SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - 'Raven'

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Well-known Member
Dec 13, 2024
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: 'Raven'

Your SteamID: :STEAM_0:0:672915894

Discord Username: _d3lorean_
Age: 16

What's your current playtime:

Total TIme - 839.8H 8D, 12H, 11 Mins. I've been playing since August of 2024

Do you have a mic:


Your characters name:

[Foundation-'Raven'] [CI-Kevin Crow] [CIVI-David McTubbs]

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:


Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:

I've received 2. first one was RDM, I was a D class and was stabbing other D classes because i thought it was allowed, I've learned from that.

The second ban was LTARP I left while getting kidnap from A-1 and left the game because i was tired and it was 4 am.

How many hours can you be on everyday:


Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:


Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:

The reason why I want to become a Game Master is that I want to create fun for the server I don't want it to be same old get a little RP in then to have to stop because a Breach happened because happens way too often, so during that little RP time I want to be SCP or Have an anomalous item or anything that's anomalous.

that creates some mischief around the site that everyone can experience it not just people that can block it off from people that aren't high clearance or MTF's, I want everyone to have fun.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:

I don't think I'm special from the other people that trying apply and get GM.

everyone has a shot to get it, I just want people to have fun and if the people find the event boring during the event I would change it up mid-event for people that find it boring to make sure they too also have fun.

I don't want it just one group to have fun, I want everyone to be able to have fun.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

I don't know much lore about SCPs so I'm just going to make up some SCPs in these ideas but The Three Event ideas I have are,

1, [ Civi's vs Foundation] Civi's got tired of CAF lies they always bring out others Civi's aka Para-watches in cuffs saying the fell. when they just posted on their Instagram what was inside, so they raid CAF with shields and swords to stop CAF lies and know what's inside.

2, [GSD vs MTF] GSD are feed up with MTF's always making them feel little and done with MTF's bossing GSD around, GSD just the respect They deserve. so They stop Protecting D block and start raiding HCZ,ECW,FL3 and surface.

3, [Medical vs Foundation] Medical is tired of people not waiting their turn and not making appointments, so They make the Combat Medics guard the front door and if people try to run in without a appointment, they get terminated straight away, they don't care if its unethical people need to wait their turn.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

SCP ['The Medic'] The Medic was Human before he became an SCP, he was experimenting on How to make Humans Immortal and/or make a Healing factor that can heal anything like Injuries, Diseases, and Deformities.

The reason why he was trying to make Immortal and a Healing Factor It was because He was dying from uncurable disease that he didn't want anyone to go through but during that process, He made Himself Immortal and Crazy fast healing factor so He figured out how to get humans Immortality and Healing fact but It came with side effect He became a monster That was 7 Foot with Sharp Teeth and Long Nails that could like cut someone like butter and Acted like crazy man or more like a Hungry, Angry Bear in the forest that always looking for someone to hunt but There was something.

He didn't know his blood can give people the same thing he was experiencing but he figured it out after a few Month what he became because someone stabbed him with anomalous knife he never seen before and he was bleeding but He'd lived and cut the guy open and tried to kill him but while cutting the guy open, he accidentally gave the guy some of his blood and the guy became just like him then he realized he can give people his gift/curse and now his mission is to give everyone his gift/curse. He starts rampaging in Pinewood giving people his gift/curse, killing anyone that seems unworthy of it.

so CAF,CI and GOC have to team up to tried to contain him, they are trying their hardest but they are no match for him so SA had to call ERT to come and help, if they lose even though they have CAF,CI,GOC and ERT they are going Mass Nuke as a last resort.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

(O-1) Operation "NightLight" The ECC has Greenlighted O-1 to turn off the Lights in FL3 and Raid them, O-1 is raiding to see if A-1/OverSeers are plotting against them, They found questionable docs about A-1 and OverSeers doing unethical things and A-1 was Plotting against O-1 and The ECC.

(A-1) Operation "QuickSwift" The OverSeers have Greenlighted A-1 to take Nu-7 disguises Raid GOC to steal all their techs and nukes because they have been acting weird lately and seem they going to try to overthrow CAF. A-1 didn't take their guns because they just going to be rangers and if they try to make new tech and nukes Well they can't because Overseers has also greenlighted A-1 to audit GOC every week.

