[SCP-RP UK] Security Captain application

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Well-known Member
Apr 18, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:225156939
Discord name: barkthisspliff#6105
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Age: 15
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Brian Hatake
Civilian name: Brian Hyuga
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- CI-G, CI Medic, CI Marksman
- Medic
- SCP-096

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Toxicity/Severe toxicity
- Hitbox abuse
- Base camping
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I am applying for Security Captain because I feel like Gensec isn't really doing too well and requires major improvement. I believe I can help with the improvement of Gensec because it's currently in a poor state. It also looks like a pretty interesting job to be part of and I feel that I am ready to take it on. I currently enjoy managing Gensec while I am a Sergeant and I wish to take this further by becoming a Security Captain.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- I feel like I am suitable for Security Captain because I am an active and experienced player. I have spent a lot of time on Gensec and I believe I am more than enough qualified for the position. I have observed other Security Captains and I believe I understand their duties and what they do. I am also suitable because I feel like I am trustworthy because of all my whitelisted roles.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- The responsibilities of Security Captain in RP is to manage Gensec and ensure they are following their duties. They must also be around to tend to any issues Gensec may have and deal with sweeps. Security Captains should hold full responsibility for making sure the rest of Gensec know what they are doing.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Shino Aeschylion

Well-known Member
Jun 2, 2022
South England

-Indecisive and Codependent (From my experience in CI)
-Have never seen you on GENSEC SGT let alone Officer.
-You repeat your points in your application as well as borderline insult the entire department without elaboration onto why.
I feel like Gensec isn't really doing too well and requires major improvement" followed by "I believe I can help with the improvement of Gensec because it's currently in a poor state"
What can you do to help and improve the department?? why is it in a poor state?? Explain these things in your app...



Additionally, having a lot of whitelists does not mean you are a trustworthy person. Furthermore, self-proclaiming yourself as trustworthy and using whitelists as a form of proof is even more audacious.
I personally feel like you are trying to rack up Whitelisted roles for merit/personal gain rather than actual interest in the role itself...
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Well-known Member
Apr 18, 2022
Who is this guy
Look at the bans smh

-Indecisive and Codependent (From my experience in CI)
-Have never seen you on GENSEC SGT let alone Officer.
-You repeat your points in your application as well as borderline insult the entire department without elaboration onto why.
I feel like Gensec isn't really doing too well and requires major improvement" followed by "I believe I can help with the improvement of Gensec because it's currently in a poor state"
What can you do to help and improve the department?? why is it in a poor state?? Explain these things in your app...
Hi, thank you for the feedback. It is in a poor state because it lacks coordination and I can help them work together


Well-known Member
Apr 18, 2022

-Never seen on GENSEC
-A Bit Immature
- Support

I don't think a guy with 3 toxicity moderation actions (recent) should be worthy of a title of Captain. Let alone your activity is poor to none.
Who is this guy
Look at the bans smh

-Indecisive and Codependent (From my experience in CI)
-Have never seen you on GENSEC SGT let alone Officer.
-You repeat your points in your application as well as borderline insult the entire department without elaboration onto why.
I feel like Gensec isn't really doing too well and requires major improvement" followed by "I believe I can help with the improvement of Gensec because it's currently in a poor state"
What can you do to help and improve the department?? why is it in a poor state?? Explain these things in your app...



Additionally, having a lot of whitelists does not mean you are a trustworthy person. Furthermore, self-proclaiming yourself as trustworthy and using whitelists as a form of proof is even more audacious.
I personally feel like you are trying to rack up Whitelisted roles for merit/personal gain rather than actual interest in the role itself...
Thank you very much for the feedback everyone! I will make sure to work on improving in these areas before trying to apply again.

Shino Aeschylion

Well-known Member
Jun 2, 2022
South England

Application Denied

Hello, @barkthisspliff
Thank you for taking the time for filling out an application for Security Captain, I'm afraid to inform you that
you require further experience in GENSEC and you must improve your conduct.

Please Re-apply in 1 week​

Signed by:
Deputy Chief of Security Shino Aeschylion
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