What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Michael Calvin
Your SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198153461518/
Ban Reason: ERP (A)
Date of ban: Jan 25th 2025
Who banned you: Rock
Ban length: 1 day
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Truthfully and honestly, I was explained why I couldn't preform "cavity searches" due to the server being a community where all ages can join. I understand that now as previously I was unaware of the information as I saw it as a standard procedure that is normally seen in both prison's and police IRL. I also am absolutely sure I won't do it again as being banned from a community you enjoy can really impact you as a person and cause you to re-think choices.
Why should you be unbanned: Truthfully, I will serve my ban sentence. It's more of the record that I want to appeal as having ERP on a record can really affect me as a member of the community because it's a record that goes public and without people knowing of the situation and just seeing it can cause discrimination, bias, and prejudice if I end up in another staff situation because they will see it and feel some sense of emotion or belief that I should receive a harsher sentence or punishment's.
It's also important to know that the action of the ERP was not done and was more discussed and questioned as I did bring up the question to ISD asking if I could and tried making the reason why I wanted to. No full action was preformed and no roleplay of a cavity search was done which in my reasonable belief shouldn't fall under ERP.
Finally, because in my belief that an offence of ERP is such a heavy offence and being a staff member in a previous server, I can say that those who do have records do tend to be excluded away form the community and end up leaving entirely. I don't wish to do that as I still wish to be apart of the community. However, if I am unable to advance, apply, or join parts of the community in positions of leadership I may end up leaving because of that.
Again, I wish to serve me ban but just appeal the record removal to ensure I am still able to enjoy and be apart of the community. Thank you.