{SCP-RP-USA} Executive Researcher Application

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King 'Reaper'

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Jun 7, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:526058364

Discord name: ReaperKing

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Over a Month now

Age: 21yrs old

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Character name(s): King 'Reaper' [CRB-NCO] / MTF CPL King 'Reaper'


What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): {SCP-RP-USA}

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes HyperX QuadCast Microphone
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Current WL are SCP-096 and Currently a CPL for MTF E-11 (best squad)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- Honestly SCP stuff has been a vast interest to me for quite sometime now even before coming to this server i was always interested in the hundreds of documents people have written on the Wiki and when i came here i found my calling within the Research department people who know me know i write 10+ page docs that are just packed with info and i wish to bring this to everyone in the department i wanna bring what i can do in my own individual tests with my vast knowledge of just SCPS in general and boost this department to new heights i wish to share this with my Jr.s and help guide others just like i was guided by so many before me so i am applying to push myself and bring others up and show them the fun world that is the Research department!.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
-Well to start i spend most of my time if I'm not staffing or Doing a Code 5 I'm experimenting with some chemical combination on some SCP because it truly makes me happy writing that document and executing the test. but when I'm not doing that I'm walking around LCZ to PW watching Jr.s and assisting them if needed with things like documentation and Tests i've help many times even copied my own documents to share to them as learning stones or as templates for there own tests just as a way to help them grow, even if I'm not an executive id keep doing this cause its just simply who i am, RP truly doesn't become fun unless you make it that way and i want all my Jr.s to experience our department to the fullest and make it fun along the way

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
-Total of 4 2 were prior to the Terminal Reset and the 3rd was after, However i have some that i have been told should've been graded Excellent and weren't for one reason or another 1 & 2 were about SCP-912 and SCP-087 the 3rd is about SCP-049 Titled 'Cursed blood' (EDIT 7/22/2024) 4th Excellent Document on SCP-096 Where i tested SCP-096(s) Trigger effect with the chemical Liquid anima & Corticosteroid

What makes a document Excellent? well alot of things so heres a List to help
~Title Page - A nice logo with a project name to make it professional Afterall we are the foundation
~Authorization Page - This page should include all signatures (with labels) of any GenSec-MTF-Research or Medical staff accompanying you during this test
~Index Page - This page is for readers to quickly jump to other pages it labels your whole document out Example.
Title Page.....Pg 1

~Basic Information - This page should include any background knowledge about the SCP or items you are using during the test this could include the Chemical formula to your Chemical, Basic knowledge about the SCP that isnt the Description itself
Example. SCP-049 "SCP-049 is highly skilled medical professional i plan to use to help further my studies of this strain and plan to testusing one of his -02instances if possible the effects can be negated or possibly reversed if so this could prove vital in recovering Highlevel - Clearance personnel from SCP-049 and his "Death Grip" this is basic info about his touch without it being his actual decription cause that part comes Next!

~SCP(s) Description - This page will include the BASIC description of the SCP in question not a essay its a Basic description the one off the wiki works fine
~Test plan / Procedure - This page should include in as much detail as possible the Test you would be conducting as well as who you are bringing and the procedure and how you would go about the test itself
~Hypothesis and Reasoning - This page should state how you believe the test is gonna go and the reasoning behind this, it may include previous findings from other tests
~Participants - this page should have labels and the names of all staff (including Dclass) that took part in you're test
~Test Results - this is the bread and butter of the document this is where you will write all the information that took place during the test this can include Audio transcripts of interviews between you and the SCP or just basic notes of the test and how the sampling might have went anything strange happen? NOTE IT! anyone die? NOTE IT! these things give the document life and make them unique from the rest
~Conclusion - Final statements to close out the document here is where you would put what findings you found and if the test as a whole was successful this includes anything that you found during the test whether it be apart of it or happened without you actually trying to make it happen it will close out the document and then its complete!.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- As an Executive Researcher you are responsible for overseeing the Department when the Director is absent, an Executive will oversee any tests that Require a LVL4 Clearance as well as Approve any documentation provided to them by any of the research team, Executives are also responsible for accepting all credits that come through the Research department they make the whole machine function really nothing would work without them. When Researchers get rowdy and I.A is involved often they can Execute JOB BANS (only if needed of course)

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Sr.Reasearcher King 'Reaper' [CRB-NCO] By day i test on anomalous creatures that we keep hidden from the world, kinda poetic really "We stay in the Dark so you can Bask in the light" or whatever the Pr Department dishes out and by Night well... i fight the monsters in a Battle task force called E-11 NineTailed Fox somedays i can tell the difference between the two i can't tell who i am anymore.....

Sr.Researcher King is Known in his documents for Experimenting and developing a Drug Named "immortality Goo" this drug is a ongoing development of Multiple Scp Samples and Other Chemical drugs in hopes to increase the vitality rate of personnel SITE WIDE often time he is seen bugging Dpt head Fried Hart for sign offs on testing's that require him to push the boundaries of this new drug further (ongoing tests that aren't uploaded yet include 035)

i plan to further my character and build more story about my chemical drug this will not be my final story soon everyone will know Who i am and i thank you for taking the time to read this please continue to watch over me as i go to do great things! even if this doesn't pan out! and Remember!
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Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of A. Halo

Regarding Executive Research Applicant - "Reaper"

Application Denied
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Executive Researcher.

As of now, Research Leadership would like to see more of what you can provide to the department actively, before we elevate you to Executive. As such, this application will be denied. For further clarification, please contact Director FriedHart. Thank you.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

- Department Director A. Halo​
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