SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - Lucas/Andreas

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What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)
Your Username: Lucas/Andreas
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:199505498
Discord Username: astral_pebble
Age: 17
What's your current playtime: 4d 16h, I was on ROA during the month of April due to some personal issues. So this Time should be increasing in the coming up month (I have been actively playing the server for the past 2 years).
Do you have a mic: Yes
Your characters name:
Foundation: Ethics Assistant Andreas K.
Civilian: Billy
GOC: CPT Lucas
CI: Tone

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No,

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Yes, 4/5 are Inactive:

RDM- June 29th 2022, Inactive, I still to this day do not know why i was warned for this.
RDM- May 13 2023, Inactive, I killed Nathan Smith because he was distributing a Tryout and failed to heed my warning.
Metagame | Mixing- Nov 11 2023, Inactive, I accidently took a CI DCs disguise and told them i wouldn't use it but then they (as chefs) pulled guys out and tried to kill me i so i shot them.
Mic Spam- Nov 22 2023, Inactive, I was playing music with a few people in Core and an Admin over heard me.
FailRP- June 25 2023, Active, I'm actively trying to get this removed; i was 096 and didn't see a target and went past them.

How many hours can you be on everyday: During the Weekdays I can be one from 2-4 Hours, but on the Weekends I'm able to be on 4-7 Hours. Both with breaks of course not a non-stop play time.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Unfortunately not, But I know a lot about the ULX System.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: The reason why I wish to become a Gamemaster is to enhance the player's roleplay experience and to offer more engaging activities during the low hours of the night. I have noticed that there are sometimes days that go by without an Event so I'm hoping to change that by providing high-quality small and large events throughout the day and week.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I wouldn't say I am Special over other applications as I see that as a slippery slope, but what I can bring to the table is I have worked with both F-Admin and ULX for more than 3 years before, i am highly knowledgeable with how they both work allowing for events to happen smoothly. I can also bring to the table a lot of cool and interesting events for people of all factions to make sure everyone is having some sort of fun! Lastly, I'm able to be on the server for long hours at a time to help fill the late-night gaps in player activity.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
On ██/██/████, SCP-████ breached containment at Site-██, a multidimensional anomaly similar to SCP-106 but with additional capabilities. Site-██ contained it using a ritual involving the "Ancestral Glyphstone of Eldrithoria." However, during a Class-D Riot, the artifact was disrupted, allowing SCP-████ to escape. Its energy, similar to that of SCP-402 crystals, was depleted after being contained for more than 50 years. As it left Site-██, it was able to sense a fragment of this energy from Site-65, prompting Site Manager Isabella Hawthorne and Executive Researcher Dr. Elara Thornevale to notify Site-65 about the energy source.

Event Note:
SCP-████ will be equipped with SCP-173 and SCP-22415 Swep to ensure two things, they can easily kill someone who tries to block it from SCP-402, and secondly, ensure it can travel through the dimension at free will (this will not be abused).
SCP-████ need to find a total of 5 Pieces of SCP-402 within the site to fully recover, if it's able to fully recover all is lost and the SCP escapes. If the foundation can detain the SCP and transfer them back to the Site-██ all is saved and they go on like a normal day.

CPL Arlo "Astral" Vale once was a dedicated member of the UNGOC FOB of Pinewood until a grave misunderstanding led to his "wrongful" accusation of treason. The motivation for this injustice was a "harmless act of kindness": Arlo, known as "Astral" among his peers, had given a vial of what he had believed to be SCP-999's known orange goop to former UNGOC LT Firefox. However, the vial contained a highly classified substance, "Class-F," unknown to Arlo. LT Firefox, mistaking it for SCP-999 and drinking it, triggered a chain of events resulting in Arlo being falsely accused of treason by Nexus Command. Fearing for his life, Arlo went AWOL, but his fight only led to his capture and subsequent detainment by Nexus Command. During Arlo's transport to Nexus Command, a mysterious group ambushed the convoy with a retrofitted and stolen MK. III Orange Suit, swiftly killing all personnel involved and freeing the unjustly accused corporal Arlo. After evading Nexus Command's grasp, Arlo sought refuge with his rescuers, a covert organization known as the "████-█ of Freedom." This group's mission is to expose the illegal and unethical activities perpetrated by UNGOC. Three months in hiding allowed Arlo and the █████-█ to plan their next move: to unveil the corruption within Pinewood FOB of GOC. Their strategy involves a series of brave maneuvers, including the kidnapping of commanding officers and conducting intelligence reconnaissance operations.

Event Note:
This will be a combative event.

Arlo and 3 others will be equipped with MK.IIIs attempted to invade the UNGOC FOB and capture the highest online at the time to try them for their crimes.

