[SCP-RP USA] Nick 'Mosasaurs' 6th SA app

Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
2000+ hours, been playing since late 2021
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
F: Nick 'Mosasaur' [D5-5][LRT-RA] GOC: Nick "Mosasaur" CI: "Jurassic"[R&D DIR]
Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
E-11 LT
DEA Senior agent

SCP-RP Gamemaster
GSD captain
E-11 SPC x2
SCP-RP Moderator x2

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

These are all very old warnings and I have been a moderator twice for the staff team and was a GM.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?:
I feel I am completely ready to take the first step as a Sr. CL4 Administrative role within the server. With all my experience as a leader within Site-65, I am confident I could perform within the role of Site Advisor to a great degree and with great professionalism. I have enjoyed my time as an E-11 LT and all of my other Sr. LVL 4s greatly so far and want to take a bigger more general leadership role within the Foundation so I can work with all the departments closer and play a bigger part in improving the site where needed. I personally enjoy the document writing and interviewing parts of the server more than most, I feel, so it only makes sense that I apply for a Site Administration position. I understand that as a Site Advisor, a big part of the job is actively communicating with other departments and individual site staff. I already enjoy talking to other people around the site so I would have no problem there. Given that I have so many roles/ex-roles I feel like I have a good rapport with all of the different departments and would be able to work with each department properly to ensure great results when it comes to department reviews as well as going over how each department can improve if needed.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
My main goal since first joining the server back in 2021/2022 was to eventually become Site Administration but I wanted to take my time and get some experience in other leadership and (non-SA) administrative positions before applying. I have gained a massive amount of leadership experience from my time as an E-11 LT, Nu-7 LTCOM, ECA/OSA, BCOM, and captain. All of these roles cover administrative duties within their respective fields and develop teamwork, leadership, teaching skills, RP, and document handling skills both in-game and out of game. Aside from all that, I have looked into the role and duties of a Site Advisor and talked to another Site Advisor about the role so I can learn about it as much as possible before making this application. All of this makes me a good candidate for Site Advisor because I already have all the qualities to perform the job correctly.

I know I have made my mistakes in the past as LTCOM (Dumb decisions, leading by fear not example, etc.) but I feel I have matured and became better at decision making and leading. I do wish you see me for the person and leader I am now and not 9 months ago. I am sorry for the PT members and people I affected with my horrid leading but I feel I have improved lots over these past months.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- Authorising Advanced Armory during a Code 5 if the situation is dire enough for it, during a Code Black if it has not be authorised already, During a breach of SCP-008. As well as manning Advanced Armory in order for NCO's to access it.
- Creating Monthly reviews for the Departments within Site 65 as well as observing each Departments performance on-site.
- Working with Department Leads to create better condition within each Department as well as partaking in meetings to discuss the Departments.
- Discussing with GOI's whether over comms or in person to create RP for these groups and the Foundation its self.
- Authorising sweeps if a Captain is on on-site to perform it.
- Following out orders given by Site Command.
- Documenting events that transpire on-site to help keep everything on the books.
- Discussing happenings on site to Site Command to better communication between the two groups.
- Making sure that no unneeded conflict occurs or no one joins into a conflict that has no involvement with them.
- Ordering the Site when a new SCP in found on-site to better understand it.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:


"Mosasaur" or by birth known as Nick Williams was born on august [REDACTED] year [REDACTED] to a family of 4, a mother, father and a younger sister. The family had always had rocky relations with each other, including Nick's father who worked for a strange branch of the government, he was never allowed to tell them or our family about, causing his mother great stress. one day however the father went on a "business trip" for a period of 2 weeks. The business trip his father took never came to an end however, as one day the family of 3 were visited by 2 men in suits knocking on there door, to hand a small note and condolences of their father going "MIA". This forced Nick's mother into a deep depression and struggle to support the family, resulting in alcoholism and almost abusive behaviour's and outbursts. Due to this Nick had to grow up fast and learn as much as they could. Forcing on a brave face to make sure they were able to see his younger sister smile, Nick was able to get different part time jobs and make ends meet in family arguments and there mothers outbursts. This forced Nick at a young age to mature quickly. This lasted until Nick and his sister were both through college, Nick studying military tactics, leading onto a dangerous career as a navy seal. One day on shift around [REDACTED] PM there was a large commotion in the hall and all doors were being blown open. Quickly armed men stormed into the small room of Nick's bunks. This happened to be a large MTF patrol, they have seen Nick's combative experience as a navy seal and chose him out of 100's of other military personnel. The men in the armored uniform offered Nick a job within the foundation as a Nu-7 PVT due to his combative experience. If he agreed he would be told what the briefing was outside. If he declined he would attend the briefing too, as they were not able to start without his attendance there. Seeing the pay and benefits seemed far greater then his current job as a military 1SG, he quickly accepted. This resulted in Nick being amnesticized.

Foundation-Site Administration

Nick's early days within the foundation were mostly filled with confusion, intimidation and a large amount of paperwork. In the very beginning he regretted taking the job feeling like he was signing his life away to a mysterious government organization. The first week felt like it took forever but after it was over Nick began the real work within the foundation, primarily dealing with Chaos Insurgency (CI). Nick quickly climbed the ranks of MTF Nu-7 until after about 2 months he reached the rank of LT. This rank came with many responsibilities such as hosting tryouts, doing paperwork for REGCOM, sometimes escorting SA. After about a month he became MAJ. He felt good and was happy with his promotion so, he decided to apply for [REDACTED] Assistant. Soon after his application got accepted, Nick was wondering if he could balance the work of REGCOM of Nu-7 and [REDACTED] Assistant. Somehow he did manage to balance these two things. After a couple months of being a NU-7 major he got promoted to LTCOM by the COM of Nu-7 "Raven". A few weeks after achieving the rank of LTCOM, "Mosasaur" proceeded to pay 4 liters of the chemical N-HU-23X for a member of the Ethics Committee. This action caused him to get removed from the ranks of Nu-7. Even after the removal from Nu-7 "Mosasaur" kept on going in his assistant position. A few months after the incident, "Mosasaur" had joined the MTF regiment known as Epsilon-11 and reached the ranks of LT. 'Mosasaur', feeling that he was ready for the position, applied for Site Administrator. A couple weeks later, the Site Director called Nick into his office.

SD: Hello Nick, please take a seat.
Nick: Hello Sir, why did you call me into here?
SD: I wanted to talk to you about your Site Advisor application.
Nick: Oh, alright. Did you see anything wrong with it?
SD: No. I just have a couple questions to ask you.
Nick: Go ahead.
*After the questionnaire*
SD: Ok then, I have to say I am impressed. Especially because you kept your assistant work up and reached LT after the incident.
Nick: I try my best Sir.
SD: Well, I hope you keep that same attitude in your new Site Advisor position. Congratulations. Your training starts tomorrow.
Nick: Thank you Sir, I wont fail you.
*A few months after this moment Nick became a successful Site Advisor eventually reaching the rank of Site Manager*


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Apr 27, 2022
Good Application
+ Held Clearance Level 4 Positions
+ Good activity
+Top Tier Professionalism in-game
+ Ability to lead people through hard situations

-/+ Past issues (May of fixed it)
- Just a lot of warnings
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Mosasaur's Site Advisor Application


Hello Mosasaur, first I would like to take the time to thank you for putting in your application to become a Site Advisor. Secondly, I am pleased to announce that your application has been pushed to an interview. Don't hesitate to get in touch with any Site Administration member to move forward with your application process. Good Luck.