both RP and various events.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
I would like the chance to enhance mine and the people who play on the server's RP experience.
As a Gamemaster, I could more easily create RP scenarios to improve the experience of the players.

I love working with stuff like PAC3 to create RP, and I believe I could do much more as a GM.

Additionally, I currently hold the position of DoR, and being a GM would leave an obvious point of contact for researchers, alongside the recently added GM request form.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
Like I mentioned, I am currently a DoR, this hopefully shows I have some competency in regards to conducting RP. It also means I am relatively well known, and (I hope) I am perceived as friendly and approachable in the eyes of players on the server. This means players will have no issues contacting me in regards to GM requests or event ideas. This along with my experience doing RP as a researcher would allow me to effectively perform the duties of a GM.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
[SCP-500 Delivery]
A representative from Site-43 has been sent to Site-65 to deliver 8 additional instances of SCP-500.
Nu-7 and DEA were contacted and assigned to meet the representative in Pinewood, and then escort them into the site. Unfortunately, a spy inside the Foundation has intercepted this message and leaked the information to the Chaos Insurgency.

The instances of SCP-500 are being carried in a secure and password protective briefcase. If the Chaos Insurgency wants to intercept the delivery, they'll need to take out the escorts and kidnap the representative, to then interrogate them in order to get the code for the briefcase and the contents inside.
Nu-7 / DEA would be informed they need to escort the representative (me), I would walk from Pinewood along the road to the site once they arrive.

If CI manage to kidnap me, I'd start a timer once they begin interrogating/torturing me. If they last a certain amount of time. (Still need to figure out what would be a good number), they would get the code and I would give them the SCP-500 pills.

The timer is there in the interrogation to give Nu-7 a chance to do 1 raid in an attempt to recover the representative.

Should Nu-7 / DEA succeed in escorting or extracting the representative, I would deliver the pills to Medbay, and do some RP with CL4 medical personnel on site, having them sign some proof of delivery forms and whatnot.

[Sinkhole RP]
After experiencing an earthquake, a sinkhole has appeared inside of Site-65. This sinkhole leads directly into HCZ, and as such is somewhat of a security concern. It is also a health hazard, as personnel may fall into it.
Upon being discovered, MTF E-11 must put the location on lockdown, until E&TS arrive and can assess the situation.

Upon E&TS arriving, they determine that the hole is simply too big, and they would need more resources to patch the hole. The materials required can be found in the trainyard in HCZ, so E&TS needs to be escorted there to pick out the materials needed. Afterwards they can begin patching up the hole.
A message would appear on screen to signal the earthquake, the sinkhole would then appear somewhere in LCZ in the form of a GM objective. Upon interaction people would get TP'd into heavy, however at a height where they take fall-damage/break a leg.

Once E&TS appear and attempt to patch it, I would inform them they need materials and where they can find them. E-11 would need to attempt to keep people away from the hole during the event, and would need to sweep HCZ afterwards.

[Gaslight RP]
A janitor who was in the process of cleaning LCZ Inanimate asks on comms when we received a new SCP to contain on-site. Bewildered by this, staff ask for clarification, and upon inspection, indeed do find a new SCP stored in LCZ Inanimate. However upon inspecting the SCP, some staff begin insisting that the SCP has always been there, and that the janitor and other personnel must have simply forgotten. Site Administration catches wind of this, and puts the research department onto looking into the anomaly and figuring out what is going on.
I would play the role of the janitor who initially calls out the anomaly.
The anomaly would be a GM objective that upon interaction says something like "You feel like this object has always been here.". In additional to this, I might use a GM SWEP to play the same line to people who look at the anomaly for a certain time. I'd react to different ideas RSD try, but I am thinking it would be something in the direction of using Y-Blockers to prove it is a cognito-hazard.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
[Old-School Nostalgia]
Due to an escalated Code-Black scenario, the Alpha Warhead was detonated, however because of an overlook in the maintenance in the blast shell surrounding Site-65, the entirety of Pinewood and the surrounding area was caught up in the explosion. Despite the fact that everyone should be dead, everyone woke up once more. However personnel find themselves in a strange yet familiar place. Upon investigation, it turns out they are in fact still in Site-65, but multiple years in the past, in a more primitive time. Site facilities and systems are severely outdated, yet the duty of the Foundation must be upheld.

Personnel must attempt to maintain their regular duties in with what they have to work with. During this, Site Admin and Site Command are working on figuring out what has caused this temporal anomaly, and how they can reverse it.
Many things would be not be present in this new "old" Site-65, including:
- A lack of Teslas
- Sliding doors and blast doors are replaced with traditional swing-hinge doors.
- Certain SCPs (like 096, 682, & 8837) would have their CC changed to be less technologically advanced.

