SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - Maury

Jun 8, 2022
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: Maury

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:67116206

Discord Username: maury8922

Age: 25.

What's your current playtime: More than 8 days (!time not showing accurate measurement), or 966.5 hours.

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Morris Archibauld.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No, my first application was denied.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
- Two warnings for FailRP
1. Putting handguns in the food receptacle of D-Block as a Chef.
2. Shooting a disguised Insurgent as a Heavy Gun Dealer

- One warning for PAC abuse, entering Foundation as MC&D with PAC3 used to disguise myself as a Janitor.

As per a conversation regarding my last application, I have not received any additional warnings.

How many hours can you be on everyday: During workdays (Thursday to Sunday), at most 1-2 hours. During my days off (Monday to Wednesday, at least 6 hours.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Yes. As a gamemaster for other roleplay servers, my role primarily was to perform small and extended events. These events usually included the entire server (at the time when servers could host 250+ players, and yes these events included 250+ players). I was involved in GM management in several servers, assisting with planning, documenting, and logistics. Some programs I tried to pioneer on some servers included an even-writing focus group, where players from various factions in the server would get together to think up fun events to bring to the game.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: After returning from a 2-year hiatus, the server has improved significantly. There are tools on CN now that would have made 16-year-old me in high school giddy with excitement at all the possibilities, and I'd like to work with some of these tools to foster further enjoyment of the GMod community for other players like myself. I've always enjoyed roleplay as a niche on GMod, and believe it to be one of the main contributing factors to the game's continued playerbase.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I've studied and worked mostly in human services so far, ranging from childcare to non-profit, and currently the healthcare industry. My job has been and continues to be working with *people*, and that often requires a lot of listening, patience, and time. People are complicated creatures, but we've all a common ethic when it comes to games like GMod: community and creativity. While much of my mental energy is spent aiding members of our elderly population, I would still like to contribute some of my time to our generation and the youth of generations entering this nearly 20-year-old game that continues to support our love and enjoyment of GMod. Events, no matter how they're formatted, are a matter of using smoke and mirrors - and narrative dialogue - to set a scene and convey a story or idea to the people interacting with it. I've done many sorts of roleplay and even studied Dramatic Arts in my youth for 4 or so years. I enjoy working with others, and seeing as making an event is largely an interactive activity, I would love to add some of my two cents to see what else can be done with CN.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1. Dr. Wondertainment's 'Small Soldiers' Carepackage | SCENE: SCP Foundation front gates & interior | SCENARIO: A large gift-wrapped package appears, a letter posted on the front addressed "To whom it may concern". Upon opening it, various stuffed and plastic toys spring out, hopping and skipping to-and-fro throughout the facility; causing a ruckus by drawing on the walls with crayons and playing 'hide-and-seek' with Site-65 personnel. It is their task to find all the toys and return them to the box; as it was delivered to the wrong address!

2. 99 Bottles of Bear on the Wall | SCENE: Pinewood Pub & surrounding village | SCENARIO: The Pinewood Pub has just received a new order of alcoholic beverages, but one of them wasn't on the order manifest... Odd. Shrugging it off, the patron decides to sell these drinks, labeled "Bear's Bodacious Brews", at half the cost to clear inventory for the next shipment. The citizenry of Pinewood all begin feeling ill, suddenly transforming into small stuffed bears! Being the closest to them, it's the UNGOC's task to corral all these bears and figure out how to cure these poor victims of their cuddly ailments.

3. Landscapers & Loggers Lament | SCENE: Chaos Insurgency bunker & surrounding area | SCENARIO: A logging and landscaping company appears outside the CI's bunker, the area having been flagged for landscaping and deforestation to erect a small camping and hiking resort. Having come from outside the surrounding district and not aware of the strange and anomalous goings-on of Pinewood, these contractors aren't aware of the area's inhabitants. How will the Insurgency handle this sudden appearance of civilians? Will they turn them away by force, or find some other amicable deal to let these workers fulfill their tasks?

