[SCP-USA] Chan's Application for O5-4 "The Alchemist" [Approved by Randal to post early]

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Jul 16, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:535876065
Discord name: waltah0797
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Australia
Time zone: AEST
Character name(s): Foundation is Chan and for Chaos insurgency Anita “Chan” Pea
Civilian name: BIG Bazza
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Currently, I Hold A1 SGT, Director of External Affairs, CI Delta.
Held Intelligence Director/Ambassador from Sep 30 2022 till Dea came out, O1 CSG, NU-7 CSG.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: i have 2 active warns for Fear RP and Fail rp the rest shown below are inactive


What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying For the position of 05-4 The Alchemist, the reason behind me applying for the position of 05-4 is due to I want to start my next steps in the foundation after I have done many things around the site and think that it is my time to step up to the plate as an RP Leader. I want to create some enjoyable and eventful rp for all parties in this position.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

Experience: I have worked throughout many departments I have been in, and I have been able to maintain professionalism and act in an orderly manner. I have been in many Cl4 positions throughout that time. The main departments that I have been a part of are Intelligence and DEA and in this time have held a Senior Cl4 For About 10 Months. So overall I believe that from being in these positions for such a long time I have been able to gain a lot of experience on the server.

Leadership: Overall in my time on the server I have held many leadership positions. The positions I have held have helped keep a department maintained. I also have been able to help with the release of a new department which started from scratch and under my leadership has become one of the most successful departments on site.
Friendly: Overall throughout my time on the server I have been a very approachable and friendly person towards everyone. I have always been willing to sit down with people and help out in any way I can.

Activity: While my activity normally isn't on us time I make up for that with my activity being an average of 3 or more hours a day. I am also very easily measurable on Discord and am pretty quick to respond unless asleep.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
In Rp 05 should be:
Announcing Code Blacks
Authorizing SCP-008 Test
Authorizing Crosstests
Making Modifications to the Code Of Conduct
Working on site-wide policies
Detonation of the nuke after ERT has fallen
Handing out orders to overseer assistance

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Out Of Rp 05 are to deal with:
Appointing of Alpha One Commands.
Voting for Director of External Affairs Applications.
Voting of Overseer Assistant Applications.
Voting of Site Director Applications.
Voting of Other Overseer Applications.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Please input login credentials
> **********
> ***********

Access to a clearance 5 account detected
Deploying memetic kill agent
Checking for signs of life
Signs of life verified

Hello O5-1.
[1 ~]$ cd /foundation/departments/external affairs
[1 /foundation/departments/externalaffairs]$ cat c4/agents/chan.txt
Name: David Kyle
Code Name: “Chan”
Status: Alive

Agent Chan aka David Kyle is a highly skilled Department Director for the Department of External Affairs. Formally employed by the MSS. From his time working for the MSS he gained a lot of skills that got him made him a target for recruitment. While working for the foundation. David has been involved in countless highly classified operations involving counterintelligence and espionage.

Physical Description
Height 6’3
Identifying feature: NA
Hair: black

[1 /foundation/departments/externalaffairs]$ cat c4/interviews/operation_Storm_Breaker_report.txt

Operation name: Storm Breaker
Under Director Chan’s supervision, the Department of External Affairs launched an operation known as Operation storm breaker in which they located a large number of anomalies in weather patterns. After further investigation, these weather patterns were found to be coming from a Chaos insurgency base in New Mexico. after locating where it was coming from Chan organized a large-scale assault on the chaos insurgency base which involved 15 external affairs agents and 30 NU-7 hammer down. What happened could only be imagined as a slaughter of Chaos insurgency.

[1 /foundation/departments/externalaffairs]$ rm c4/interviews/operation_Storm_Breaker_report.txt
File operation_Storm_breaker_report.txt has been deleted
[1 /foundation/departments/externalaffairs]$ cd /foundation/sitecommand/o5/recruitment
[1 /foundation/site-command/o5/recruitment]$ cat interview_delta.txt

Chan: Where am I, What is this

????: You're here to answer a few questions for me

Chan: So an interview?

????: Yes, Exactly an interview.

Chan: And what is the reason this interview is being held for?

????: You'll have to find out when we get to that stage.

????: Anyways, the main reason you are here is due to your recent operation.

Chan: Do you mean Operation Storm Breaker?

????: Yes, we saw how well you lead the troops and wanted to have a word with you.

????: The work we saw out of you made us open our eyes and realize how good of a leader you are and what a valuable asset you are to the foundation.

Chan: Is that so? Well thank you for the compliments but this still doesn't answer why I am here in the first place.

????: Well, you see we think it is time you step up and take a seat in the council.

Chan: The council?

????: Yes the 05 council is looking at placing you at the table.

????: We will be in touch.


[1 /foundation/site-command/o5/recruitment]$ rm interview_delta.txt
[1 /foundation/sitecommand/o5/recruitment]$ bash recruit_script.sh /foundation/departments/externalaffairs/c4/agents/chan.txt "The Alchemist"
Changing agent "Chan" status from "Alive" to "KIA".
Creating new dossier at /foundation/site-command/o5/members
new dossier alchemist.txt created.
Locating available designations.
Designation O5-4 assigned.
Sending Alpha-1 operatives to secure O5-4 "The Alchemist".​
+/- Support

I am skeptical with your active warnings as being a Foundation Command member you need to always have a clean slate. Being a long term player as well as being a Sr CL4 personnel you should show that you know the rules by now. You're a very active player within the server and you do your job very well. I wish you the best of luck if you are going to be Site Command.
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