SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - Dopamine

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Active member
May 13, 2024
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: Dopamine

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:580913488

Discord Username: dopaminesupplier

Age: 15

What's your current playtime: 3 days 11 hours and 29 minutes

Do you have a mic: Yes.

Your characters name: Dopamine "Serotonin" and "Rayquaza"

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: It is my first application ever :D

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I used to have a warn for ERP and FailRP however they have been removed after I asked if they could, the reasoning behind them at the time was saying "suck it" after killing someone and the FailRP was talking as an SCP.

How many hours can you be on everyday: Depends on if I'm in school or not, if I'm not I can be on for around 4-6 hours daily but if I am I'm usually on for about 2-3 hours.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: I used to work as a Moderator and Apprentice Gamemaster in Icefuse DarkRP, I was doing pretty good in terms of event creation however I do not think DarkRP should apply to SCPRP

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I'd like to become a Gamemaster to create fun new events with other game masters, alongside making some buddies in terms of people who enjoyed the event and taking the feedback from those who disliked it.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I wouldn't myself say I'm special compared to everyone else, I'm just enthusiastic and wanting to become anything special in the server as I've enjoyed every second of my time in the server, I think I'd be able to help in terms of creating new events or reaching out to others and seeing what they'd personally like to see (and whether they'd want to have a repeated event they liked but haven't seen for a while or a completely new one)

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): Void Entities: A Surface Event in which a black puddle will seamlessly appear in Pinewood, causing a similar visual effect to a Hume Bubble if someone were to stand in one of these puddles, if a person were to stand inside of these puddles for 10 seconds they'll turn into a colored black 457-2 (or just a general zombie but I'm using 457-2 as an example), their main goal as a "Void Entity" is to spread it, each time they die another, smaller puddle will appear where they died, however each spawned puddle can be shrunk further and eventually killed off with decontamination foam, the only puddle immune to this effect is the original puddle. Which after some time will just disappear, leaving Pinewood and allowing CI, Rangers, and UNGOC to have some rest after that weird zombie hoard. (Be aware though if someone is killed by a Void Entity they won't ragdoll and become one like being hit by 049 or 008, they'll just simply die. These Void Entities will not be allowed to enter foundation solely because the amount of techies I know that'll just stand in the puddles a thousand times over.)

1507 Invasion: (I do not know if this has been done yet but I view it as an opportunity to redo it.) The main plan of this event is that a random door will appear within the Safe SCP's area, aka 912, 999, 2295 and 073, This door will teleport the player to a grassy dome like area that looks like someone's lawn, only for there to be about 30 different flamingos either rested at an angle on the lawn or positioned straight upwards and a person just relaxing on a lawn chair, this being 1507-1, after some time of being within the grassy lawn the 1507 will look at the person, following their position until they decided it has been long enough to kill them or they had gone too close to 1507-1, charging forwards and attacking the person, each flamingo will then return to their position and have this loop restart for the next person who comes into 1507's containment chamber. This event will continue for a while however cannot leave it's containment chamber as to not mess with RP situations.

Body Stealers: This event causes a Skeleton to appear randomly within Heavy Containment Zone, however this SCP is not 8854 but rather 3114, SCP-3114 will roam Heavy Containment Zone until it finds a person, hitting them once will down them which allows them to use the Spy ID Card to take their disguise (unless there is a different way to take their body), once their disguise is taken they will just be simply killed, forcing people to be wary of who's real, and who's fake, until they eventually spot 3114 and terminate it, or lose to it and 3114 escapes to surface, making it free on surface for this to then try to be worked out with UNGOC and CI. (3114 will not be capable of being sampled unlike 8854 to prevent it from being a beam and shove in a box, sample, ADB then done type of event.)

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): For an event that could change the map a little bit, my recently said 1507 Invasion could be used as this with the area being placed inside of the Safe SCP's area. However for a fully custom one.

Driller: A man will appear on surface, walking to both CI, Rangers, and UNGOC, asking them both if they'd like to visit the Foundation, or Military as he'd tell it to the Rangers and Citizens, if they approve of this, a drilling noise will ensue as a singular door will appear on the floors of CI or UNGOC, if they step into this door it will transport them to a random location in the foundation, every possible location either being good or bad for the foundation/CI, for example they could get lucky and get 914, or get Security Sector. Wherever they end up is where they are forced to be unless they find another driller hole they can reach, which will take them somewhere new. This will cause a lot of doors (or holes) to appear across foundation, if someone were to step in them, they get taken to somewhere random too, allowing CI to have some funny raids if they would like. This event would impact the entire server.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): O-1: Oh no! An Ethics Member has been kidnapped, O-1 is granted access to going into Surface and hunting for the Ethics Member, he is not allowed to be interrogated by the people who kidnapped them which grants O-1 a safe and fun way to have a Mario and Bowser battle with whoever has the Ethics Member, attempting to save the Ethics Member from the clutches of whoever kidnapped them, every O-1 who successfully rescues the Ethics Member is rewarded :D

A-1: A member of the O5 has gone missing, and it's now A-1's job to find them, A-1 can look all over the facility for the O5 member until they eventually receive a message to head to their bunks, a door awaits them. Upon entering this door, they find themselves in a large, empty box, it's just them, and a really large dragon. Their job is to now fight that dragon with their lives to save the O5 member, who is being held in a metal cage connected to the roof next to the dragon. (this of course can only work if the O5 member agrees to this, on the condition that they will not die and it'll just be a fun thing for the A-1 to have some teamwork.)

Nu-7: The Serpent's Hand has appeared on Surface, the Nu-7 and the DEA are tasked with killing the newly arrived 4 members, each member of the Serpent Hand has their own equipment and weaponry, one may have extremely powerful weapons but low speed like a Juggernaut, one may be really fast but easy to kill, each of them has a specialization which makes them strong in one regard but weak in the other. Nu-7 and DEA are tasked with killing the members within a certain timeframe, or they suffer consequences for failing their mission.

E-11: A newly found SCP has been contained in Heavy Containment Zone, so far no one knows what it's capable of which means it's containment chamber isn't exactly the best. This SCP will often just leave it's chamber and either create a door to surface where E-11 must follow or roam around HCZ, causing havoc (This SCP cannot leave HCZ and cannot breach other SCPs), E-11 need to adapt to it's habits.

CI: (I've asked for opinions around in CI, got several opinions so I came up with this :D) Another cell of CI has reached out personally to our CI, asking if they could personally meet up to discuss information and share it with each other, creating a RP situation with what a lot of people say is a non RP regiment, they can share information about SCPs that aren't in the others facility.

UNGOC: Two issues have sprouted for the GOC, a group of unknown people are spreading information about them being the GOC and not the UN like they say there are, spreading it like wildfire whilst the other issue is an anomalous being wanders across the surface, wreaking havoc from all corners, however so far it hasn't killed any of the people spreading the info..Why is that?

Foundation Staff: Anomalous items or even people are appearing left and right across the facility, whether it spawns in D Block or in Inanimate, it's the job of Foundation now to gather all the Anomalous items or people without aggravating them, perhaps conducting tests may be something they do, maybe they just destroy them, it's unsure in the minds of Foundation as it's up to them, do they conduct research or destroy.

I'm done! :D
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Active member
May 13, 2024
My apologies to A-1 for the mission I gave them, I went a bit overboard and it was a bit generic with the whole "oh no O5 in trouble" stereotype, my fault A-1
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