SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Arlo Clarkson

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Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 13, 2023

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Arlo Clarkson

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20345479

Ban Reason: RDM

Date of ban: 2/6/2025

Who banned you: Holland/Rubion/Jamarion

Ban length: 6 hours

What will you do to stop this from happening again: So let me give some context, we were doing a sweep of D-Block and the orders were to kill any D-Block that moved. Ethics approved this and we were containing them into their spawn. The person I killed was inciting a riot and attempting to jump on my head to escape, so I shot him per orders. In the future I guess I would have to ignore orders that could be twisted to RDM.

Why should you be unbanned: I do not believe the warning/ban was justified seeing as we were sweeping D-Block and I was just following orders. In the sit I was also muted for telling the complainant "You didn't even lose anything." as he had just spawned and proceeded to try to escape. I think the reasoning was out of context as I was roleplaying without intention of committing RDM.


Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 13, 2023
This ban will probably expire before someone can get to it, how do I get this removed from my record in that case?
Aug 27, 2022

Hey @Umami,

I will explain my side and the decision I made during our interaction.

A sit was called for RDM by a D-class

The D-class provided me with a clip of him standing in the jail area behind the fence,
Gensec was doing a sweep and you were standing in the middle of the fence gate holding back D-class.
The D-class took 1 step forward and back 2 meters away from you and you decided to terminate him.

I pulled you into a sit and asked some questions.

you told me you got orders to kill him,

I asked "Can this be verified in ingame chat" you said yes ethics told us.

then you told me it was over voice.

Him standing in his jail area following orders didn't attempt to escape cant justify your action to kill him even with an order from ethics that cant be verified as you don't know the name of the person.

Therefore I still deemed this RDM as I told you.

then you decided to call the other person salty and crybaby, to prevent further issues I decided to mute you and go on with the RDM warn,

I explained it was your second warning within 3 months so it would be a 6 hour ban following the punishment guidelines.

I unmuted you before I issued the ban so you can have your word you decided to threaten me with a complaint which is your right to do as per handbook standard.

Sidenote: had you not said those unneeded comments I had not issued you a ban but just a warn with jail time.

A member of server leadership will review your appeal as soon as possible.

Hope this clears things up,
Best regards,
Appeal Denied

Hi @Umami,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

I have reviewed the evidence and came to the determination that I will be upholding this ban. As Holland mentioned, in the evidence provided you are seen shooting a D-Class for essentially just standing there. He made no attempt to jump on your head or do anything else that you have mentioned. Also as a general reminder, no one is allowed to order you to break server rules. If you have any further issues with this situation, please feel free to submit a staff complaint. In the meantime, you can wait out the remaining ~30 minutes of the ban.

- Recker​
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