Denied SCP RP US and UK rule suggestion: specify that D-class must follow fear rp or else it is automatically FailRP. Possibly a popup to ask to report it.

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Feb 14, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds more realism potentially, and also stops d-block from being able to asspull a weapon when they come in immediatly after moving back, which does not amount to changing much other then the rule regarding FEARRP.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Unless you count the suggestion to remove/rework staff ruling 4:03, it would not be, since this post is the exact oppsite of that one which proposes d-class get more privileges and gensec "has to warn a d-class going outside of d-block" even though the airlock says "LEVEL 2 OR HIGHER CLEARANCE ONLY OR ELSE" on it in huge textscreen font,

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1st thing would be it would make guarding d-block less annoying and more fun because you would not have to deal with hundreds of minging d-class failing to follow fear rp, followed by d-block constantly spamming in ooc moments later: "AYO LIL BRO, WHYD YOU RDM ME?" and being toxic mingebags. Sure the baiting of d-block to get gensec to be reportable for rdm is bad enough, but imagine d-block all collectively accusing you of rdm ooc, they speak to IA, you get jailed for "murder one" even though a captain has told you "ONE warning, 3 seconds to get them to process it, and if they do not listen, start blasting" which is literally what the ethical guidelines state for treatment of d-class aka DISPOSABLE DEATH ROW INMATES.

2nd reason, is it would encourage potential roleplay/actual semi-serious conversations rather then all d-class brutes/scouts MO being "troll Gensec, get them shit on by staff for RDM, post it on Youtube, gloat out of character about Gensec command/leadership being "dumbasses" for not "disciplining those working under them properly", and be toxic, rinse and repeat until they get bored or had their fun trolling Foundation.
3rd positive, is that it would prevent what happened to me a while back from happening again to anybody else. TLDR:Warned a d-class to get out of the airlock, gave him 3 seconds, blasted him after the 3 seconds, then got jailed for 5 mins because Internal Affairs thought I did the exact opposite aka "never gave him a chance to respond/did not warn him 3 times", so in this case, whos word do i disregard? my superior aka 1 OR BOTH CAPTAINS, or the IA, a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DEPARTMENT?

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
None that I can see, as it would encourage d-class to quit being mingebags on the server 24/7 or would filter out people in d-class as a whole to those who actually give a shit about being death row inmates, while still increasing the fun factor for everybody else in the server. Who wants to deal with a trolling d-block, or like the latest incident, d-block RESCUEING 096 WHEN HE HAD A BUCKET OVER HIS HEAD aka "THE CHAMPION" and body-blocking him/preventing him from leaving (even had 096 go back into d-block on purpose because of a random target he couldn't get to which was apparently a staff member), which had the whole server collectively screaming at them ooc to let 096 leave d-block and not hoard him while stalling the breach. The only downside that could possibly arise is gensec maybe abusing the rule in some cases to get revenge on d-block if they don't like a person thats on Gensec, but from what I have seen, that would rarely happen in practice.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
to quote 2 thread comments, "I have places to patrol instead of dealing with a D class who will run and/or pull out a gun or knife the moment I put my gun away." "How are you supposed to deal with a group of three D-Class running towards 914 who feign compliance and then pull out guns immediately? What's stopping another D-Class from approaching behind you and killing you whilst you're getting a compliant D-Class in cuffs? Also, if you come across a Type-Blue and don't shoot immediately then you're essentially screwed." (reminder:A type blue can literally BLOW UP YOUR HEAD INSTANTLY IF HE SEES YOU, no wait timer, no nothing. its instant).


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D-Class must remain immune to FearRP.

...Yeah no, they're subject to FearRP just like the other 99% of jobs. Also,
Unless you count the suggestion to remove/rework staff ruling 4:03, it would not be, since this post is the exact oppsite of that one which proposes d-class get more privileges and gensec "has to warn a d-class going outside of d-block" even though the airlock says "LEVEL 2 OR HIGHER CLEARANCE ONLY OR ELSE" on it in huge textscreen font,
Why not just raise this in that thread. I'm more than willing to tell you why this is a bad take.
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Because I assumed that staff would either believe it to be necroposting, or would tell me "to make my own thread and bring it up" because bringing up past issues in old threads in places like steam, etc is frowned upon. My bad if I assumed wrong, but this suggest is making it even more clear to d-class they have to follow fear rp, if they dont, a prompt would show up saying "D-class is not following FEAR RP, report user for fail rp? with a prompt that confirms it and pastes a message in staff chat or something thats pre-generated that basically says "User:*insert user here" is not following FEAR RP as a d-class, this is FAIL RP. Please deal with it, thank you.
ah fair enough, i can see how it's confusing. my understanding of how staff like the suggestions subforum to operate, based on my interactions with CT so far, is that everything relevant would be preferred to be kept all together in as few threads as necessary.
A long time ago I tried reporting a D-Class for FearRP and staff told me D-Class didn't need to follow FearRP lol

Feb 14, 2024
Since apparently this is nothing but a retarded rage post to most of you, its fine if its declined.. I dont know why i even fucking bothered trying to get back into SCP-RP at all anyways. Too full of mingebaghs and assholes who treat you like you're a mentally challenged dumbass who can't do anything right, have a power-trip, or both. You can't do your fucking jobs as gensec because you get told off like your an idiot, you cant report people for lack of fearrp, and just like the rest, the admins here are obsssedd with "clips bro or else your report is null and void aka your opinon is trash". As Bub Games once said, this is goin, straight into F-Tier.
Feb 14, 2024
Figures the d-class job which is full of mingelords who basically get special treatment like they're the favorites, meanwhile you have to have to avoi the minefield that is IA, and I don't know if Research isint the same thing as all the rest of the scp rp servers, aka, do 50-100 or more documents on random scp tests, make up the reason why you wish to test, very little actual rp, and just bland and boring.
I dont know why i even fucking bothered trying to get back into SCP-RP at all anyways. Too full of mingebaghs and assholes who treat you like you're a mentally challenged dumbass who can't do anything right, have a power-trip, or both.
You can't do your fucking jobs as gensec because you get told off like your an idiot
if by job you mean RDMing d-class, then disagree
otherwise, agree
the admins here are obsssedd with "clips bro or else your report is null and void aka your opinon is trash".
...well yeah, imagine if like, i randomly reported you for RDM and mods had to take my word for it. we don't evidence for no reason
I dont know why i even fucking bothered trying to get back into SCP-RP at all anyways. Too full of mingebaghs and assholes who treat you like you're a mentally challenged dumbass who can't do anything right, have a power-trip, or both.
It's very hypocritical to go around breaking rules and even people having evidence of it just for you to come on here and proceed to complain and lie.

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