SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Slipstream

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What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Slipstream

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83648292

Ban Reason: I bombed medbay with nitro(crashout)

Date of ban: Some weeks ago

Who banned you: Not sure

Ban length: 8 weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Look, I obviously know what I did was wrong, I knew I was going to get banned. I even said in chat for the staff online to get ready to ban me. I'm not going to do that again, however I should tell you why I did it in the first place. It came from an accumulation of stress, and disappointment / dissatisfaction in the server leadership. I felt that I was mistreated after the work I put in for E11. I left commander for O1, felt unwelcomed, and not even 12 hours after leaving I petitioned to Site Leadership to return to E11. I was denied on all fronts. Shit happens, I got mad, and I paid the price for what I did. Those who know me, know that I'm not a minge or a malicious person who will go out of my own way to pull some stunt like that again. I took my leave, stayed off my computer, enjoyed life, family, work, my personal relationships. It was refreshing, but now I want to come back and reunite with my friends and make amends for what I've done and said in the times I was not thinking rationally.

Why should you be unbanned: Refer to what I wrote above.

I have an extensive track record of roleplay, I went from PVT to COM in E11. I worked along side all others to facilitate fair, fun, and friendly interactions. Why should I be unbanned? Because I'm capable of change, and I'm certain that the good people of site-65 recognize that.
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