Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:183711933
Discord Name: crimson___shadow
For how long have you played on CG SCP?: I have been playing Civil Networks SCP Roleplay for over a year. I joined the server around 03/11/23. (DD/MM/YY)
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: United States
Time Zone: Central Standard Time (CST)
Character name(s):Discord Name: crimson___shadow
For how long have you played on CG SCP?: I have been playing Civil Networks SCP Roleplay for over a year. I joined the server around 03/11/23. (DD/MM/YY)
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: United States
Time Zone: Central Standard Time (CST)
Civilian name:
Fred Smithers
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
A-1 COM (Holding)
Entry-Level DEA Whitelist (Held)
E-11 SGT (Held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have not received any kicks, bans, or warnings throughout my time on Civil Networks.
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for the position of O5-4 under the codename of "The Veteran.” The primary reason behind why I wish to become a member of the Overseer Council is to further promote roleplay on the US server. During my time as a member of Epsilon-11 and Alpha-1, I have seen documents and roleplay situations/events that fascinated me in a way that made me want to experience more of them. I wish to promote and expand roleplay/document creation in a way that captivates players the way it interested me when I was new to the server. Becoming a member of the O5 Council (and leaving Alpha-1 as a result) would allow me to repurpose the time I spend fighting as a combative into time spent working on roleplay and event ideas. The secondary reason is (of course) to advance forward in my career at Site-65.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
- Leadership Capability. Roleplay leaders have to work with a team and handle situations with a sense of care for what other associated parties want. I believe I have what it takes to handle these situations. I have shown these capabilities through my tenure as Alpha-1 Commander, especially during the final quarter of 2024, when most of the CO team resigned in September.
- Willingness to Create Roleplay. Roleplay leaders need to be willing to RP and create roleplay scenarios for players to partake in. If I were to become a member of the Overseer Council, I would be encouraging other departments to approach me regarding projects/roleplay ideas they wish to set up and execute. I would also write up roleplay event ideas and discuss them with department/regiment leads and get them set up with the server’s Game Master team.
- Availability. I am constantly checking Discord and the Civil Networks SCP-RP channels for any changes to Foundation policies, messages from other regiment/department members, or questions coming from Alpha-1 members or Staff. This availability would persist if I were to become a member of the Overseer Council.
- Experience on the server. I have been a member of Civil Networks SCP-RP for a bit over a year now. Throughout that time, I have experienced so much of what makes the server what it is and how the server has changed over time. A new player could come up to me, ask a question, and receive a response that would satisfyingly answer their query. At a high rank such as Overseer, assisting new players would show great dedication to the server and the players on the server.
Responsibilities of the O5 Council are as follows:
- Overseer Council members discuss Group of Interest relations with Site Administration & DEA Leadership.
- Overseer Council members talk to the Ethics Committee regarding A-1/O5 & O-1/EC relations. The Overseer Council also works with the Ethics Committee to update and uphold major site policies such as the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics.
- Overseer Council members approve, discuss, and create research projects with the Research Department.
- Overseer Council members authorize Kill-On-Sight past airlock in the event Class D personnel become too difficult to contain due to higher level codes such as Code Fives, Code Fours, and Code Threes.
- Overseer Council members oversee the day-to-day operations of the facility and ensure everything is going well.
- Overseer Council members issue classified orders to Overseer Assistants.
- Overseer Council members issue classified orders to and receive protection from Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 “Red Right Hand”.
- During containment breaches, Overseer Council members are entrusted with the power to authorize Advanced Armory usage, call Emergency Response Teams, and detonate the on-site Alpha Warhead. Detonating the Alpha Warhead comes with the extreme side effect of resetting any RP prior to the warhead’s detonation. Detonation of the Alpha Warhead should only take place if ERT has failed their mission.
Members of the O5 Council appoint Overseer Assistants, Site Directors, Directors of Research, and the Alpha-1 Commander.
As roleplay leaders, O5 Council members create and encourage roleplay for the regiments, departments, and factions of the server. Setting up roleplay is done either in-game or on Discord/TeamSpeak. For some roleplay events, members of the O5 Council might work with the server’s Game Master team to set up custom SCPs, custom SCP items, custom rooms/areas, and prolonged roleplay events.