Delta Command of the Terror cell in Pinewood has received some troubling news that The Foundation has stumbled upon an old and ruined Site the foundation, little to their knowledge a hard drive was left within that site that contains the truth of a figure long shrouded in mystery - Aaron Siegel, or also known as "The Founder" for the foundation and "The Engineer" to the Chaos Cells. Delta Command has issued a level 1 order for all CI Cells within the identity area to come to Pinewood to steal that Drive back before the foundation can decipher its contents.

Event Note:
CI has a total of 3 attempts to steal the hard drive back and return it to "The Engineer" " They well be handed more powerful weapons to ensure they do not fail.

However foundation is also preparing for them, they will be given one or two Jugs depending on the number of CIs to ensure a fair and balanced fight.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
Map: Area-74 (
The SCP foundation has recently acquired quite a number more SCPs in the last few months, and they have seen that it has been harder to contain them all within their limited sites. Therefore, they have decided to build a new site to store these new SCPs. The site is fairly close to Site-65, so they have tasked Site-65 to help move the SCPs into the new Site-74. While the operatives are moving the SCPs to the new site, they must keep an eye out for both the UNGOC and the chaos insurgency to ensure no classified data or SCPs go missing.
Event Note: They must defend themselves from UNGOC assault raids and CI main raids. They may not be happening at the same time.

The UNGOC Pinewood FOB has noticed that Site-65 has started to move massive amounts of personnel to an unknown location and has decided to follow them. Once they arrived, they noticed massive amounts of KTEs were being delivered to this new place. Once they realize this is a new SCP site, they inform Nexus Command. Nexus Command has issued them an order to assist in raiding the new site to do a few things: To ensure that the KTEs are being contained properly, Two to take note and categorize all KTEs, Finally, they are tasked with mapping out the new place to ensure future missions are good to proceed.
Event note: They are only to do the listed task; they may kill SCPs and personnel if needed.

Chaos Insurgency:
They noticed that Site-65 had started to move mass personnel and decided to follow the personnel to try and score big on a possible SCP to capture. Once they arrive, their dreams come true. They see 1, 2, 3, 4,... too many trucks full of SCPs. Delta command issued an order right there and then to capture as many SCPs as possible. But first, they need to set up camp because they are currently in an icy mountain area with zero housing.
Event Note: If they can capture more than 2 SCPs, the Terror Cell in Pinewood will receive extra funding for a Singular main raid on the Foundation (i.e., bigger guns and vehicles).

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

MTF Alpha-1 received some troubling news from a classified site. The news they received was of a certain new hire of Senior Level 4 clearance who has been leaking documentation of weapons testing and much more about the Chaos insurgency and, to much of their horror, the Parawatch organization. The only lead they have to go off of is simply "They are a new hire." The MTF, along with the O5 Council, is left with a difficult choice: A.) Quietly execute the problem; or B.) Capture them and turn them into double agents to feed the Chaos Insurgency false information.

Event Note:
This event can spin off in two separate ways: a combative way and a roleplay way.
If they choose the combative way, it would be stated that the traitor has friends from an unknown group of interests, and they have to fight off both the traitor and the GOI.

If they choose the roleplay way, there will be hints around the site that would lead to a computer within an unknown location that is password protected (they have well-received hints on the password throughout the event). Once they crack the code, they go to arrest the traitor and turn them into a double agent.

The Ethics Committee has gained word from Site-01 that an annual internal audit is to take place within Site-65. To ensure no bias towards the site and its staff, the identity of the staff from Site-01 is kept classified. While the audit is taking place, the MTF guards tasked with protecting the staff from Site-01 notice that one of the VIPs has gone missing, in turn noticing that the Site-65 Ethics Committee sends out an order to all MTF Operatives to find the missing staff member. After quite some time, a sad voice comes over the communications, informing the Ethics Committee that the staff body was found in front of SCP-008's containment chamber. There were two odd things about this: one, a note was left in the staff member's blood reading "Et tu brute?" and a half-ripped file in the hands of the staff member. Upon hearing this, the Site-01 Staff and MTF Guards rush out of the site to inform their suspects that Site-65 has supposedly killed a member of their Escort. It's up to Site-65 to determine whether to either let them leave and defend themselves in court or to capture them and silence them.

Event Notes:
This event is designed to test the foundation's quick response time and to see how they deal with an ethical and moral dilemma.

A task force comprising 2 DEA agents and 3 Nu-7 operators has recently returned to the Foundation with some unnerving information. SCP-343, also known as "God," makes an appearance in Pinewood. Alongside himself, he brought along a nice church to preach in. This church, however, is not a simple one; since God himself presides, there is a new "law" of sorts that has been established within the church that no living soul can deny; the "law" reads, "Thou shall not harm another living soul within my house!". The Pinewood terror cell has gotten wind of this information as well, and they intend to steal SCP-343 from under the foundation. DEA and MTF-Nu7 must work together to ensure that SCP-343 does not land in the hands of CI.

Event Note:
Depending on the number count of the CI, Nu7, and DEA certs, things may happen.
If CI is outnumbered, they will receive a power boost (i.e., better guns and vehicles).
If the foundation is outnumbered, they will receive a power boost (i.e., better guns and vehicles).

