SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Xarius Drakhart

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Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Xarius Drakhart (SCP Foundation)

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:74736241

Ban Reason: "RDM (C) | Stacked Bans (C) | LTAP

Date of ban: Sat Aug 17 01:12:20 2024

Who banned you: Ace Maximus [MIL-NCO](STEAM_0:1:196526873)

Ban length: 9 Days (4 days 14 hours 07 minutes remaining as of Thursday Aug 22 19:05 2024)

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will pick my shots more carefully and ensure I am using proper procedures and not terminating those are not warranted under foundation guidelines, laws, and procedures of operation when playing as GENSEC? (I am using question marks as I do not remember the exact incident that resulted in my ban)

Why should you be unbanned: I do not remember the incident that resulted in my ban (although I would like to hear what I did because I do not remember). I also will be more careful about who I do or do not shoot in my operations as a GENSEC personnel member (literally, the only duration of time I can think of where I might have done something on Saturday that could have been misconstrued as or was actual rdm). I also did not LTAP I got off for the night when I wasn't in RP or a Sit (At least that's what I remembered again I could be very wrong)


Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2024
I find it intriguing that they omitted the part where I warned them they would be shot if they moved. Also, I did not LTAP. I left because I was done for the night. I had no reason to believe I was going to be punished.

Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
Appeal Accepted

Hi, @InquisitorXarius

I'm willing to take off the LTAP as there isn't much ground around you willfully leaving to avoid punishment, however I believe that based on the clip provided you did indeed commit RDM in a manner warranting a punishment.

Due to the above, your ban will be shortened by 3 days (due to it being LTAP class B) and the LTAP portion will be removed from your ban reasoning.

Kind Regards, @Harold Hawks
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