scp rp-usa Intelligence Ambassador app

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Nov 16, 2022
Steam ID: is 76561199024915451
Discord name: i love nuts #7218
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I was playing about 1 or 2 months
Age: 14 y old
In what country are you located?: In Serbia
Time zone: it is
  • UTC+1
Character name(s): For foundation it is markon,for CI is markons
Civilian name: For civilian is markov
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): I specially love usa server so i am applying for SCP-RP-USA,plus i want to suport that server.
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes i do have
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- I don't have mtf or ci ,but i have intelligence agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- One for telling one d class to kill his self ,but i wont do it again, I got ban for 3 days

Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?
I have read some of really good documents, to help or give other agents and operatives test and trening to get their job, and foundation has to have more active ambasador and directors. I want to support and help intel. And help and guide all agents and operatives
What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?:
-Readed loots of document for lvl 3 ,helping other intel , making documents posting document if i can, or got chance to, and good leading

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
-3 or 4 but long ago i didn't post but i maked some bcs i didn't ask ethics for posting it but ok.
What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?:

- they are to be not take advantage of lvl 4 , to help other it members, to do lvl 4 duties ,to help /assist other lvl 4 and agent or operative or directors, to look if somebody is breaking the rules to stop info breach, to help nu 7,to make documents, to make sure agents are following protocol rules ,and make sure agents are not toxic.
Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in to: back in 2008 one boy named Markon was born ,but his mother died at giving birth, he was missing his move 10 years later his dad went missing 1 later has found dead in somebody's basemend didn't had parents so he grow up in street but he wasn't gona Leet that one who killed his dad , go away he started to work in Pollice to find who killed his dad, after 5 years working he got to police ambasador,after some days he after work he find some misteres
letter from some foundation to join them, he joined and he was told this is not just any foundation this is top secret government base, where they keep all of anomaly monsters, he didn't believe but when he got to first test as cadet he saw monsters, after that he believed them, he got promoted to officer, he sawed all of hell they are keeping down there, after some really hard working he got promoted to Sargent and 2 days after scp breach happened he somehow survived and mtf e 11 - nine tailed fox entered and helped killing and putting scp back in their chamber ,he managed to survive but his best friend Chan died to 096 , he was sad but he know he has no time to be sad, so he continue working and after 1 year he apply for security captain ,but he got rejected, after that he had chance to be one of intelligence agency member so he taked the chance and got promoted to agent, after 2 and a half years he wants to be intel ambasador and who know will he be it .

Last edited by a moderator:
Jul 16, 2022
Thank you for showing interest in the position of Intelligence Ambassador, but due to your recent inactivity in-game, we do not think you are currently fit for the position.

feel free to reapply in 2 weeks

if you have any questions message me or doofus on discord
Doofus- TwoOreos99#9751
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