[SCP-RP USA] "Hackers IA Ambassador app]

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Jul 21, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:519426805
Discord name: nohacks_
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6-8months
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): "Hacker"
Civilian name: John thomas
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
OverSeer Assistant- Holding
A-1 CPL- Holding
CI-C Bcom - held
Nu-7 CPT - Held
O-1 SGT - Held
E-11 CSG - Held
ECA- Held
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 1 For rdm and 1 for fearrp was brand new to the server
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador? I want to gain CL4 experience and help rework IA bring new things to the table and grow relations with other regiments to help improve Activity and Gameplay for all IA, Wanna help around the site and begin enforcing the COC, COE and begin making IA the best Department that it can be as it has a lot of potential, Also want to improve the training for IA as I think better training should be done for this as we want the best of the best.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
I have CL4 experience and i have leadership experience, i enforce the COC now and are able to run things without even trying, Am well respected around the Site, Also able to follow orders to the letter no matter what order is given it will be done, I get things done fast and turned in quickly so things can be put into effectivity and fast, My orders are done within the week when requested, .
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
Good Formatting, Table of contexts, Things filled out to detail N written well of events that happened time and date and everyone/everything that happened at this time or at this place with Names, Rank and Role of the Site staff who committed the offence.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
1. Make sure all Agents follow COC and COE to the T and that there enforcing this.
2. Training new IA to be the best they can by showing them tools that they have to there advantage.
3. Watching over your agents to make sure they are doing there best to there abilities.
4. Helping agents with different types of arrest if they feel lost or trying to figure out what they should do.
5. Helping with Code blacks helping Non-Combatives Exit the facility.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
It was 19 years ago... 1988 "Hacker" was born in a small town located in the [Redacted]
During a Sunny Thursday day
Lots of screaming was coming out from his house and a BIG bang happened He sees a giant lizard looking thing through the window, He attempts to run away but is hit by the lizards tail, Is knocked unconscious, he wakes up to pinned by a stone wall, he hears voices all around him and Sees a bright Light, He thinks its the end but fall back unconscious.
*Radio Conversation*
MTF Nu-7 to Overwatch come in?
Overwatch- Send traffic
MTF Nu-7 - Sir we have a Civil here who saw everything, he's seriously injured.
Overwatch- 5 Helios are in bound, Get him out of there bring him back to Site-65.
MTF Nu-7 - 10-4 Sir, also be advised everyone in the town is KIA orders?
Overwatch- Exfil, cleanup crew is otw
MTF Nu-7 - 10-4 Sir,
*Radio Cuts off*
*1 Week later*
Medical staff- How do you feel today?
Hacker- I feel ok, my head isn't pounding.
Medical Staff- Thats good but someone is here to see you so.
*Medical staff leaves the room*
Hacker- Who would be here to see me?
*A man in a light white suit enters*
Unknown person- Hello Mr hacker
Hacker- Hi sir, may i ask who you are?
Unknown Person- Right now thats not important, I have a question for you.
Hacker- What is that sir
Unknown Person- I been given orders to recruit you after what happened.
Hacker- Recruit me? i don't have any military skills sir.
Unknown Person- You will learn everything trust me do you accept.
*The person holds 2 pills in each hand a red and a blue*
Unknown person - here i have 2 pills 1 you will forget everything N go back to your normal life and this 1 will heal you and make you strong allowing you to begin training.
*Hacker thinks, I think i should join i have nothing to lose anymore*
*Hacker grabs the red pill*
Ethics Committee member Canoon, - Excellent choice my friend, well my name is Ethics Committee member Canoon.
Hacker- Nice to meet you sir i do feel a lot better now.
Ethics Committee member Canoon- Great to hear, you will be placed in Internal Affairs.
Hacker- Yes Sir, Thank you very much



Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 26, 2022
+Very active, seen around the site multiple times
+ Current/Previous Cl4 leadership roles
+Lots of previous playtime

+/- Some warnings but nothing serious or recent I believe

Hope you get it :)


Well-known Member
Jan 17, 2023
Hello, I would like to start this message by thanking you for taking the time to apply for the ambassador position. After lengthy talk with the IA team we have come to the decision that this application is to be Accepted. Please contact either me or Harold for your training at your nearest convenience.

Signed: Dpt. Director Jonker "Ignotus"
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