SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Riley "Rockin" Newman

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Jun 17, 2022
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Riley "Rockin" Newman

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:613060540

Ban Reason: Severe disregard for server health | Authed war games | FailRP

Date of ban: 1/4/25

Who banned you: Holland [Head Moderator]

Ban length: 4W

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will no longer host wargames on my own or allow anything to get out of hand in this similarity I will never don anything like this again and I will do the same by alerting other people that it is not okay.

Why should you be unbanned: I originally only anticipated for this to be a small fun thing and at the time didn't anticipate how big it would come, it snowballed out of my hands and despite that I still stood up and took the blame for it. I just wanted the small people online to have fun everyone that was involved agreed to do the WG and all the Dclass were happy with the way it was done and played everything was under control and I made sure that nothing flew off the handles everyone complied even to the end. I understand what I did was wrong but I purely did it to boost the fun within the server at the time as everyone was bored and not having a good time I thought it would be a good way to better engage the players. I apologize for my actions and it will not happen again.

At the least I would like to appeal 2 weeks
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Aug 27, 2022
Hey @RockRiley333,

Thanks for taking the time to make a appeal.

I got reports from a Trail moderator that on the USA server things went out of control,

I joined and saw 3 people on foundation jobs giving weapons to D-class Airlock being *hacked* open.
After speaking with the Trail mod I was also told you were leading D-classes to 914 and mass produce weapons and keycard.

You stated that you had authirazation from senior administrator But later on your story changed you said it was in Pm in game and it was a while ago. Then you stated you pmed the person but never got the perms to do it.

All of the statements you made didn't make sense or I was unable to create a line of events.

There was nobody on who could interfere if things went out of hand. No Gamemaster was on to organise this event.

Because of the severity of your actions halting Roleplay Multiple FailRP situations and your story not lining up I decided to issue a 4 week ban.

All of this happened when the player count was above 50.

I hope this helps,
Server leadership will review your application and decide as soon as Possible.

Best regards,
Jun 17, 2022
Hey @RockRiley333,

Thanks for taking the time to make a appeal.

I got reports from a Trail moderator that on the USA server things went out of control,

I joined and saw 3 people on foundation jobs giving weapons to D-class Airlock being *hacked* open.
After speaking with the Trail mod I was also told you were leading D-classes to 914 and mass produce weapons and keycard.

You stated that you had authirazation from senior administrator But later on your story changed you said it was in Pm in game and it was a while ago. Then you stated you pmed the person but never got the perms to do it.

All of the statements you made didn't make sense or I was unable to create a line of events.

There was nobody on who could interfere if things went out of hand. No Gamemaster was on to organise this event.

Because of the severity of your actions halting Roleplay Multiple FailRP situations and your story not lining up I decided to issue a 4 week ban.

All of this happened when the player count was above 50.

I hope this helps,
Server leadership will review your application and decide as soon as Possible.

Best regards,
Yeah I didn't expect for the sudden grow of the server population with how early morning it still would have been all over the USA. That's were everything went down hill. It orginaly only started with 20 people or less...

And I do understand the ban, as a lot was going on; my only issue is holding my captain position is going to be difficult with the 4-week ban and LOA. I still would like to actively be doing my captain duties and doing tryouts and trainings for licenses and commanding Dblock to be at its best. I hold no hate towards you, as you were just doing your job and gave me the punishment best fit, which I see is fair in the end. I just do ask that the ban is slightly moved down so I can still do my duties as captain, and I can still enjoy time on the server and help others enjoy it too.

The only reason I did what I did was because the server was at low population at the time, and people were bored and morale was low, both the 8-10 D-class at the time as well as all my gensec agreed to play that game. Still, what I did was wrong; all I wanted was for people to have fun; that was my only intention.


SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 3, 2023

I have decided to give you a second chance because you seem genuinely apologetic for what you did and want to come back to our servers. This is a serious offense for you to be banned for "disregard for server health," but I am deciding to give you another chance to come back. Moving forward, anything like this needs to be approved and overseen by either a game master or a member of server leadership, and if something happens like this again without one of those approvals and oversight, the punishment will not be as kind.

Kind Regards,
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