SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Hydrodro

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Active member
Sep 19, 2024

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Hydrodro

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:89708983

Ban Reason: 1.)ERP 2.) Severe Toxicity 3.) Stacked Bans

Date of ban: 9/24/2024

Who banned you: Harold Hawks

Ban length: 1 week 1 day

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Not upload personal documents to your server.

Why should you be unbanned: I should be unbanned because I believe this is a big mistake by word of mouth without actually getting an explanation of what happened. Completely one sided and I am actively pushing a staff complaint against Harold Hawks.

What happened was that I had a personal document that was stolen as soon as it was printed. This document was for my personal collection of documents and not meant for anyone to view besides me. The picture has a women in it in text form.

Harold Hawks also claimed that I used the F-slur. I know for a fact that I never said Fag or Faggit. Furthermore, both these words can be used in terms that are not derogatory. Fag can mean a cigarette and faggit can mean a bundle of sticks. This also applies to the word gay that can mean happy. Maybe he should get his head out of the gutter. Sorry just upsets me that.

1.) ERP - First off like I stated before that was a personal document for my eyes only. I cannot control your other members from committing failRP and stealing my documents. Never forced on anyone to view my document nor did I sexually harass anyone.

2.) Severe Toxicity - This ones a joke. I literally was on your server for what 20 minutes. Nothing about what I was doing was toxic. I feel this one was just made up because why not. I was literally RPing or atleast trying to untill other people were stealing documents and being toxic. Same with Harold Hawks, not allowing me to explain my situation and just telling me what I did and banning me. That is pure toxicity. Need to tell him to stop pushing his toxicity on other people.

3.) Stacked Bans - Like lmao, this one right here just proves my point that your staff just does whatever they want and ban people for any reason they feel like making up. I have never been banned on any Gmod server until today with your server and staff.


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hi @Hydrodro,

Thanks for taking the time to make an Appeal.

After reviewing your post and speaking to involved staff member(s) I am confident that this ban is valid. Unfortunately you said the f-slur which is not allowed in this community which is severe toxicity.

We do have a clip of you saying the no no word, which can be provided via discord if necessary.

Consequently the image you posted of the butt is in fact classified as ERP regardless if you agree or not, we are a open community with all ages and that is not appropriate for our player base. Lastly, stacked bans is in fact a part of our punishment system and was utilized correctly in this case.

Hope to see you again soon!

Based on the above, no action will be taken regarding your Appeal.

Kind regards,
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