CI would spawn in some MTF bunks inside the facility, due to their originating from A-1. (However for gameplay reasons they would still spawn separately from the actual A-1.) CI would then do their thing and disrupt the Foundation.

GOC and Civilians would find themselves in Pinewood, however again a bit more outdated. Pinewood would be even more of a village rather than a town. GOC would attempt to maintain the veil throughout the event.

After some time of the event starting, personnel might notice the presence of one additional containment chamber, this chamber is fitted like a small apartment, in it, a old man can be found. When approached, the man will start retelling stories and reminiscing about the past. Through the file of this anomaly found near the CC, and the fact that the anomaly was not present on the actual Site-65, personnel may determine that they are responsible for the changing of the site, and have to convince them to turn everything back.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
O-1 (Edited):
An ECM wakes up inside of the ECO extremely confused. Upon receiving a medical checkup, it is determined that the ECM was Amnesticated recently. MTF O-1 is tasked with interviewing the ECM for what little information they have on the assailant, as well as scouring the ECO for clues, and eventually apprehending the person responsible.
I would organize and work together with a willing ECM.
I would feed the ECM information that they would remember IC so that they can pass on info to O-1. I would also scatter clues around ECO in the form of GM objectives that gives clues as to who may have done it, such as some dust that when interacted with reads "I strand of brown hair", and the like.
I would follow O-1's investigation while cloaked, and once they have sufficient evidence, I would act out the role of the perpetrator that they must apprehend and interrogate.

A-1 (Edited):
Due to a power-outage the Floor 3 elevator has completely broken down, and has disabled all communications channels within the floor. All personnel on F3 at the time are now stuck.
A-1 must search through F3 and find the breaker box there and flip its emergency switch. Doing so will restore power to F3 and allow them to call for help. Once power has been restored, they can call for help and have E&TS come repair the elevator.

The F3 elevator breaking down would be achieved by placing props blocking the door-way. Potentially a GM objective that looks like the F3 elevator door that says "The doors appears to be stuck" when interacted with.
To convey the idea that they have to locate the breaker boxes, I would put one next to the elevator and label it something like "Breaker box #4", so that they know there are more.
The breaker boxes would give some flavor text upon interactions and send a message to GM chat to let me know it has been found.
I would work with a member of SC to cut the comms of people on F3 during this time, and if they try to use their comms, I would clarify using /it that they don't seem to have any signal.
If no E&TS are available to respond once they restore power, I would take on that role myself.

An intruder from a hostile GOI has been discovered inside site as part of a long-term infiltration. They have completely assimilated into the site, and their biometrics have been added to our system. Luckily the Foundation has a DNA sample and visual profile on the suspect. Nu-7 most locate individuals fitting the description and detain them so that medical can cross-reference their DNA and find the intruder.
I would work together with a GM / willing participant who would simply walk around site. Meanwhile I would follow the situation while cloaked, and provide appropriate /it messages for when medical does DNA tests.

Multiple instances of an unknown anomaly have appeared all across site. It appears interaction with the anomalies bring out extreme emotional responses, so personnel may act irrationally for the time being. Site command has ordered E-11 to locate and contain all these anomalies with utmost haste.
The anomalies would be GM objectives that upon interaction would give some flavor text like
"You feel a sudden and constant rage", or "You feel sudden and constant despair", etc. for various emotions.
The GM objectives would be unfrozen so E-11 could just grav-gun them. While there is a chance some people will ignore the effects of the GM objectives, there primary purpose of them is just to be anomalies that E-11 can contain. Post-event there's an opportunity for research RP too.

It has come to the Chaos Insurgency's attention that the local Pinewood Parawatch has gotten their hands on some classified Foundation documents describing security details about various MTF within Site-65. Despite efforts to resolve this peacefully, the Parawatch refuses to hand over the documents. The Chaos Insurgency has decided to perform a raid on the Parawatch' base of operations and get their hands on the documents forcefully.
I would play as the Parawatch, and would coordinate with some CI CO or something of the like to have CI be "tipped off" on the fact that I have the documents.
To spice up the raid, I would place down fortifications and traps around the Parawatch hill house in the form of props, and ideally get some willing participants to hop on Parawatch with me so it's not a 1-man-army.

Surface sensors have detected thaumaturgy activity within Pinewood. It appears a civilian as stumbled into the field of thaumaturgy and has begun developing abilities of their own. The UNGOC must respond and handle the situation to ensure the 2nd mission does not fail.
I would play the role of a civilian hobbyist thaumatologist. The option of a diplomatic resolving of the situation would be there, however depending on the actions of the GOC it may turn into a combat situation.

