[SCP-RP UK] Renolks' O5 Council Application "The Masked"

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Aug 20, 2021

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:203213328

Discord name: Renolk#6723

For how long have you played on CG SCP: First Played on the Release, Started Playing Again in the Middle of May

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: Estonia

Time zone: GMT+3

Character name(s): Foundation: "The Masked" | Chaos Insurgency: Renolky | Civillian: CTI Renolk

Civilian name: CTI Renolk

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Holding: Overseer Assistant | Security Captain | Chaos Insurgency Delta | SCP - 096

Held: Chaos Insurgency DELCOM | E-11 Private | Nu-7 Lance Corporal

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have received 1 Warning for RDM - May 9th

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number): I am applying for O5-4, due to me feeling that my capabilities are able to work well inside the Council and I would lead the Facility to the best of my ability.

Due to the Council maintaining a focus on if everything is running properly, I blend in to different jobs well, therefore my name "The Masked".

I am very active and professional most of the times, unless I get stressed due to Real Life problems.

I am quite of a harsh leader, and I know how to Roleplay, unless a Situation goes out of hand by the Roleplay Situation Starters.

I am decent in writing documents and making different documents for Departments to use, i.e: GenSec Documents | Arrest Reports | Situation Reports | Weekly Work [Newly Introduced to Overseer Assistants]

The Foundation does not have many active Overseers, that actively participate in events and situations around the Facility, in which I am great at due to me constantly interacting with people on terms of Mistakes being made or any punishments needed to be given.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?: I am not the perfect candidate but I am one of the greater candidates, yet I still believe no-one is better than anyone.

The Current situation inside the Facility is chaotic, due to the current Council not involving themselves enough in the Overseer Assistants work, and answering any questions, which most O5 still manage to do.

A Big part of the Facility is chaotic, on terms of not having a sufficient and active leader inside the position, in which O5 plays a big role in.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?: The O5 Council in Roleplay makes sure that the Facility is being kept in order by the Site Advisor and Director.

The Council is there to make sure that the personnel whom need to lead their department are actually doing it, with constantly interacting and improving the Department in the ways that would thrive for greatness.

Due to the Site Advisors and Directors being the closest contact to O5 Council, they are to make sure that the Directors and Advisors make sure to go ahead and do their jobs, and if needed step in.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?): The O5 Council makes sure that the following applications receive a response:

Director of Research | Director of Internal Affairs [Decided between Ethics Committee and O5 Council] | Director of Intelligence | Chief of Security | Overseer Assistant | Site Advisor/Director

The Ethics Committee is responsible for other Applications in regards of a Senior Position.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:



<<LOG #3809 [THE MASKED]>>

Current: Rasmus Aeschylion | Previous: Rasmus Taldrik
Current: The Masked | Previous: Renolk


Rasmus "The Masked" Taldrik was born in the South-Eastern side of Estonia - Tartu, where he went to school in "Miina Härma Gümnaasium" in which he graduated in 2006.

He went over to the Estonian Defense Forces, where he learned his basic training and got his CE Category [Semi-Truck with Trailer] Category License, including their Medical Training.

While he reached the rank of Kapral [Corporal] he went to the Military Police, in which he ranged from a new Trainee to an Acting Officer at the rank of Nooremveebel "Second Lieutenant".

Upon reaching the rank of Kolonelleitnant [Lieutenant Colonel], at which he led the Military Police for 2 Years, he transferred to the Reserve Forces.

He left his Military Career behind after 10 Years in the Military.

After leaving the Estonian Defense Forces he found the SCP Wikidot Website, where he made an account and started studying the SCPs.

Approximately 2 Years later, in 2018 Rasmus "The Masked" Taldrik was sent an E-Mail with an Application to join Site-19, in which he had to move to America after being accepted. After working at Site-19 for 3 Months, he transferred over to Site-65.

The First Job Rasmus "The Masked" Taldrik was assigned was as a Chef, to make D-Class Food and clean the Toilets of Personnel Wing, in which later he joined the MTF [Mobile Task Force] called "Nu-7 Hammer Down" where he received the rank of "Lance Corporal" after a Month.

