What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: John Lover
Your SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199454934563/
Ban Reason: ERP, Innappropiate conduct
Date of ban: 12/27/2024
Who banned you: Holland "Tulp"
Ban length: 2 weeks, Will be extended
What will you do to stop this from happening again: It was in bad taste and I shouldn't of said anything in the first place, I was trying to have ISD arrest me for speaking on Open comms, not trying to do anything bad, I apologize.
Why should you be unbanned: Well, I only said one thing, "Im gonna touch you vro", Which is one thing though I shouldn't of said it at all, I do not believe my ban should be 2 weeks for 5 words, though I do apologize for saying it even if it was small and not really deserving of a 2 week ban, and it is my only ERP warn, and aswell I do not remember doing any innappropiate conduct, I do not see a reason to add that to my ban, though I do apologize for it aswell.
Your in-game name: John Lover
Your SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199454934563/
Ban Reason: ERP, Innappropiate conduct
Date of ban: 12/27/2024
Who banned you: Holland "Tulp"
Ban length: 2 weeks, Will be extended
What will you do to stop this from happening again: It was in bad taste and I shouldn't of said anything in the first place, I was trying to have ISD arrest me for speaking on Open comms, not trying to do anything bad, I apologize.
Why should you be unbanned: Well, I only said one thing, "Im gonna touch you vro", Which is one thing though I shouldn't of said it at all, I do not believe my ban should be 2 weeks for 5 words, though I do apologize for saying it even if it was small and not really deserving of a 2 week ban, and it is my only ERP warn, and aswell I do not remember doing any innappropiate conduct, I do not see a reason to add that to my ban, though I do apologize for it aswell.