Foundation Staff:
"Wednesday is pizza day! So head on down to the cafeteria and grab yourself a hot slice!".
Unfortunately, an insufficient amount of Pizza was prepared for the weekly Pizza-party.
Foundation Chefs are now working under immense pressure to produce more Pizza all the while the rest of Site-65 is enjoying themselves.
I would play an announcement informing people that there is free pizza in F2 cafeteria front of medbay. I would prepare a GM objectives of a pizza there, and after some time I would start removing them, then alerting the site that the Pizza seems to be running out, and requesting that chefs produce some more.
The placement of the pizza party might seem odd, however it is in order to ensure people are nearby and interact with the event, as there's a good chance a lot of people won't bother walking up to F2 cafeteria.
Last edited:
Jun 5, 2022
+Huge Support

Holy shit its pizza day

+ Events all are pretty unique and fleshed out
+ The events seem to have positives for all sides involved, not leaving any at a negative result. (Apart from when the "losing side" is played by the GM).
+ Again, holy shit, pizza day!!!!!!!!
+ Actions performed by the GM are listed clearly
+ Formatting....
+ Well known, active and a current Sr CL4

- Really needs a shower..
+Major Support

  • + Active

  • + Have only had good interactions with this individual

  • + Stellar events across all measurable metrics (Save for the part in the map-change event where CI spawn in the site - I get why, but I feel like this would ultimately be too disruptive to the gameplay loop you'd be trying to produce; Unless you'd be trying to pass them off as a foundation regiment? That could be fun and interesting. I would also be interested in helping with that Nu-7 event, that sounds funny)

  • + Suited for the position

  • + Pizza day
Neutral Leaning - support

Hi Rito,

After looking at your application, I have formed a lightly negative opinion of it based off the events you have put forward. I have no doubt you are a quality RP organiser and would be a good GM, but these events are throwing me off because of how broad they are, take the "gaslight" event, is this janitor an event character? Or do you plan on placing an SCP and hoping it gets discovered? For me, some of the missions are quite bland, especially the O-1 one, escorting ECMs, no matter to where, is their core purpose and wouldnt be something to write about.

Id love to see these events expanded on, once that has happened, I'd love to see you as a GM

Best of luck!
May 14, 2023
Neutral Leaning - support

Hi Rito,

After looking at your application, I have formed a lightly negative opinion of it based off the events you have put forward. I have no doubt you are a quality RP organiser and would be a good GM, but these events are throwing me off because of how broad they are, take the "gaslight" event, is this janitor an event character? Or do you plan on placing an SCP and hoping it gets discovered? For me, some of the missions are quite bland, especially the O-1 one, escorting ECMs, no matter to where, is their core purpose and wouldnt be something to write about.

Id love to see these events expanded on, once that has happened, I'd love to see you as a GM

Best of luck!
Hi there,

I appreciate the feedback, I can only say that upon re-reading the O-1 mission I wrote up, I agree that it was bland. I have gone ahead and written up a new idea that would hopefully be more interesting!
As for the confusion with the "Gaslight" event. It was my intention to play the role of the janitor myself, however not for it to be an event character. I would just use the job of janitor to have an RP excuse to be in LCZ Inanimate, and then I would kickstart the RP by calling out on comms that I don't remember seeing the event SCP before. Once the event is initiated, I would withdraw the janitor from the situation, and follow the RP while cloaked.

Again, I appreciate the feedback, and hope my edits and explanation helps.


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
Hello Rito,
as of current, this application does not do much of anything to distinguish itself from most other applications, with very few original ideas and concepts that appear in just about every other application verbatim and a handfull of hard-to-implement ones, I remain unconvinced on whether or not you would be an asset to the GM Team.
May 7, 2022

Hello Rito, right now I will be giving you a Neutral+/- on your application, because currently the ideas you have put forward onto your app seem a bit underdeveloped, especially for E11, Nu7 and UNGOC as there isnt much there to read about who or what will appear in the event. (For example your idea for Nu7s GOI to fight and find the member of seems like an interesting idea but there isnt much to read, no GOI name or anything.) Your other ideas such as the old Site-65 do seem like good ideas for events though.

Good luck Rito.

Cheetah / RustyOsprey2

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Nov 24, 2023
Gamemaster Application - Denied

Hello @Rito Munro Fraser ,

Unfortunately having discussed your application with the Event Team Supervisors, we believe you are not currently fit to be a member of the Gamemaster team.

For further information please contact an Event Team Supervisor and we wish you the best of luck for next time.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.​
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