What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Florence Stallion
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:556648512
Ban Reason: Servere Toxicity
Date of ban: 1/16/2023
Who banned you: Shine
Ban length: 1 day
What will you do to stop this from happening again: servere toxicity
Why should you be unbanned: so I was banned for toxicity even tho the admin didn't want to show me the clip And Yes I was saying fck you bitch when those d-class were dying we know each others so that's why I said it and I wasn't teaming up with SCP-076 I was pretending to break the door for him and SCP-912 was being stabbed to death gensec were being stupid so I let him in to help him out Like I said d-class said chef open the door even tho 912 was being stabbed and the gensec were not doing anything I have a clip of the staff not wanting to show proof of me teaming up with the scps and also the d-class that was trying to Kill me of coursed I said fuck you bitch for hurting me lol but the admin didn't want to show proof And I never open the door for d-class Just for 912 to get in and the fear rp the guy was really crying because I took a field kit and he said never mind just stop next time and then he try to arrest me when he said just stop and I said no wyd? to arrest me for picking up a field kit and then I just get banned for saying one time fck you bitch to a d-class that try to kill me? that's all for this unbanned appeal