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): Title: A HUME-erous Turn of Events | SCENE: Pinewood & surrounding facilities | SCENARIO: The Foundation, UNGOC and Chaos Insurgency's SCRAMBLE devices and Kant scanners begin going haywire, getting readings of unprecedented proportions. A giant dome has materialized to encompass the region housing these factions and the small hamlet of Pinewood - a Hume distortion field unlike any they've seen before! Suddenly, and without warning - the whole populace of the region is all transported to another reality; one not unlike their own but most certainly not their Earth. Through the cooperation of the three factions and the innocent civilians of Pinewood, it is their task to assess their resources, explore the surrounding area of this strange environment they've found themselves in, and hopefully discover whatever it is that facilitated the appearance of such a massive field of Hume distortion. Can they safely return to their reality? Will they work together, or will their tribe-based mentalities hinder their return home?

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
1. O-1 - Operation 'Outsourcing':
A member of the Ethics Committee from another site has come to Site-65. It is O-1's task to escort this ECM while they are here to hold a meeting with Site-65's committee members. Unbeknownst to them, this ECM has nefarious intentions; aiming to steal documents from Site-65 to stage a false Ethics Committee violation - ideally to force them to dissolve and be replaced by this other site's personnel and spread their influence. O-1's task quickly changes from one of defense to capture and investigation.

2. A-1 - Operation 'Civil Rest':
Alpha-1 is tasked with escorting a member(s) of the O-5 Council throughout the site for an unscheduled facility inspection. At some point, half of this escort detail is exposed to a memetic hazard, which causes these MTF personnel to believe that their comrades, A-1 Team A (A-1-A), are traitorous insurgents intent on capturing their O-1 escorted. This affected team, A-1 Team B (A-1-B), believe it their task to combat and terminate their 'former comrades', a near civil war breaking out among the Foundation personnel. The mission of A-1-A is this: non-lethally subdue their brothers, investigate the cause of this sudden hysteria, and keep their VIP(s) safe.

3. Nu-7 - Operation 'Frosty Snowmen':
A strange wave of creatures begins assaulting the front gates of Site-65's entrance through unknown, but certainly anomalous means. These creatures, as members of Nu-7 soon discover, are... Snowmen? Yes, as ridiculous as it appears, these creatures materialize out of the surrounding snowy hills and begin assaulting the MTF outfit with crude spears (Harpoons), explosive snowballs, and sharp icicles. Nu-7's mission is this: Defend against waves of these creatures and attempt to prevent them from breaching into the facility.

4. E-11 - Operation 'Handyman' :
As members of Epsilon-11 patrol throughout the HCZ, they begin noticing a rise in malfunctioning and broken utilities throughout the zone. Broken doors, disabled cameras - even Containment Chambers are not safe from something lurking just around the corner intent on making their day just a little more annoying. Their mission is this: Patrol the HCZ, repair doors, and cameras, and expunge computers of malware - and capture the culprit of this mischief.

5. CI - Operation 'Pickpocket':
Items begin disappearing in the Chaos Insurgency bunker - little things like keycards, sidearms, and even medical tools. Something is roaming the facility stealing things at random, a kleptomaniac entity that seeks to hinder and annoy anyone entering or leaving the confines of their base. Some are trapped inside, with no means to exit, and some with no means of getting back in. Some even, have no means of communicating with the outside - as their communication devices too have gone missing! It is their job to discover the anomalous entity stealing their belongings and equipment; and force it to return them.

6. UNGOC - Operation 'Salt Shaker'
Pentagrams, intricately designed and glowing with ominous energy, have begun appearing throughout the region. More than just satanic symbols, these glyphs are linked to a greater network of interdimensional gateways that are slowly opening. It’s unclear who (or what) is responsible, but the UNGOC has been tasked with investigating and neutralizing these dangerous anomalies before the veil between worlds is torn apart.

7. Foundation Staff - 'D-licious Refreshments':
The SCP Foundation recently got a bump in funding, however, they have some excess capital in their budget that they need to spend to maintain the next quarter's budget amount. To do this, they've decided to host some activities for the D-Block sector. Chefs are tasked with making food and beverages, GenSec entering the D-Block with janitorial and Engineering staff to clean and repair the gen-pop facilities, and Researchers and other personnel to find a Class-D buddy to sit and interact with. Medical staff are on standby to perform medical evaluations for all the Class-D present. Researchers may assist medical personnel in performing psychological assessments.