What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Ricky Flame
Your SteamID: 76561198057893763
Ban Reason: MRDM
Date of ban: December 16th, 2024
Who banned you: J. \\\'Snowman\\\ Dredd.
Ban length: 2 weeks
What will you do to stop this from happening again: To stop this from happening again I plan to grind the game mechanics and RP as intended. I will follow all rules to as expected from all players. I will not harm other players or cause mass killings.
Why should you be unbanned: I have learned my lesson. I will no longer cause a large killing of people (MRDM). I have read up on the rules and now realize why this is completely unacceptable and frowned upon. I take ownership for what I did and it will never happen again. I'm truly remorseful for my actions and hope that can be felt through this message. If I'm to be accepted back I will strive to provide good, rule approved RP.