SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - 'Advil' Smith

Tylenol Smith

Well-known Member
Oct 10, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: 'Advil' Smith

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:640816398

Ban Reason: FailRP | Stacked Bans / NITRP

Date of ban: 3/25/2025

Who banned you: harold hawks

Ban length: 2 weeks 2 days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will try not to minge (because yes i was being dumb sometimes) in some parts I did have RP behind such as me using speed chems in lecture hall. I wanted to make it seem like it was just being cleaned up really quick. For me throwing the ventanyl grenades there was no excuse, I was bored and just bought those recently so i wanted to try out. Looking back on it i should not have used grenades. The speed chems things yes I did it but I wanted to RP as a really fast janitor like cleaning quickly around site. If I get unbanned I will try and keep my composure and follow my job and not go to far out of line with that. I understand there is a line I crossed by throwing the chem grenades, after testing them I was going to use them as like a RP cleaning chemical instead of throwing into crowds.

Why should you be unbanned: I did have RP in between these things for example I cleaned the scene of the body with another janitor. I tried to clean funeral room to make the whole thing seemed rushed but I guess that was fail RP aswell. Yes I may be a high level but I still don't understand some of these things. I tried explaining myself in sit but the staff member had his mind made up so I could not try and explain my RP. I really do try to do RP but I sometimes mix RP with doing dumb stuff like throwing grenades. I also spoke to the person who banned me in character and they basically said they were gonna pull me into a sit if I threw more chem grenades, I did not throw any after that as I did not think it was a ooc thing. I was banned after drinking speed chems and cleaning areas. I hope to join back into the community soon and I really like the server.

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