What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Hunk Reaper
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76987364
Ban Reason: LTAP
Date of ban: 24/03/2025
Who banned you: Glovano
Ban length: 24 hour
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will refrain from rdm It wasn't fair on others I should of known better than to do that as I've had it happen to myself I don't normally get into trouble like this I honestly don't know what went through my brain but I swear I wont to this again its not worth it I really enjoy this server and like many of the people in it
Why should you be unbanned: I know it says LTAP in ban reason but it was Intended for RDM I was in the maze from the scp and set someone on fire then soon after I was tp to Glovano as he was mid talking to me the game stuttered then closed with cmdl out of memory error I get stuff like that regularly. I fully accept that I was in the wrong on the RDM I have no arguments about that and I apologised for that to Glovano at the time I tried to load back in after the crash then had the banned message. I dont know what else i can say but sorry especially to the guy that i set on fire and for wasting Glovano time with my stupid mistake