SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Tyrone Maninja

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New Member
May 18, 2024

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Tyrone Maninja

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:235504550

Ban Reason: Cheating

Date of ban: May 18th 2024

Who banned you: Ryota

Ban length: Permanent

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I won't tell staff that are clearly spectating me that I know they are spectating me.

Why should you be unbanned: The admin told me that if I mic spam again, and due to my past experience as staff on different servers, I guessed they would spectate me. This was confirmed by the fact that my friend said a racial slur, got brought to a sit and then banned. I then said "to the admin spectating me, fuck you!". A few minutes later I was brought into a sit and accused of cheating. I can see where the misunderstanding comes from, but that's all it is. A misunderstanding.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Jul 19, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Appeal Denied

Hi @kebabmannen

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

I Will be denying this appeal as the ban was authorized by a member of Network Leadership, However if you wish to make another appeal, be sure to make it directed for Network Leadership next time as to not have it denied any further.​
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