If CI can capture SCP-343, they will be granted a single raid with a special weapon that only three people may use. (TBD on the weapon.)

Site-01 has received countless reports from operatives of Site-65 of unsafe work conditions and the inability of the site to contain SCPs. Therefore, Site-01 has sent a representative of RASIA to Site-65 along with a Containment Specialist and OSHA-certified personnel. The main goal is to determine why the SCP containment cells are failing at an alarming rate compared to other sites, as well as address the working conditions of the site to ensure all personnel are taken care of while they work.

Event Note:
This is a roleplay event. The OSHA and Containment Specialist will each be doing their own thing, walking around the site, checking each of their tasks, while the RASIA employee will be speaking with Site Admin or Site Command (whoever is online at the time) about the Containment breaches and what Site-01 can do to help them fix them.

A GOI called Deer College has contacted the Pinewood insurgency cell's Delta Command, asking if they can hire them to recover information on SCP-████ from the Site-65 facility. Deer College specializes in occult studies, and they have gained interest in a recently discovered item the SCP foundation has sent to Site 65. All information about this item is unknown besides the fact that it looks like a miniature horse statue.

Event Note:
The CI will have 3–4 chances to recover the item from the site, and the item will be placed in HCZ Inanimate without the knowledge of the foundation to ensure metagaming does happen.
If CI is to succeed, this GOI will collaborate to do business with them down the road.

If CI is to fail, this GOI will suspend all contact with the Pinewood terror cell.

SCP-1609 has somehow made its way through the Icy Tundra to the remote town of Pinewood. The SCP, whom the UNGOC attempted to kill, still holds resentment towards the UNGOC for trying to destroy it. But it seems the chair has gained some intelligence and has made three new "entities" of itself to hunt down the UNGOC in the Pinewood FOB. To stop this SCP from killing them, the GOC must locate and enter a remote cave that the main "body" of the SCP has taken refuge in and once and for all liquidate this SCP—or that's what they think.

Event Notes:
The UNGOC will have an experiment Kant scanner sent to them by Nexus command to help find SCP/KTE-1609 and once and for all liquidate it.

When they find and enter the cave, those three new entities have to fight before they can move on to the main one. So in short, it would be a roleplay/combat-heavy event.

Scripnets mainframe has gone down within Site-65, all the screens read "Attention all Foundation Staff! The Ethics Committee is hiding things from you! Come to ██████ For the full truth!" The location we are revealed after the failure of attempting to remove the malware 3 times. All foundation staff (mainly Tech Experts and Technicians) are to find the infected computers and try to remove the Malware. Once all infected computers are found and cleaned the location of the main server is revealed.

Events Notes:
They have 3 failed attempts to fix the infected computers
there is a total of 4 infected computers not including the main server
If the foundation succeeds the Data stolen from the Ethics committee will be safe

If the foundation fails the Data is released to the Site. The Data would most likely be something small like a Tribunal was rigged or something along those lines.
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What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: The reason behind my wish to become a Gamemaster is straightforward: I aim to enhance the server's roleplay experience and provide players with more engaging activities during the quiet hours of the night. I've observed numerous instances where hours pass without any significant events, leading to a drop in activity both on the surface and within the Foundation. I believe that by taking on the role of a Gamemaster, I can inject life into these pauses in roleplay and foster a more dynamic and immersive environment for all players.
You put this answer twice, for why you want to become GM and for what you think you would be able to do for the server and why you are the best applicant.
Please edit your app to properly answer this question.
You put this answer twice, for why you want to become GM and for what you think you would be able to do for the server and why you are the best applicant.
Please edit your app to properly answer this question.
Apologies I saw it unnecessary to change the reasoning for wanting to be a Game Master and what I can help the server since my reasons have not changed since my last application. But I can surely change it up a bit to ensure it does not seem like a copy and paste. Unfortunately, this well has to wait as it is currently 4 am my time.
Apologies I saw it unnecessary to change the reasoning for wanting to be a Game Master and what I can help the server since my reasons have not changed since my last application. But I can surely change it up a bit to ensure it does not seem like a copy and paste. Unfortunately, this well has to wait as it is currently 4 am my time.
What I mean is that you answered both parts of the application with the same answer (with only a few words changed between the two).
It also doesn’t really explain what puts you above other applicants (as is asked) and is very vague on what you can do
What I mean is that you answered both parts of the application with the same answer (with only a few words changed between the two).
It also doesn’t really explain what puts you above other applicants (as is asked) and is very vague on what you can do
Oh my apologies, I had read your message wrong. I have updated that part of the Application, it seems when I was using Grammarly to check grammar I had copied the same thing twice. I hope you have a Fantastic Day!


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Application Accepted

Hi @Author ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

After deliberation, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations!

Please wait in TS Interview Waiting Room at your earliest convenience and get in contact with me (Grizzly) or Raixin on discord.
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