SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - Pepper Jack

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J P Bingus

Well-known Member
Dec 2, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
Pepper Jack
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
I originally joined in Q4 2022, and have had about two 6 month breaks from the server, with around 600 hours on server.
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
J P Bingus, chief of security (previous)
"Zombie", gsd sergeant (current)
Chaos name (include your rank):
J P Bingus' Evil twin, rarely used ever
Civilian name:
UNGOC name:
"Stratum" MAJ (previous)
"Lich" SPC (current)
Steam ID:
Discord ID (name#0000):
Do you have a mic?:
What server are you applying for?:
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
No bans, warns, or kicks.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
I do not.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes. As a member of the UNGOC, I participate in serious and semi-serious roleplay fairly regularly.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
1-2 hours
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
I want to become a Gamemaster because I have realized that what I love most about this server is creating content for people to enjoy, which I have done lots of through UNGOC. I want to be able to use my creativity, writing proficiency, and other skills in order to make the server the most fun it can be, and I believe the best way for me to do that is to make things for others, rather than just participate in what is already here myself.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I believe my strong suits lie in my execution of ideas and my writing skills. I have written many documents for the server over my time here, along with helping others create lore for themselves. I have created many different types of documents as well, from standardized formatting to handbooks to KTE pages/reports. I believe it is here that my ability to expand upon and create immersive ideas lie, and it is through these things that I think I can help the GM team the most. I also have minimal experience in setting up areas, and while I have much to learn, I believe I could become great at creating buildings/stages for events as well.
Below are some links to some documents I have written, to show my writing skills.
UNGOC lore document for myself:
UNGOC operation document, with some photos I staged at the bottom:

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Pinewood Murder Mystery:
This event would take place in Pinewood. The mayor is found dead inside of ranger station, and it it up to the UNGOC to find the perpetrator! This would be a classic murder mystery style event, with about 5 suspects, each representing a major part of pinewood: a ranger, a chef, a medic, and 2 regular civilians. This would be very simple to execute, as each person would have a script to answer any normal questions that may be asked of them in order to setup a "whodunit" narrative. The event would act as a normal, solvable puzzle, in a sense. If the UNGOC correctly identifies the culprit, they will be locked away and pinewood will be safe. If they mess up, the culprit will escape and would come back at a later event to kill again.

Attack of the Killer Robot:
This would be a combat focused event on Surface, mainly for CI and Nu-7 to participate in.
A large, killer robot has wondered onto surface looking and killing anyone in sight. Foundation and CI supply lines have been cut off, and so CI and Nu-7 must team up to take down this hulking automoton. In theory this machine would be about as big at a building in pinewood, with a very large health pool. The intent would be that it could only be killed if Nu-7 and CI muster their power together to take out its shields, which could be accomplished by simultaneously shooting it in multiple spots at once, something they could only accomplish together.

"Girl Scout" Cookies:
A troop of "girl scouts" have arrived on site selling anomolous cookies to foundation staff. This event would be mostly just for some fun hijinks for everyone, with the cookies giving wacky effects similar to the candy bowl in inanimate. They would station up in core sector for about an hour, selling cookies that would give effects like super speed, a large jump height, spontaneous combustion, ect. These effects would only last for about 30 seconds as to not allow people to keep silly abilities for later in the day.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
The Unending Rain:
A large storm has hit the Pinewood area, and it has been raining nonstop for days. The Foundation is starting to flood, threating to destroy the site and release many danegrous SCPs into the world. UNGOC would work with Foundation while CI tries to break in and stop their efforts. The event would work by having water slowly rise up, first through HCZ, and then into LCZ, layer by layer. Foundation would need to figure out how to turn their pump systems back on while the UNGOC tries to put together a machine, whose pieces have been scattered by the storm, to stop the rain. CI would be assaulting both Foundation and UNGOC throughout this process, trying to get Foundation to flood completely. Inside foundaiton there would be many different pump locations, one for each of the supply closets. For each active pump, Foundation will put on less water. HCZ would start filling up as a buffer before peeople start getting hurt by the water, and no SCPs would be able to breach during this time. CI would be able to break the pump systems by doing non-stop raids and deep covers, so it would be up to the MTFs to stop them. Anyone would be able to fix the different locations, which would be as simple as turning a lever, but if CI breaks them they will need to be repaired first. If foundation fills up past LCZ and needs to move to Floor 2, Foundation loses. If the UNGOC can find all the machine parts scattered throughout surface and bring them together in time, the storm will end and IC loses. (The idea here is that the map is constantly changing inside foundation, witht he water rising/lowering throughout the event depending on how good everyone is doing)

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
O-1: The board of Ethics, in a test gone wrong, have all been shrunked down to miniature sizes. It is up to O-1 to escort them around site, allowing them to conduct their normal duties, while keeping them alive and not losing them.

A-1: The tech experts are getting rowdy again, and started a union. A-1 is dispatched to deal with them, but this time they are not allowed to use force. They must diplomatically communicate and come to terms with the Tech Experts this time around, instead of killing them.

Nu-7: Nu-7 must protect a slow moving caravan of anomolous supplies from Foundation base to their own, while waves of CI move in to destroy it.

E-11: A new chameleon SCP has just been transported into HCZ, and O5 want to see it. The only problem is that it escaped and is nearly invisible, so E-11 must locate it before O5 comes down and realizes what has happened.

CI: A brother of a high ranking CI member has recently been taken as a member of D-Class. CI must raid and find a particular d-class and get them out alive.

UNGOC: The UNGOC must board a ghost pirate ship out on the lakehouse lake and fiure out how to dispell the ancient curse manifesting the captain and his crew.

Foundation Staff: A giant gameshow in lecture hall is hosted against each depatement (GSD, research, medical, techs, and chefs) to see who knows the most about the site in a tense game of absolute bragging rights.
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