SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - I was offline so either "Pest" or "luminance" or "Rexy"

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Well-known Member
Dec 19, 2022

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: I was offline so either "Pest" or "luminance" or "Rexy"

Your SteamID: steam_0:1:90493737

Ban Reason: Rule 1.25 Scamming [ i stole chems from the reg of GOC but i look at rules and there actually isnt a rule against stealing from regiments specifically just player prob an oversite].

Date of ban: Fri May 17 15:56:46 2024

Who banned you: Derek White

Ban length: Perm

What will you do to stop this from happening again: In order to prevent this from happening again i will do as follows. I will focus on having fun in the server, and to distance myself from it on certain levels. I will remind myself that doing "cheaty things" such as stealing and other actions does nothing but make the game less fun as it takes away the sense of accomplishment you get from building up fairly. And most of all i will take in to account the impact my actions and decisions have on others on the server. Overall i will make sure to apply real life morals to the server and treat it as if it were real life [morally] EXAMPLE, IRL military you wouldnt murder friendlys or steal from them [Far fetched example but you get the point im making i hope.]

Why should you be unbanned: Hello and thank you for taking your time to read my ban appeal, lets get right into it. If i look from the admins point of view i can understand the ban completely, But here is why i hope to be unbanned. I made a huge mistake I stole chem's from the GOC REG which on many levels morally is wrong and as such i shouldn't be outright forgiven for as i should earn such things. But i think there is such things as second chances, i believe i wont let you guys down and this wont happen again. I have been playing on this server since 2022 off and on and have had my fair share of warning for failrp and from each i have learned things that have helped me get less run ins with staff, i even got job removed from the 2215's scp for failrp which i completely own that i was in the wrong in all of these occasions. Threw the years i haven't done anything so extreme to warrant a ban let alone a perm ban. I believe the ban was correct but i don't agree with it being permanent. I truly messed up by stealing these chemicals from the chem fridge, and i am hoping for a second chance to prove that i can change my ways and be a better more honest member of the community. Last of all this server over the years has been alot of fun and i hope to b able to continue having fun and making memories with my fellow players. Thank you for taking your time to read this ban appeal and I completely understand the outcome no matter what it is.
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