What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Arlo Clarkson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20345479
Ban Reason: RDM
Date of ban: 2/6/2025
Who banned you: Holland/Rubion/Jamarion
Ban length: 6 hours
What will you do to stop this from happening again: So let me give some context, we were doing a sweep of D-Block and the orders were to kill any D-Block that moved. Ethics approved this and we were containing them into their spawn. The person I killed was inciting a riot and attempting to jump on my head to escape, so I shot him per orders. In the future I guess I would have to ignore orders that could be twisted to RDM.
Why should you be unbanned: I do not believe the warning/ban was justified seeing as we were sweeping D-Block and I was just following orders. In the sit I was also muted for telling the complainant "You didn't even lose anything." as he had just spawned and proceeded to try to escape. I think the reasoning was out of context as I was roleplaying without intention of committing RDM.