SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Alex Schor

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May 27, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Alex Schor

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:5576612

Ban Reason: SevTox

Date of ban: 23/06/2024

Who banned you: "Tyrant"[SC-EN](STEAM_0:0:451580045)

Ban length: 1w

What will you do to stop this from happening again: not use that specific word again

Why should you be unbanned: To sum up the reason I was banned, I called the person who falsely arrested me a "Retard" once within the sit that was called against me. Despite the arrest being completely false as well as ethics not being followed in any way, make, shape or form.

I was ID checked twice and complied, showing my ID to the member in question, furthermore, I ran away, and was shot and killed by the member in question. After which I was revived, cuffed and blindfolded. I called a sit for false arrest as I had complied with the ID check that I was given, showing my ID. The second ID check I told the officer he already ID'd me and he then went to ID another person.

Upon being brought to a sit, I was told that the arrest was an in "in-character issue" and that it was not the staffs' job to deal with the arrest. I questioned why this was the case as false arrest is something I have successfully reported for in the past. Despite this, I was told, in simple terms, tough shit.

Frustrated and being antagonised by the officer in the sit I called him a "Retard". This word has been thrown at me multiple times in game, over and over, quite frankly, I've heard it more on this server than any other and I've never seen a soul be punished for the word.

Quite frankly, I think this ban is extensive given the offence and the fact the word was stated once in frustration. I would completely understand if I had been belligerent and un-co-operative but this was not the case and it seemed from the start of the sit the admin in question had their mind made up about me, before hearing both sides of the story.

I enjoy the server but I believe that this ban is a complete reach as I have never once been warned for anything similar before, ever. I believe that the way that the admins have treated me and others in the past, having used similar language to each other, does not set any boundaries or guidelines for the "SevTox" ban reason. This seems extensive for a one-time event
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May 27, 2024
hi @Username do you happen to have any clips of this incident?
Hi Rackarain, thanks for your quick response.

I do not have any clips of the aforementioned incident as I never sought the need to have clipping software, however, going forward, I will be using clipping software in game.

Whilst I understand word of mouth is not easy to base a decision off, I believe the investigation of logs would corroborate my story.

Once again I enjoy playing this server and would not purposefully commit actions that would jeopardise my ability to play. I believe I have utmost standing character within the community and that this was a very stupid mistake, for which I am sorry.

Thanks again.
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