What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)
Your Username: James 'Stone' Parlor
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:752641562
Discord Username: Stoner5546
Age: 15
What's your current playtime: 10 days and 13 hour this mouth
Do you have a mic: Yes
Your characters name: Foundation: James 'Stone' Parlor
CI: Haunted 'Stone' Wine
Civilian: Bobby stone
GOC: James 'Stone' parlord
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No this is the first application I'm making
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I have received 2 bans one of them is playing with a friend and a researcher reported me for saying I did not intend to roleplay in that moment and a couple of warns that I do not remember what happened
How many hours can you be on everyday: 3-5 most of the time
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: No i do not
Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: I am proud to get ranks like Nu-7 CSG, CI-G 2 times, and E-11 SGT 3 times. I like that i was able to make so many friends on this server
Why would you like to become a staff member: I wanted to become staff when i became more mature but when Rackarain asked me why won't I become admin I knew I was mature enough to at least attempt
If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: If I am able to improve something in the staff team it would be responding to sits quicker so people don't feel the need to halt there RP because they have a active sit that need to be taken
Your Username: James 'Stone' Parlor
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:752641562
Discord Username: Stoner5546
Age: 15
What's your current playtime: 10 days and 13 hour this mouth
Do you have a mic: Yes
Your characters name: Foundation: James 'Stone' Parlor
CI: Haunted 'Stone' Wine
Civilian: Bobby stone
GOC: James 'Stone' parlord
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No this is the first application I'm making
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I have received 2 bans one of them is playing with a friend and a researcher reported me for saying I did not intend to roleplay in that moment and a couple of warns that I do not remember what happened
How many hours can you be on everyday: 3-5 most of the time
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: No i do not
Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: I am proud to get ranks like Nu-7 CSG, CI-G 2 times, and E-11 SGT 3 times. I like that i was able to make so many friends on this server
Why would you like to become a staff member: I wanted to become staff when i became more mature but when Rackarain asked me why won't I become admin I knew I was mature enough to at least attempt
If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: If I am able to improve something in the staff team it would be responding to sits quicker so people don't feel the need to halt there RP because they have a active sit that need to be taken
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