SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - frankok

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Jul 28, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: frankok

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:577187172

Ban Reason: failrp stacked bans

Date of ban: sun jul 28 02:54:38 2024

Who banned you: berek white

Ban length: 26 weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will make sure to think before I act from now on. I will read up on the rules again and refamiliarize myself with those rules. I made a mistake and it won't happen again.

Why should you be unbanned: I made a mistake and I know that. I have no excuse for my actions and I genuinely feel bad for hurting the ones around me by giving out a info breach. My actions were inexcusable but I want to be unbanned because I love this server, I play all the time. I enjoy every moment on SCPRP and I want to play again. I would extremely enjoy the ability to play again with the other players.
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Xavier Vangray

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Feb 1, 2024
Please follow this
Make sure to put reasonable effort on your ban appeal. Don't expect staff to put effort into your ban appeal if you don't put any effort yourself.
Reason i am stating this is because you didn't mention what got you banned just that it happened
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