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
The Alpha-1 Commander slowly walks into the Overseer's office. There's a sense of tension in the air. "Commander, it's time you learn the truth about the old Chief," the Overseer said coldly. The lights in the room seemed brighter than they normally were. The Commander asked, confused, "The old Chief, sir? Which one?" The Council member answered, sitting a bit more forward in his chair and looking at his monitor for a data entry, "I believe their tenure was before your recruitment. Regardless of that, there comes a time each Commander earns the privilege of knowing about this," the Overseer paused for a moment, "embarrassing incident in the Council's history."
"Where will I find this information, sir," the Commander inquired. The lights felt even brighter to the Commander's eyes than earlier. The Council member responded quietly, "It is already on your terminal. Any classified information has already been expunged. Once you have read its contents, you are to remove it from your terminal." The Commander replied, "Understood, sir. Will that be all?" The Overseer sat silently in his office chair for a moment, contemplating if anything else needed to be done. "No, Commander. You may return to your quarters." The Commander nodded to the Overseer, turning around, and walked out of the decorated office.
Date & Time:
12/30/2023 | 19:10:00 - 21:30:00
Nature of Incident:
SCP - 008 Breach
Personnel Involved:
All On-Site Personnel
Details of Incident:
At approximately 19:10:00, Chief Overseer “███ ██████████” deployed Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 “Red Right Hand” to Heavy Containment Zone. Alpha-1 proceeded to take three SCP - 008 syringes and stash them on Floor 3. Chief Overseer “███ ██████████” briefed Alpha-1 on his plan to assassinate ███ ████████████ during their meeting on Floor 3.
███ ████████████ and ██████ "████ ██ █████████████" arrived at Site - 65 at 19:25:00. At 19:33:00, Alpha-1 was ordered to terminate ███ ████████████ and ██████ "████ ██ █████████████". Terminated personnel were body doubles; ███ ████████████ was already aware of the Chief Overseer’s plan. Knowing this was the end, Chief Overseer “███ ██████████” engages his contingency plan. Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 “Red Right Hand” was ordered to disperse around the facility and post at high-population areas with the three SCP - 008 syringes.
Alpha-1 caused power failures in all Foundation systems and generator turbines.
[19:40:20 | CODE 3 ENGAGED]
Alpha-1 operatives injected site personnel with SCP - 008. Infected personnel overwhelmed containment teams.
██████ "████ ██ █████████████" begins to track the Chief Overseer.
[20:10:00 | ERT TEAMS LAND AT SITE - 65]
Emergency Response Teams began clearing out Site - 65 and repairing any downed systems they came across. ERT was given one hour and twenty minutes to contain the Code 3 or face a Code Black scenario.
ERT teams clear a path to Light Containment Zone’s Electrical Center.
ERT teams clean up LCZ and move onto Heavy Containment Zone.
ERT teams clear a path to Heavy Containment Zone’s Electrical Center.
ERT receives special orders by Foundation Command. Alpha Priority.
[21:06:00 - 21:10:00 | ERT TEAMS ARE RADIO SILENT]
ERT teams clear out any remaining SCP - 008-2 instances.
[21:25:00 | ERT TEAMS LEAVE SITE - 65]
██████ "████ ██ █████████████" locates the Chief Overseer. The Chief Overseer is found on Surface with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
[21:40:00 | O5-2 ELEVATED TO O5-1 STATUS]
The Commander sat at his desk dumbfounded. Had a previous Chief Overseer, one of the most loyal individuals to work for the Foundation, really betrayed everything they stood for? Treason of this complexity hadn’t been heard of since the Insurgency's defection in 1948. The Lieutenant Commander walked into the office and searched for a file in a cabinet. Before he could leave with the file, the Commander stopped him.
“Gaz, do you ever feel like it’s about time to hang the beret up?” “Not really, are you?” “We’ve served Alpha-1 for quite a long time. We have seen all manner of things happen to Foundation personnel. I think it’s time for me to step away from the combative field and retire.” “Go for it, Night. When do you plan on leaving?” “As soon as I notify the Overseer Council and arrange a date for it.”
. . .
The day of the retirement party finally came. Alpha-1 had locked down the Site-65 Cafeteria to Alpha-1, Omega-1, and Site Administration+ personnel only. Unarmed men and their escorts filled the seats of the cafeteria, and the Commander stood in the middle of the room. A Foundation Bronze Star was pinned to his armor, reminding him of a valiant battle won against insurmountable odds. “Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming to my retirement party.”“I hope you enjoy this special occasion as we celebrate my final day operating as the Commander of Alpha-1. It's been a good run, and I'm proud of how far you've all progressed during your time here at-.” The Commander's speech was interrupted by all the radios activating with the same terrifying message he’d heard once before: Code Three.
