SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - "Puppy"

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that girl puppy

Well-known Member
Jan 31, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: "Puppy"

Your SteamID: 76561199441729049

Ban Reason: " No reason given "

Date of ban: June 21

Who banned you: Craig Perkins

Ban length: 8 hours

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will obviously control my anger issues and learn that not everyone is going to get along and that's okay. I also will no longer talk back to someones requests even if I find it wrong, I will let staff handle it instead of letting my mouth handle it.

Why should you be unbanned: I should be unbanned because one I was not the one who started argument, which is shown here : , in the clip yes I was the aggressor towards MTF-O-1 "Crush" but in my defense we are friends outside of game so I thought it was fair to speak to him like that knowing he can handle it. My attitude towards her drastically changed between the attitude i had towards crush. She questioned me as if i said something wrong to her, which I believe and many others isn't true. This ban should also be removed because they warned me and banned me i know that a ban logs as a warn to they technically warned me twice when they banned me. Not to mention in my sit with Craig Perkins he laughed at the comments i made towards the person and said multiple times its just going to be a warning. What i said was out of pocket but he was encouraging me with the laughing, in this clip he admits what i just stated and even saying i should only get a warning, so he warns me for toxicity, after that he gets word in comms that he needs to ban me and decides to do so. What I said was wrong but they handled the situation terribly, even claiming i needed to go to sleep because i was too intoxicated for being the reason for the ban, but still gave no actual reason when banning me. Craig does not know me personally therefore doesn't have the right to tell me when enough is enough when it comes to drinking. I know being intoxicated on the server is fine due to many people taking shots together and even playing drinking games, in game, and to add onto that i am sober enough to speak clearly and defend myself and write this entire appeal, and can assure you i was not " too drunk " I was given attitude for absolutely 0 reason and felt the need to defend myself. ( Edit : I would like to add that not even 4 months ago i was on the right road to exec researcher , getting all positive and neutral opinions on my app, taking my role seriously, being respectful, and working on fixing my burned bridges with other players, this goes to show that i do take my role seriosuly in game and i do not intend on ever causing issues or having problems with people, she obviously has a deeper issue with me than what was shown here, not sure what it was but she started this argument, i shouldnt have clapped back and i take full responsibility for what i did, it still is undeserving of a ban. i was not the aggressor )
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Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
Hello Puppy, thank you for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

Firstly I want to say that I acted extremely unprofessional during this situation and I apologize for putting you under a false sense of security that this behavior was acceptable. With the assistance of other moderators and staff who were seeing what was ongoing, I did go back and forth on what I thought would be an acceptable punishment as my judgement at the time had been compromised due to being flustered at such an unacceptable behavior on my part.

With that in mind, I immediately contacted higher-ups for assistance after the fact as I was aware that I had failed deeply in managing the situation properly and through their guidance I decided to upgrade the ban from 8 hours to 7 days. Your warn and 8 hour ban should have been removed from your record with only a Severe Toxicity ban in it's place. This is due to the extremely unacceptable comments you made about another player that I should not have overlooked as mere disagreement. I will not repeat what was said here as it was explicitly vulgar.

You personally told me that you were intoxicated which is why you were acting the way that you were acting, it wasn't me judging how intoxicated you were frankly. Regardless, being intoxicated does not defend you from taking responsibility for committing heinous actions. You decided to become intoxicated and ended up saying what you said. You are still responsible for your actions taken when you decide to drink and a fitting punishment was applied with this taken into account.

Once again, I apologize for my unprofessionalism but for these reasons I believe the ban is warranted.

-Craig Perkins / Harold Hawks

that girl puppy

Well-known Member
Jan 31, 2024
I shouldve known it was you, your bias towards other players against mine is already insane, weve had issues in the past. My intoxication is not a reason for my ban, you quite literally encouraged everything by laughing ? nothing i said shouldve warranted a 7 day ban. especially when i have been keeping good track record. youre very unprofessional youre right. i also said i take responsibility for what was said but you kept on laughing, 4 mods in the room and not a single one said something was wrong or muted me or told me to stop, you laughed. while i was being pm by another staff (forget his user unfor ) that i was "making him lol"


Staff of the Year
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Group Moderator
Aug 29, 2022
Your moms bed
Appeal Denied

Hi @that girl puppy ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After what i was told by craig and that this seems to be a on going issue to where our NL team is aware of your behavior and who you talk with, i was the one who told him to increase the ban to a week as from what you said and im not repeating what was said as you are aware of was said. If you wish to continue to play on our servers i highly suggest doing a 180 read our rules respect other players and not come onto the server while intoxicated. If there is any more word that you are being hatefull and saying words like that to the person or any other member of the server you will face harsher punishment. Our community is about gaming, roleplay and having fun.

You may re-appeal in 1 week​
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