What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Dillian Pickles (I believe)
Your SteamID: Steam ID: 76561198450105680
Ban Reason: ERP
Date of ban: 3/23/2025
Who banned you: Phosphor
Ban length: Permanantly
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I am just getting back into Gmod after not playing for 6 or so months and saw this server and remember I played it a while back so I decided to try it out. I hopped in and decided to RP as a researcher. I wanted to do a test on SCP 008 so I wrote a nice research document for sampling, had the document approved and signed by the department director, an ethics member and the E11 major. (A side note all of my previous documents were gone when I loaded up the server, not sure why but I had a lot of them and if I can get unbanned would like to get them back somehow). So after getting the document approved by everybody I got a Dclass and brought him to the HCZ checkpoint, when we got there, they said there was a testing going on for that same SCP and that we would have to wait. I asked the Dclass if he was fine with that, as well as my gensec and they both didn't mind. We waited at the spot for about 20 minutes before they finished up their sampling and just before we could go into the area a Dclass that had used 914 walked up and started shooting everybody. Once this happened I ducked into a corner and said "Please don't shoot me, I'll suck your dick if you let me live!" I wasn't thinking about ERP when I said this, just that the document I had signed by all of the necessary personnel, my Dclass who had waited over 20 minutes now, and myself over an hour into this process, and it was going to be for nothing. Immediately after saying this, the Dclass shot me and a staff member brought me to a sit where he permanently banned me for ERP. I tried to plead my case that I had not been warned since June of last year, and that I wasn't thinking about ERP and didn't realize it was an immediately bannable offense now, but the staff member said there was nothing he could do because of my situation and banned me.
Why should you be unbanned: I understand that I have a large number of previous offenses, however, I haven't been warned since June of last year, and I didn't realize that ERP was an instant ban now. I understand that none of this excuses my actions, but I genuinely wasn't trying to roleplay erotically, I was trying to plead a Dclass to not kill me. I am sorry if my actions in some way ruined the roleplay of the other people in that situation, and if I am unbanned I will avoid doing this in the future.
If I am allowed to play the server again, I will read over the rules this time, and I will be far more careful to not break any of them and will be more careful of ones that might have changed since I last played this server. I am not asking to be unbanned immediately, however, given the circumstances of my situation if you could find some leniency I would appreciate it. Thank you for reading this, and have a good day.
Your in-game name: Dillian Pickles (I believe)
Your SteamID: Steam ID: 76561198450105680
Ban Reason: ERP
Date of ban: 3/23/2025
Who banned you: Phosphor
Ban length: Permanantly
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I am just getting back into Gmod after not playing for 6 or so months and saw this server and remember I played it a while back so I decided to try it out. I hopped in and decided to RP as a researcher. I wanted to do a test on SCP 008 so I wrote a nice research document for sampling, had the document approved and signed by the department director, an ethics member and the E11 major. (A side note all of my previous documents were gone when I loaded up the server, not sure why but I had a lot of them and if I can get unbanned would like to get them back somehow). So after getting the document approved by everybody I got a Dclass and brought him to the HCZ checkpoint, when we got there, they said there was a testing going on for that same SCP and that we would have to wait. I asked the Dclass if he was fine with that, as well as my gensec and they both didn't mind. We waited at the spot for about 20 minutes before they finished up their sampling and just before we could go into the area a Dclass that had used 914 walked up and started shooting everybody. Once this happened I ducked into a corner and said "Please don't shoot me, I'll suck your dick if you let me live!" I wasn't thinking about ERP when I said this, just that the document I had signed by all of the necessary personnel, my Dclass who had waited over 20 minutes now, and myself over an hour into this process, and it was going to be for nothing. Immediately after saying this, the Dclass shot me and a staff member brought me to a sit where he permanently banned me for ERP. I tried to plead my case that I had not been warned since June of last year, and that I wasn't thinking about ERP and didn't realize it was an immediately bannable offense now, but the staff member said there was nothing he could do because of my situation and banned me.
Why should you be unbanned: I understand that I have a large number of previous offenses, however, I haven't been warned since June of last year, and I didn't realize that ERP was an instant ban now. I understand that none of this excuses my actions, but I genuinely wasn't trying to roleplay erotically, I was trying to plead a Dclass to not kill me. I am sorry if my actions in some way ruined the roleplay of the other people in that situation, and if I am unbanned I will avoid doing this in the future.
If I am allowed to play the server again, I will read over the rules this time, and I will be far more careful to not break any of them and will be more careful of ones that might have changed since I last played this server. I am not asking to be unbanned immediately, however, given the circumstances of my situation if you could find some leniency I would appreciate it. Thank you for reading this, and have a good day.