(Nu-7) Operation "Takebacks" Ci has Raided Caf to steal the most powerful SCP and CI were Successful. So ECMS has Allowed Nu-7 to raid CI to take the SCPS back and make sure it never happens again by allowing them to Mass-Term CI and take all their weapons. Nu-7 was Successful with the mission and Ci will never forget this.

(E-11) Operation "FightBack" A Scp has Appeared and has entered HCZ and is trying to release all the scps in HCZ because they are his friends and has been telepathically talking to them for weeks and E-11 has Been allowed by SA to use a new tech in development to fight the new scp and the new tech is working on the new scp and its killing it instead of containing it.

(CI) Operation "SwiftFight" CI has been ordered by The Engineer to Raid CAF and overthrow them but this raid is gonna different from all the others. The Engineer has given CI a new type of gas to raid CAF and it can Kill everything at once and it doesn't affect the scps inside because The Engineer wants to weaponize all the scps that CAF has.

(UNGOC) Operation "UpGrade" The GOC has been planning to raid CI and CAF because they want to upgrade their tech and guns and raided CAF and CI before and found documents about a new chem and gun, The new chem is for CI to get SCPs to fall asleep and make it easier to contain them and The new gun is for an E-11 to instant beam SCPs when they breach and the Goc wants to steal and When they Raid CAF and CI. they Failed to raid to CAF but they were Successful on the raid on Ci.

(Foundation Staff) Operation "OverThrow" The Foundation Staff made a union and have been planning to raid FL3 and ECW so they can be the Top Dogs of the Foundation, they first raided the Armory to get guns and when they got armored up and got the most powerful guns, They raided SA and they were successful and then They started to raid ECW and they were unsuccessful and lost.

You can tell about the last 3 questions. I like Raid RP but I Rather do other stuff if the people want it to be different if I do get TGM

Please send Feedback on my application, I would love to know what was wrong with it so in future if it gets denied, I could make it better
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Nov 16, 2024
Hi Raven,
First, thank you for taking the time to make a GM application, love to see it! I am going to jump right in and give you some feedback.

You have some grammatical and spelling mistakes but, those are minor issue.

I will preface by saying that I know you are a creative dude but, your application is very lackluster. It is formatted very well and pops out, however most of your Event ides revolve around combat. I would like to remind you that there are things such as research, medical, etc.

You seem to lean very heavily on 'raiding'. I would recommend diversifying your application by trying to think up some more events ideas that aren't just conflict based. Ideally when building an event, you want to create a lore-based backstory, a plan for how the event will play out, and demonstrate that you can improv if something doesn't go according to plan, and have an exit planned for an ending.

As going along with your raiding theme, we try to stay away from events that result in RDM/MRDM. So, I would heavily suggest changing some of these items around. Diversify your ideas to include stuff alongside building maybe, research expeditions to find a new SCP you've created. If you want to create these 'Raid' style type of events, give them more backstory and a reason for why they are happening.

Your map change event isn't a map change. Map changes are something that take a vast number of resources from server staff and GMs
and change a portion of, if not the entire, playable field of the event/map.

I do like the basis of the idea you have for the 'Medic' SCP though; you should expand upon that.

Overall, my advice to you is to maybe speak to a variety of GMs in game and get an idea of what tools are available to you and to see what it is GMs can really do. We have a vast array or tools and resources at our disposal to make the smallest of RP enhancements to the biggest of Major events possible.

I know you are a creative guy, and to be quite frank, I know you could create better. Expand upon your ideas and give them a story that would engage the players if they were to partake in the event.
As it stands from me this application is getting:

+/- Neutral, leaning -Support


Well-known Member
Dec 13, 2024
Hi Raven,
First, thank you for taking the time to make a GM application, love to see it! I am going to jump right in and give you some feedback.

You have some grammatical and spelling mistakes but, those are minor issue.

I will preface by saying that I know you are a creative dude but, your application is very lackluster. It is formatted very well and pops out, however most of your Event ides revolve around combat. I would like to remind you that there are things such as research, medical, etc.

