SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Johnson 'Cubic' Huggman

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What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Johnson 'Cubic' Huggman

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:226820368

Discord Username: costin_dev

Age: 16

What's your current playtime:
Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Foundation - Johnson 'Cubic' Huggman
CI - 'Spherical' Huggman
Civ - Jonathan Huggman

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: As staff, yes

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Frankly, I've received quite some warnings and bans (60+), however the last was on January 9 2024 and have dramatically changed from that point on.

How many hours can you be on everyday: Generally, 2-5 hours.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: I hosted a public 'vanilla' sandbox server temporarily for a week or so long ago which had a bit of activity. I've been also an owner of a specific SCP SL server that lasted for a few months, before being shut down, which had some decent player activity overall. Other than that, there haven't been significant enough times where I would have been in a staff position of some sort.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: The first thing I'm proud of achieving is becoming an IA ambassador a couple months ago. I will also be pointing out that I had like 7 denied IA ambassador apps, in which times I gradually improved my reputation on the server, leading me to being accepted. Sadly enough, I had to then resign due to being in vacation for 1.5 months, but I've re-applied and now I'm currently waiting for the interview stage (the dpt director is on LOA for a few days). I'm now an IA ambassador again.

Another thing that I am honestly proud of is my recognition amongst the community. It feels like home when that one player approaches me and says "oh you're cubic, I remember you", which is certainly a nice feeling to have.

... What I am certainly NOT proud of, and will say it, is the mass amount of warnings and bans I've had. Although they're all expired and pretty old, they still haunt me, which make me feel bad about minging to the point that I'd report any chef or d-class for any minor case of minging.

Nevertheless, I do joke in-character sometimes on some jobs/"characters" as other may too, but I very well know where the limit is at. I tend to be very serious as well, notably on the IA job.

Why would you like to become a staff member: Well, having been part on this community for almost 2 years, I feel like I should integrate into it more by joining the staff team and helping them out. It is my home to be here amongst others. I've been pretty much very active in my point of view, (except for the 1.5 months vacation, obviously), to the point that I have over 1,700 TOTAL hours on the SCP RP server, which contributed to the majority of the amount of total time I've got on gmod. Also I think I'm already trusted by some players.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: I don't feel like there is much to change. Most things on the server work fine enough, and what doesn't work, doesn't for a good reason that is not easy to just fix.

For example, new players generally MRDM other d-class and grow to only become mingers on easy to access jobs like the chef and jr. researcher. They don't know that fearRP is a thing, or that they cannot combat jump. Yes, rules are accessible through the character menu, but they will disregard it like terms of services are (because they're long). Some of them generally grow out of the minging and actually start roleplaying.

Another example could be the rules themselves, especially the clarifications. Some of them can be vague in very specific scenarios and some are very bendable. If you get reported, you gotta be an attorney for yourself and point out the errors in the rule you've possibly broken. If you don't, the staff may blindly punish you. This leaves newer players more prone to being warned than some of the older ones, which are also well-known and staff generally defend such players.
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