After approximately a month inside "Nu-7 Hammer Down" he resigned, and went to become a Private in E-11, as well as a Captain in GENSEC.
Shortly after becoming a Captain, "The Masked" decided to mask his real name - Rasmus "The Masked" Aeschylion.
Due to him knowing the dangers of information leakage inside the Foundation.

Shortly after changing his name, he became an Overseer Assistant, in order to try and help out the Foundation as much as he could, by getting orders from O5-1 as well as O5-3.

Current Status:
Current Name/Alias : Rasmus "The Masked" Aeschylion
Current Status: ALIVE
Age: 26
Weight: 176 lbs | 79 Kg
Height: 6ft 2in
Occupation: N/A [Site 65]

I am putting another P.S here: My lore will stay the same and get updated when it needs to. I wont create new lore for the same character, it would not make sense

Last edited:
Apr 12, 2022
He has had a really good time on the server and he can be trusted with the role as he s mod and take RP serious on the server I had meant an encounter with renolk and that all good I personally thing he would be a good 0-5 and I can see him helping 0-5.

GOOD luck.


Well-known Member
May 8, 2022
+ Support
+works well under pressure with good planning involved
+Cooperates and shows
organization skills
+Plenty of experience in Admin role.
+Normally hear good things when he is mentioned


Well-known Member
Apr 18, 2022

-Overseer assistant experience

Deleted member 2482

  • Overseer Assistant experience
  • Not a lot of experience as Overseer Assistant
  • Unsure about maturity
  • Not that active
  • Just recently got the position of Overseer Assistant
  • Bad experiences with you where you broke FearRP and NVL twice as a staff member making it seem like you try to avoid role play
  • Very lacking application for one of the most important roles in the server
  • No interesting lore

Renolk while I'm sure you are a great guy, I don't believe you are fit enough to be a overseer, to start of you have just recentlly got the job of Overseer assistant and you are very inactive over your roles, I don't think I saw you on captain once in the last 2 weeks. To add to that you are also inactive on overseer assistant and the only time I saw you on the server playing as it ( I no life the server ) I had issues with you breaking FearRP and once again FearRP and NVL and ruining our role play, here is a clip of the last encounter, to add to that there is absolutely no lore or anything to desern your application from a random person, and aspecially no lore one of the most important parts of overseer application ( my opinion )​
Aug 20, 2021
  • Overseer Assistant experience
  • Not a lot of experience as Overseer Assistant
  • Unsure about maturity
  • Not that active
  • Just recently got the position of Overseer Assistant
  • Bad experiences with you where you broke FearRP and NVL twice as a staff member making it seem like you try to avoid role play
  • Very lacking application for one of the most important roles in the server
  • No interesting lore

Renolk while I'm sure you are a great guy, I don't believe you are fit enough to be a overseer, to start of you have just recentlly got the job of Overseer assistant and you are very inactive over your roles, I don't think I saw you on captain once in the last 2 weeks. To add to that you are also inactive on overseer assistant and the only time I saw you on the server playing as it ( I no life the server ) I had issues with you breaking FearRP and once again FearRP and NVL and ruining our role play, here is a clip of the last encounter, to add to that there is absolutely no lore or anything to desern your application from a random person, and aspecially no lore one of the most important parts of overseer application ( my opinion )​
Thanks for the verdict - I am not that active due to IRL situations actively going on, which are in the process of getting sorted.

I have had alot of experiences with You, not counting the rule breaking experience, which I do apologize for.

I have not been on Captain, due to me holding Overseer Assistant, which I have been on quite alot since I received it at the start of the month.

I was active before the IRL situations, which I plan on to resume.

P.S: The situation was sorted, by me receiveing punishment from Server Leadership about it.
Another P.S: I have had interactions with You while You are Executive Researcher Erl, so I do not really understand the "Not many interactions" aswell "bad interactions".
Due to the clip You have shown above is the only Interaction with You I have had while You are Chaos Insurgency.
Every other Interaction has been with You as Executive Researcher.

Application Denied

Greetings @Renolk, the council have agreed that you are not ready for a position in the council at this moment of time. The main reason is that you do not have enough CL4 experience, which is one of the main requirements.

For detailed feedback, please contact either myself or O5-3.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

- O5-2 'The Insighted'
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