You seem to lean very heavily on 'raiding'. I would recommend diversifying your application by trying to think up some more events ideas that aren't just conflict based. Ideally when building an event, you want to create a lore-based backstory, a plan for how the event will play out, and demonstrate that you can improv if something doesn't go according to plan, and have an exit planned for an ending.

As going along with your raiding theme, we try to stay away from events that result in RDM/MRDM. So, I would heavily suggest changing some of these items around. Diversify your ideas to include stuff alongside building maybe, research expeditions to find a new SCP you've created. If you want to create these 'Raid' style type of events, give them more backstory and a reason for why they are happening.

Your map change event isn't a map change. Map changes are something that take a vast number of resources from server staff and GMs and change a portion of, if not the entire, playable field of the event/map.

I do like the basis of the idea you have for the 'Medic' SCP though; you should expand upon that.

Overall, my advice to you is to maybe speak to a variety of GMs in game and get an idea of what tools are available to you and to see what it is GMs can really do. We have a vast array or tools and resources at our disposal to make the smallest of RP enhancements to the biggest of Major events possible.

I know you are a creative guy, and to be quite frank, I know you could create better. Expand upon your ideas and give them a story that would engage the players if they were to partake in the event.
As it stands from me this application is getting:

+/- Neutral, leaning -Support
Im not trying to bump my app or anything, i just want to reply that. I realize my stuff was mostly raid but if i get TGM i will definitely think of different stuff and the map changes event, I don't really know the abilities of Game Master so I tried something that doesnt seem like it was from the development team and like u said i should've talked to some GM's to know what the abilities are. If this get denied i definitely got a new idea that is definitely a map change that would put on the next app or if this approved, I will definitely bring it up to someone Also the Medic scp I would definitely love to expand on that idea instead of giving it a bland ending.

Thank You
Jonny for giving your own time to put feedback on my app
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CI COM The Larper here
I wanna give some feedback about your application
I don't want it just one group to have fun, I want everyone to be able to have fun.
Now first off this is great, having fun is one of the most important things IMO
+1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

I don't know much lore about SCPs so I'm just going to make up some SCPs in these ideas but The Three Event ideas I have are,
This is a concerning thing to say if you are trying to become a Gamemaster, but you state you want to be creative with SCPs which is great! However, you should definitely become more versed in SCP lore.

-0.5 Points from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

1, [ Civi's vs Foundation] Civi's got tired of CAF lies they always bring out others Civi's aka Para-watches in cuffs saying the fell. when they just posted on their Instagram what was inside, so they raid CAF with shields and swords to stop CAF lies and know what's inside.
This is a relatively poor event idea and involves Civilians raiding the Foundation! Big no-no without insanely good reasoning IMO. Something similar could be done perhaps if you were to expand upon the idea and have a more creative, or unique reason for a horde of people with swords and shields to want to raid the Foundation, Example Given; SCP-7722 comes from a religious order that has searched far and wide for their brethren, and said order wants to raid to reclaim their ally, but even then there should be a series of events or good reasoning to why and how they're there in RP.
-1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit :(

2, [GSD vs MTF] GSD are feed up with MTF's always making them feel little and done with MTF's bossing GSD around, GSD just the respect They deserve. so They stop Protecting D block and start raiding HCZ,ECW,FL3 and surface.
This just sounds like a war game! Which is fine but this is not an event idea. GSD can not simply commit mass treason because they are "Fed-up" There should be a better RP explanation, such as GSD are under the effects of an anomaly, or GSD'd well respected Chief's have been kidnapped unjustly by a Site Admin or Command figure.
-1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit :(

3, [Medical vs Foundation] Medical is tired of people not waiting their turn and not making appointments, so They make the Combat Medics guard the front door and if people try to run in without a appointment, they get terminated straight away, they don't care if its unethical people need to wait their turn.
This holds similar issues to the last one, however, I just don't think this is a good idea as this disrupts RP and would be a negative showing to new players.
-1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit :(

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
Not replying to the text itself because it is very long

