SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - John Joestary

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Jun 20, 2023
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: John Joestary

Your SteamID:

Ban Reason: Failrp X

Date of ban: 1/18/2025

Who banned you: Rock

Ban length: 3 Weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I guess I won't make tickets asking about stuff where the mod says that I'm allowed to do it and I just plain up, Not try to do anything concerning kidnapping or killing as a non-combative again.

Why should you be unbanned: Well, prior to killing the researcher, I made a ticket, asking if I could kidnap foundation with a valid reason, which I asked, What if they take my stuff away, The mod answered, yes but only if you kidnap him for something specific such as "execution, interrogation, or making demands to the opposing faction for profit." Which since he listed execution as he seen I was on the parawatch job, So I thought I was perfectly allowed to do it, So, I gone into foundation, Kidnapped a researcher, I was going to try to interrogate him for information about the foundation, But then 073 got in the way, where he was telling me off to other researchers, where I did have the option for interrogation or ransom, So I only had the choice of execution which the mod said I was allowed to do in the ticket I made, Which is why I'm making this appeal as with the information I got from the mod which I made a ticket about said information if I could kidnap, so in my situation I believe that I shouldn't of got a failrp X ban, which I made the ticket to make sure that I wouldn't get banned for it but I get banned anyways, so even checking with a mod to see if it's fine, it's apparently not.
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Appeal Denied

Hi @Knight ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After looking into you history it seems that you have repandly broken our rules not gotten to point of class x. I hope you do understand that your chances on our server are running out and i do hope that if you wish to continue on our servers is you follow our rules and behave yourself. Please take this time during your ban to read our rules and get a good grasp on them to avoid more punishments.

You may re-appeal in 3 weeks​
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