SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - PlayceHolder Mcdoctorate

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New Member
Aug 31, 2024

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: PlayceHolder Mcdoctorate

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:136467060

Ban Reason: LTAP

Date of ban: 31/8/2024

Who banned you: king\reaper\

Ban length: 24hr

What will you do to stop this from happening again: as i wasnt intending leaving to avoid punishment im not sure what i can do but probably just avoiding actions that lead to discipline ?

Why should you be unbanned: i was receiving in game discipline when my computer crashed, i had to attend family buisness and when i was back i was banned


New Member
Aug 31, 2024
Hello @Egg , Please ensure you follow our ban guidelines

6. Make sure to put reasonable effort on your ban appeal. Don't expect staff to put effort into your ban appeal if you don't put any effort yourself.
Hello @Revolutionary,
please do tell me how I did not put reasonable effort into my ban appeal.
the server name is there, my in game name is there, my steam id is there, my ban reason is there, my date of ban is there, the admin who banned me is there, my ban length is there, my reasoning in regards to how it wont happen again is there, my reasoning as to why I think I should be unbanned is there.
thank you for your time.
Appeal Accepted

Hi, @Egg

I understand that real life comes first which is why I'm willing to work with you on this, alongside the fact that you don't have a history of doing things like this so I'm willing to give you a pass just this once but at minimum please get in contact with the person who warned you or rejoin to inform them of your issues outside of gmod.

Due to the above, your ban will be removed from your record. Apologies I didn't get to it before your ban was up.

Kind Regards, @Harold Hawks
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