This could be a very good major event if executed properly! idea however it is not a map change as described as nuking the site does not change the map, a map change idea would involve completely moving the server to a new map for the sake of an event for a short duration. But do not be discouraged, this was a mistake I and many others made.
+0.5 Points from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

(O-1) Operation "NightLight" The ECC has Greenlighted O-1 to turn off the Lights in FL3 and Raid them, O-1 is raiding to see if A-1/OverSeers are plotting against them, They found questionable docs about A-1 and OverSeers doing unethical things and A-1 was Plotting against O-1 and The ECC.
While this is basic, there is inherently nothing wrong with it IMO other than it could use much more detail.
+0.5 Points from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

(A-1) Operation "QuickSwift" The OverSeers have Greenlighted A-1 to take Nu-7 disguises Raid GOC to steal all their techs and nukes because they have been acting weird lately and seem they going to try to overthrow CAF. A-1 didn't take their guns because they just going to be rangers and if they try to make new tech and nukes Well they can't because Overseers has also greenlighted A-1 to audit GOC every week.
I had a hard time reading and understanding this one, but from what I understand A-1 wants to raid the UNGOC to confiscate their and technology, then audit them every week. I don't believe this is a good conclusion result to an event, and predetermining an outcome like this is not exactly a good idea for an RP server where things are based on improv.
-0.5 Points from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

(Nu-7) Operation "Takebacks" Ci has Raided Caf to steal the most powerful SCP and CI were Successful. So ECMS has Allowed Nu-7 to raid CI to take the SCPS back and make sure it never happens again by allowing them to Mass-Term CI and take all their weapons. Nu-7 was Successful with the mission and Ci will never forget this.
This requires far more detail, the idea is not bad, but what would mass-terming CI involve that is not already done in a raid? more importantly what is "the most powerful SCP"?
-0.5 Points from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

(CI) Operation "SwiftFight" CI has been ordered by The Engineer to Raid CAF and overthrow them but this raid is gonna different from all the others. The Engineer has given CI a new type of gas to raid CAF and it can Kill everything at once and it doesn't affect the scps inside because The Engineer wants to weaponize all the scps that CAF has.
This does not sound like it would be fun for anybody involved, and would just be killing the entire server excluding surface. There should be more of a story to this at the least, and some form of counter-measure for the Foundation if it were to happen. Perhaps on the scale of a major event due to the implications of all of the site being involved and all SCPs being breached.

-1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit :(

(UNGOC) Operation "UpGrade" The GOC has been planning to raid CI and CAF because they want to upgrade their tech and guns and raided CAF and CI before and found documents about a new chem and gun, The new chem is for CI to get SCPs to fall asleep and make it easier to contain them and The new gun is for an E-11 to instant beam SCPs when they breach and the Goc wants to steal and When they Raid CAF and CI. they Failed to raid to CAF but they were Successful on the raid on Ci.
I actually like this idea a lot, there are some things that could be ironed out but the idea is not bad and is fairly fitting to the UNGOC's character along with having health RP implications involved. Once again I don't think you should predetermine outcomes in something like this as both objectives sound fun and unique.
+1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

(Foundation Staff) Operation "OverThrow" The Foundation Staff made a union and have been planning to raid FL3 and ECW so they can be the Top Dogs of the Foundation, they first raided the Armory to get guns and when they got armored up and got the most powerful guns, They raided SA and they were successful and then They started to raid ECW and they were unsuccessful and lost.
This holds the same issues as the other two with Medical and GSD. They are poorly explained Treason Combative events, there is a lack of RP here and it should be expanded upon or reworked, and there is a predetermined outcome.
-1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit :(

Overall Feedback:
I highly recommend taking the time to consider some of my given points and rework each of your events, even the ones I was positive about could use some more detail or thought. I also am not a fan of the predetermined outcomes of each event, and I think you need to drop most of your combative focus and shift toward what will be good for non-combative, and how you can create events for them. Events can also mix combative and non-combative elements to make them better for a variety.
Overall this application could use some more grammatical attention to make you seem more professional.
I can tell you're passionate about this and I would like to see you become a GM in the future so please do not take my comments too personally, but despite that, for all the reasons above I will be giving you a

Please feel free to reach out to me on discord if you have any questions for me.