The Sergeant was one of three Johns in Epsilon-11 during his employment for the Site-65 detachment of Nine-Tailed Fox. There was him, another John about the same rank as him, and Commander John “Survivor” Maverick. It was business as usual on December 17th in the Heavy Containment Zone. The Sergeant was fitted with standard-issue Epsilon-11 biohazard specialist gear due to a recent SCP-409 test. Unbeknownst to site personnel, Chaos Insurgency spies had infiltrated the base and stolen a few syringes carrying SCP-008 earlier in the day.
A researcher, guard, and Class D exited the primary lift and approached the security checkpoint. Their credentials checked out, so the Sergeant let them through and ordered a lower-ranking Epsilon-11 agent to bring the testing party to their destination. Research teams weren’t coming to HCZ as much as usual on that day. “You’re good to go. Lance Corporal, head out with them to SCP-082’s chamber.” "Roger. You three, follow me." Radio communications with Light Containment Zone implied testing in LCZ was also uncommon. The day was winding down, so low testing frequency was expected.
The Sergeant’s shift was almost over. He could finally return to Epsilon-11’s bunk area and get some rest before the next day’s work. The Sergeant was awoken from the endlessly dull standing around by his radio buzzing. Messages poured in over zombies being spotted inside of D-Block. This was a Code 3, and a full-site lockdown was immediately initiated to slow the spread of the infection.
"Everyone, to the lift. Move!" The Sergeant hastily mobilized with the rest of the on-site Epsilon-11 agents to contain the biohazard breach as swiftly as they possibly could. Light Containment Zone appeared to be in a terrible condition as they passed SCP-173’s containment chamber. "This place is a mess." Bodies were all over the place, and blood spattered the walls and floors, telling a story of combatives trying and failing to stop the oncoming horde. “How did it overwhelm everyone so fast?” Not all the dead stayed down. Some of the late security teams rose back up around the Epsilon-11 agents and brutally tore at them and their protective gear.
The Sergeant was lucky to be wearing one of the biohazard specialist suits. The infected couldn’t penetrate its thick material. The same couldn’t be said for most of his fellow Nine-Tailed Fox, who were either killed or converted to the growing population of undead. The remaining agents fought their way to the Personnel Wing Loop. Through the chaos of the radio channels, Site Command issued a directive to all remaining non-combative personnel: Evacuate. "This situation is getting out of hand. We need to keep moving."
Only six Epsilon-11 agents made it to Personnel Wing Loop. While security teams had the area under control, the Sergeant checked the other five surviving Nine-Tailed Fox for infection. “Everyone, line up. I’m scanning you all for infection.” "Once the Sergeant is done, we're moving into Entrance Zone to establish a checkpoint at the Tesla Gate." All five were clear, so the six of them headed for the Entrance Zone Checkpoint to establish an infection testing checkpoint. On the way to the checkpoint, seven zombies rushed at them from around a corner and attacked the group, killing the other five agents. All alone now, the Sergeant called for the Entrance Zone Bulkhead to be opened. "Entrance Zone, Nine-Tailed Fox biohazard specialist agent requesting the bulk doors be opened to establish a checkpoint for survivors."
The reinforced doors opened slowly. On the other side was Mobile Task Force Alpha-1. The Commander of Alpha-1 instructed the Sergeant to join the rest of his men at their infection testing checkpoint. Non-combative personnel didn’t make it to the checkpoint often. Some arrived infected and had to be terminated. Others made it miraculously unscathed and were allowed to evacuate to the Garage.
“Commander, do we know when Emergency Response Teams will arrive?” “ERT is two minutes out, Sergeant. Continue holding the checkpoint until ERT arrives and we’ll push back into LCZ with them.” Zombies tried to rush through the checkpoint a few times, but the Tesla Gates disintegrated them on contact. A group of three survivors made it to the checkpoint and were cleared. Emergency Response Teams made their way to the Entrance Zone Checkpoint shortly after landing at the Courtyard.
As ERT cleared line-of-sight of the Sergeant, Alpha-1 obscured his visor and took him to Floor 3. After being in darkness for a few moments, his vision was cleared of obstruction. The Sergeant was in what appeared to be a server room. “Sergeant, welcome to the Alpha-1 screening process.”