SCP-RP (US) - Ban Appeal - Not Napkin

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Well-known Member
Feb 19, 2023
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (US)

Your in-game name: Not Napkin

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:527472768

Ban Reason: Fail rp /Ltap

Date of ban: 9/4/2024

Who banned you: 'yellow'

Ban length: 1 week

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Hopefully i can do full sesion recordings to help prove that i did not Ltap in the future

Why should you be unbanned: that since my last ban i made an agreement with my self to be less of a minge, and its been going well up untill i got banned for Ltap. i dont know how i Ltaped because i know i did something that may have gotten me pulled to a sit when i wanted to leave but i stayed on and got that resolved (without any warns) so then i hopped off for the night. the next day (today) i was banned for Ltap and fail. i feel like this is false
Apr 11, 2024
Hi, thank you for taking the time to appeal your ban.

Firstly, I will note that the character you were using at the time was the civilian "The stuntman."
The reason for the original sit was that you had broken out of restraints while kidnapped then pulled out and used a gun after a CI had stripped you. I witnessed this myself, as well.
As shown in logs, I had already pulled you to a sit where you provided a clip (attached) regarding the matter then promptly left the server after being told that you would be receiving a warn for FailRP. It is quite clear that you were completely aware that you were about to be punished before leaving the server, which is why you have been banned for LTAP.



Well-known Member
Feb 19, 2023
That is really odd because i completely remember being Told that i would get a verbal in that situation, i wish i would have gotten a clip of it but as you can check i dont have any priror warnings for Ltap (that i have knowledge of) and i would not have left if i would have known i still needed to be warned. Reguarding the fact that i was comletely aware i would be punished, i deny that. You should have been more clear. This is what i recall i got pulled (and i knew i would get pulled but i thought i had a valid excuse) so i prepared a clip showing what i saw. The admin seemed very understanding with me accounting for the fact that i acted smart with him ("you cant take your own regiments sits"). The "valid" excuse i had was that no one had a gun on me and so i broke out. then the admin brings up the fact that if that was what the sit was about then i would have a valid case however then informed me that they striped me earlier when they kidnaped me. i then say ("ohhh") and kinda accepted my fate. after which the admin says that he understands that i might have missed the "/me takes comms/ weapons" because it is easy to miss, and so he will let me off with a verbal. At that point i recall being returned and then hopping off for the night (however now im not sure if i did wait to get returned)
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Cheetah / RustyOsprey2

SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Nov 24, 2023
Appeal Accepted

Hi @NapkinJack ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After reviewing your appeal, checking logs and the evidence provided in the appeal. It seemed to be a simple miss communication between you and the staff member which is why i have decided to accept your appeal, and the warning will be removed from your record.​
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