What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Speff (I had made the joke while undercover as cadet with a different name)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:671290689
Ban Reason: ERP
Date of ban: 1/22/25
Who banned you: Marshal Brenton
Ban length: 3 days
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will refrain from making inappropriate jokes in public or at all while on the server again, even if it is directed towards friends that I have known for years.
Why should you be unbanned: While I was on cadet (captain slots were full), I happened to be next to Dpt. Chief Viggo, and when he restrained me to drag me somewhere, I made a joke and told him "I'm going to touch you." This was most obviously a joke, and due to Viggo and myself being friends since early 2023, he knew this and of course took it as a joke. However, Investigator Rem 'Reality' overhead the conversation, and he reported me to an admin (which I was confused about since I was not talking to or about him at the given moment). I was told that what I said was considered ERP, and was an instant 1 week ban. Although I did not understand how making the joke "I'm going to touch you" to a friend was on the same level as people RPing sex (which I have seen countless times), I chose not to argue and the admin reduced my ban to just 3 days for my cooperation. As of right now, my ban has ended, but I find it unfair that making a simple joke to somebody I know is considered ERP, and is instantly bannable, especially considering I have no previous bans for ERP or Inappropriate Conduct. Given this, I would not like this ban to stay on my record, and if I must have something on my record, I would rather it be a warn for something else, not ERP. Having an ERP ban on my record for a simple joke does not make sense at all, especially considering it was not a sex joke nor was it an act in any form.
Note: I would've made this appeal during my ban but 1. I had midterms and a break from the server was much needed, and 2. I was not planning to appeal it until multiple others told me to do so.