What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Pockets Latsler
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:168005012
Ban Reason: ERP
Date of ban: 1/19/2025
Who banned you: Raptor
Ban length: 1 Week
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Avoid making any kind of sexual remark, regardless of context or intent, and keep the server a safe place for people to enjoy.
Why should you be unbanned: During an interaction with a guard, I jokingly requested their firearm. When they said no, I said "f**k, you want me to suck your dick or something?" My intention wasn't genuinely sexual, it was a facetious remark intended to display my character's snarky and somewhat aggressive nature. It was merely intended to be a comedic interaction that could be played off for a few cheap laughs. I didn't know that what I had said would cause any genuine harm or discomfort to the person I said it to, and considering that they reported me, I apologize for it and intend to do so if/when I am unbanned.