Well-known Member
Dec 13, 2024
CI COM The Larper here
I wanna give some feedback about your application

Now first off this is great, having fun is one of the most important things IMO
+1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

This is a concerning thing to say if you are trying to become a Gamemaster, but you state you want to be creative with SCPs which is great! However, you should definitely become more versed in SCP lore.

-0.5 Points from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

This is a relatively poor event idea and involves Civilians raiding the Foundation! Big no-no without insanely good reasoning IMO. Something similar could be done perhaps if you were to expand upon the idea and have a more creative, or unique reason for a horde of people with swords and shields to want to raid the Foundation, Example Given; SCP-7722 comes from a religious order that has searched far and wide for their brethren, and said order wants to raid to reclaim their ally, but even then there should be a series of events or good reasoning to why and how they're there in RP.
-1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit :(

This just sounds like a war game! Which is fine but this is not an event idea. GSD can not simply commit mass treason because they are "Fed-up" There should be a better RP explanation, such as GSD are under the effects of an anomaly, or GSD'd well respected Chief's have been kidnapped unjustly by a Site Admin or Command figure.
-1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit :(

This holds similar issues to the last one, however, I just don't think this is a good idea as this disrupts RP and would be a negative showing to new players.
-1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit :(

Not replying to the text itself because it is very long

This could be a very good major event if executed properly! idea however it is not a map change as described as nuking the site does not change the map, a map change idea would involve completely moving the server to a new map for the sake of an event for a short duration. But do not be discouraged, this was a mistake I and many others made.
+0.5 Points from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

While this is basic, there is inherently nothing wrong with it IMO other than it could use much more detail.
+0.5 Points from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

I had a hard time reading and understanding this one, but from what I understand A-1 wants to raid the UNGOC to confiscate their and technology, then audit them every week. I don't believe this is a good conclusion result to an event, and predetermining an outcome like this is not exactly a good idea for an RP server where things are based on improv.
-0.5 Points from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

This requires far more detail, the idea is not bad, but what would mass-terming CI involve that is not already done in a raid? more importantly what is "the most powerful SCP"?
-0.5 Points from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

This does not sound like it would be fun for anybody involved, and would just be killing the entire server excluding surface. There should be more of a story to this at the least, and some form of counter-measure for the Foundation if it were to happen. Perhaps on the scale of a major event due to the implications of all of the site being involved and all SCPs being breached.

-1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit :(

I actually like this idea a lot, there are some things that could be ironed out but the idea is not bad and is fairly fitting to the UNGOC's character along with having health RP implications involved. Once again I don't think you should predetermine outcomes in something like this as both objectives sound fun and unique.
+1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit

This holds the same issues as the other two with Medical and GSD. They are poorly explained Treason Combative events, there is a lack of RP here and it should be expanded upon or reworked, and there is a predetermined outcome.
-1 Point from Leaf Ericson's Spirit :(

Overall Feedback:
I highly recommend taking the time to consider some of my given points and rework each of your events, even the ones I was positive about could use some more detail or thought. I also am not a fan of the predetermined outcomes of each event, and I think you need to drop most of your combative focus and shift toward what will be good for non-combative, and how you can create events for them. Events can also mix combative and non-combative elements to make them better for a variety.
Overall this application could use some more grammatical attention to make you seem more professional.
I can tell you're passionate about this and I would like to see you become a GM in the future so please do not take my comments too personally, but despite that, for all the reasons above I will be giving you a

Please feel free to reach out to me on discord if you have any questions for me.
Thank you for the feedback and I'll reach out to you soon about GM stuff. The reason i predetermined stuff was because i thought you guys would of liked to know what happened not just left on a cliffhanger. Like said IDK much about SCP Lore which i need to read on, IDK what the most powerful SCP is on site.
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Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Application Accepted

Hi @"Raven" ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

After deliberation, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations!

Please wait in TS Interview Waiting Room at your earliest convenience, change your name to "GM waiting for interview" and get in contact with me (Grizzly) on discord.
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