(SCP_USA) John "Hannibal" Lecter's Exec app

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Papa John

Well-known Member
Jun 24, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:435904209

Discord name: Juddur#0815

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 months

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: CST

Character name(s): John "Hannibal" Lecter(F)
Civilian name: John "The Cannibal" Lecter (CI)

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Doctor (ML)
MTF-E11 (PVT) (Holding)
IA (Holding)
CI-G (Held)
CI-A (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I enjoy research and feel that I have a firm understanding of what is required of an Executive researcher, and I believe I would be able to easily meet the responsibilities that's required of one. Being an executive researcher gives you access to complete test's with more freedom, something I would enjoy a lot. The benefits of being an Executive is mainly why I'm applying, as well as my confidence that I could do the job properly. Being given freedom on tests let's me do creative and unique tests without having to ask for permission on every test I do. Many of the tests that I've done recently would be more suitable for an Executive rather then a Sr, however I feel that I have executed them very well.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I feel that I am suitable for everything that is required of an Executive Researcher. I have a firm understanding of document writing, and am able to help newer researchers whenever possible. I perform creative test's often that have clear purposes and benefits. I have a lot of experience with the kind of test's Executive Researcher's perform, most of my test's as a Senior have had to be approved by Ethic's, an Exec, or SA. I am professional, and always committed to the tests I perform, I try to write an excellent document for every single test I do. Lastly, I am a good leader and feel that I would be capable of mentoring other researcher's, and I would be able to explain any information they need to help them do a proper test and excellent test.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

As of now, I have written 10 documents. Of those 10, 2 have been good, and 8 have been graded excellently. Their are several thing's that make a document excellent.


Format is the most important, and 1st step to achieving an excellent document. A excellent document should be mostly error free, clean, and should have multiple pages with clear sections. Typically, the sections of an excellent document would be as follows. An Index, a description of the SCP(s), a Goal of Study, Methodology / the process of how the test will be performed, a hypothesis, a list of participants, Finding's / results in relation to the GoS, and finally a conclusion. Each section should be it's own page, and should be clearly laid out on the 1st page in an index.

A document should have a clear purpose and benefit. The research study should ask clear, and meaningful questions, and then seek to answer them through testing. An example of a test that has no purpose, would be sending a D-Class to eat candy over and over again to document the effects of the Candy Bowl. Rather then simply documenting an SCP, the test should seek to test something specific about the SCP. An example of a test with purpose, would be determining how 2 candies interact with each other, if you give a D-Class 2 green candies, will they be twice as fast? If you give them 2 Purple candies, will they jump twice as high?
All tests should have clear, and meaningful purposes to achieve an excellent grade

Content / Detail
All test's should have a large amount of content, and most importantly should detail each portion of the test. For a document to be excellent, someone should be able to look at it and reproduce the exact same test using the document as a guideline. Everything done should be explained in detail. The document should be specific, and elaborate on everything so that the reader doesn't have to question anything in the test.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
Executive Researcher's have a few important responsibilities.

Document Grading and Approval

All Executive Researcher's should be able to properly grade a document, and should be available to grade one whenever they aren't busy. Along with grading document's, is approving documents. A Executive Researcher should know exactly what document's they can and cannot approve, and should be able to approve document's confidently. It is the responsibility of the Executive Researcher to review the document and make sure any necessary edits are made before they sign off on it.

Guidance / Leadership
All Executives have the responsibility of guiding other researcher's, as well as taking initiative to help them. This mean's, answering questions when asked, hosting lecture's that seek to improve the ability of all who attend, and disciplining other researchers when necessary. It is also the responsibility of an Executive to lead by example, this includes but isn't limited to, staying out of trouble and staying professional, as well as executing organized and well thought out test's, especially in front of other researchers.

Executive Researcher's should
regularly perform test's on SCP's especially ones that are of their clearance level. An Executive Researcher should be able to carry out these test's flawlessly, and excellently. If assigned a project / test by someone, an Executive should complete the test within a few days, and should create a well thought out and detailed document for the test that is presentable to the project's assigner.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
John Lecter, nicknamed "Hannibal", was born in Site-65. His parents, both researchers, were part of a unique program that allowed them to raise him within Site-65 while continuing their work. This was an experimental project from the ███████ to determine how exposure to the anomalous from birth might affect a child's development and abilities. His parents both demonstrated supernatural abilities as Thaumotologists, and it was thought that constant exposure would make John even closer to an SCP himself.

From a very young age, John was exposed to several different SCP’s contained within Site-65. As he grew up, he became fascinated with SCP’s and had a remarkable ability to communicate with and understand them. John also found himself capable of unnatural abilities, he was able to control object’s, and sometimes even people with his mind. John was able to bond with even the most dangerous and unpredictable of anomalies, John was empathetic, and understanding towards the SCP’s. This talent proved valuable in the study of many sentient SCP’s, as he could understand and predict their reactions, and he seemed to have a calming effect on them.

John officially joined the SCP Foundation as a Thaumatologist when he came of age. Given his upbringing in Site-65 and his understanding of SCP’s, he quickly found himself becoming a Senior Researcher. John was skilled in Thaumatology, and sometimes found himself forming a connection with certain SCPs that other researchers considered impossible. His exposure from birth made him “attuned” to SCP’s and his test’s constantly went smoothly.

After years of working as a Senior Researcher, John had been told about an opening as an Executive Researcher. John had been conducting test's for years, and felt that he had the knowledge, and the ability, to take on the job. Given his years of experience, John put in an application with the hopes of elevating his research career



Active member
Apr 9, 2023

By the looks of your Application. I see that you must put a lot of work in the research department of the foundation. and I reckon you will be great for supporting other researchers and helping them into gaining better documents

All in all I haven't seen you myself but still that doesn't mean you won't do good
Apr 20, 2023
From: cdarby@scpf.int
To: jlector@scpf.int
Subject: Application Status


| Application Elevated |

Greetings John,

This is a message composed by the Research Directorate to inform you that your application for the position of Executive Researcher has been elevated to the next step. We thank you for taking the time to apply for this position; please contact a member of the Research Directorate to schedule your interview.

You may contact either myself (thegypysbard) or Dpt. Director Kylie Ringer (dontforgethawaii) to progress your application.​
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