What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Rildran 'Trippy'
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:399869976
Ban Reason: Severe Toxicity
Date of ban: 24/03/2025
Who banned you: Maxwelli
Ban length: 7 days
What will you do to stop this from happening again: not make comments like that again, definitely think before I speak
Why should you be unbanned: I would like to preface, I should not have said what I did, when I made the passing comment, intended as a joke (to two Germans speaking German) "Man, I don't speak gas chamber" and then ran off. I understand that this comment isn't one that should be made and I fully understand that it should not be repeated in the future as it might not be recieved well however I heard one of them laugh so I assumed all was chill. should I have said it, no definitely not but having someone (who it was being said too) laugh afterwards led me to believe that it was a comment that had been received in the manner it was meant, as a joke. I meant no harm by it and did not mean to upset anyone, I was not given the ability to plead my case at the time to talk about it and was instead banned without being responded to.
Once again, I did not mean any harm by it, it was a joke on the more edgier and darker side of the spectrum which might not have landed well but having heard one laugh, I assumed it did, evidently not and I do truly apologise. It was a mistake that will not be made again in the future, I believe a severe toxicity ban was a bit much in this scenario, I'm not saying that what I said is ok, just that a toxicity warn/1-2 day ban or stern verbal seems more appropriate for this given scenario.
Again I'm truly sorry for what I've said and will be sure not to make those kinds of jokes again in the future.