SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Michael Calvin

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Jan 8, 2025

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Michael Calvin

Your SteamID:

Ban Reason: ERP (A)

Date of ban: Jan 25th 2025

Who banned you: Rock

Ban length: 1 day

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Truthfully and honestly, I was explained why I couldn't preform "cavity searches" due to the server being a community where all ages can join. I understand that now as previously I was unaware of the information as I saw it as a standard procedure that is normally seen in both prison's and police IRL. I also am absolutely sure I won't do it again as being banned from a community you enjoy can really impact you as a person and cause you to re-think choices.

Why should you be unbanned: Truthfully, I will serve my ban sentence. It's more of the record that I want to appeal as having ERP on a record can really affect me as a member of the community because it's a record that goes public and without people knowing of the situation and just seeing it can cause discrimination, bias, and prejudice if I end up in another staff situation because they will see it and feel some sense of emotion or belief that I should receive a harsher sentence or punishment's.

It's also important to know that the action of the ERP was not done and was more discussed and questioned as I did bring up the question to ISD asking if I could and tried making the reason why I wanted to. No full action was preformed and no roleplay of a cavity search was done which in my reasonable belief shouldn't fall under ERP.

Finally, because in my belief that an offence of ERP is such a heavy offence and being a staff member in a previous server, I can say that those who do have records do tend to be excluded away form the community and end up leaving entirely. I don't wish to do that as I still wish to be apart of the community. However, if I am unable to advance, apply, or join parts of the community in positions of leadership I may end up leaving because of that.

Again, I wish to serve me ban but just appeal the record removal to ensure I am still able to enjoy and be apart of the community. Thank you.
Mar 12, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hi, @nwtjustin

I will not be removing this from your record, nor removing the ban itself, as it was given fairly.

But here is why you do not need to fret over this:
We have had multitudes of players come in and out of our server with both scars and good memories. Many in leadership positions, most as researchers, GenSec or MTFs. People fluctuate in our community constantly based on their perceived aptitudes and history, and if anything you are just about at an advantage- if you can turn this around. We have had awful players (with ERP warns) turn themselves around in the server as genuine RPers willing to foster a positive environment become people of good renown. If you are aware of the site structure, you should know we have had such people as our Site Command, Site Administration, some as department directors or general CL4s, and of course folks in the regiments we have on the server.

When I say you "have an advantage", I mean that you can consider this your first rock bottom; your first scar. Grow from here and you can only reap rewards, with a checkered past to show how far you have gone since the old you.

If ever you find yourself under prejudice or bullying for your past, do not be afraid to speak up. A warning, and in most cases a ban or even sometimes a blacklist, are all punishments which are only made to send a message that what you did was unacceptable. Not that you no longer deserve to be accepted.

Good luck.

Kind Regards, Harold.​
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