What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Frank ‘Frank’
Your SteamID: https://steamid.io/lookup/STEAM_0:1:793400418
Ban Reason: Severe Tox
Date of ban: 02/08/25
Who banned you: James Scandal
Ban length: Originally (1 week) unfair extension (2 weeks)
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I’m truly sorry for what I did and get that what I did was very wrong and looks bad for the server image. In the future I’ll ensure not to break the rules of rp and maintain character at all times. I wouldn’t do anything to drag the servers reputation through the dirt as its quality is something I love. I wouldn’t make another mistake jeopardizing my chance to play one of the best SCP experiences in gaming.
Why should you be unbanned: I do not seek a full unban I only wish my ban be returned to 1 week ( now 5 days 8 hours) instead of 2 weeks. My ban was extended after an appeal I made which upset the person handling it although the content of my appeal was sincerely apologetic and also explained why what I did wasn’t me trying to be toxic. This extension also involved the person who did orignally ban me which I found a bit unfair. As for why I seek this appeal I have played this server many hours and become quit addicted even seeking out every possible achievement I can collect and every possibly position I can apply for. I have received many trainings on this server and dedicated a lot to it since I’ve begun playing. I have maintained the integrity of RP and only had one severe lapse in judgment when playing on the server. I truly do wish to atone for what I have done and wish to play the server sooner to get back the joy I had.