SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Nathan Kadek

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Jun 19, 2023
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Nathan Kadek

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:466262813

Ban Reason: RDM

Date of ban: 9/18/2024 Around 1:20AM PST

Who banned you: Senior Moderator Tim Hardy

Ban length: 12 Hours

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will make sure that my commands & warnings to D-Class personnel are audible and understandable.

Why should you be unbanned: The clip provided to the moderator shows a me killing the D-Class after another D-Class shot at a Combat Medic, within the clip there is a short portion where my voice is heard and displayed. During my retreat back to the first airlock door I warned the D-Class to leave the airlock, but due to the individuals position within the airlock, my warning given to leave the airlock was cut off till the very end of my sentence. Should I have attempted to make myself more clear before shooting? Yes. I'm very well aware that what I have done was a mistake, and I own up to it. I myself make mistakes and it's up to me to learn from them.
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Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
Appeal Accepted

Hi, @PhaseHound

Shooting D-Class in the airlock without warning is not against the rules as it is well known as a KOS zone due to the termination sign above the airlock. As you should be aware, both shooting D-Class with LMGs and terminating D-Class without warnings are both Ethics violations and can still result in IC punishment. Alongside that, excessive termination of D-Class in the airlock without warning may result in verbals or more depending on the context but in this case after looking at the clip, I see no rule break.

Due to the above, your ban will be removed from your record.

Kind Regards, @Harold Hawks
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