What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Smith'Tylenol'John[PAM-AOFC]
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:640816398
Ban Reason: FailRP | Stacked Bans
Date of ban: 2/28/25
Who banned you: Kenneth Burgandy(STEAM_0:0:202890557)
Ban length: 1 week 1 day
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Hi so I genuinely thought the GM was doing like a event sort of thing. He put on a sheriff hat and another ranger had the idea of making him a officer, i thought it was funny so I announced it on open comms we had a rookie officer and not to judge him because he is different. Ima be honest we dont get much stuff done on surface if there is not conflict and the one time i try and be chill and recruit a rookie officer who daps up CI, UN, and CAF I get slapped with a ban. To prevent this from happening I should just ask. Its always best to ask and I should have known that.
Why should you be unbanned: Ok so you have to see this from my POV, I see a GM as 8854 and he changes his pac editor to have like a sheriff hat, then the guy next to me says we should recruit him and I announce it. They said the reason for the ban was I did not report it to the UN but i reported it to everyone infact the mayor told the UN which we thought we shouldnt flood them. There were around 3 other rangers why pick on me man. I wish I could have just been told it instead of getting slapped with a ban because I really thought this was a RP enhancement or event. All GOi's seemed fine with it including UN who were chillin with it talking to it. Overall I think I was dumb and should of checked if this had anything to do with GM and should have told UN directly I guess but I don't see why they need 10 people telling UN that. Also the guy who banned me kind of threw abunch of things at the wall until he got this thing to stick, he accused me of like RDA which the guy literally ran into sign and resisted arrest. Nothing against him but first thing he said was about me being leader of PAM. Like im tryna fix PAM bro I know its known for minges and im fixing it. I guess my final statement is I should be more careful what I do. Thanks for reading please comment with questions instead of instantly denying. (I have clips upon request FYI)