Shark's Lore

What you are reading is heavily classified to CL4 - Confidential only. View at your own risk.
>> Requesting deep Clearance 4 data cache access regarding the personnel in the name of "Sark 'Infested' Waters."

You may not proceed without entering the correct credentials. What is infested in the waters?

>> The waters are full of Sharks.

Your bio doesn't seem to match up, but you are a Clearance 4 personnel. Opening Shark.doc.


Sark 'Infested' Waters isn't a human, he's a Shark, his name seems to be weird at first glance, but interesting via Sark's creativity. Considering he's a Shark, he's also a
Master Disguise Artist, hiding his abnormal height to a standard 6.4 foot for an average male, hiding his fins which we don't know yet, but aiming to interview him later about this. He's been disappearing for a while, heading into a self-made room, full of teeth marks after identifying the teeth marks seemingly being Shark Teeth, as the ground is deepened to a 656-foot pit, water is halfway filled from the 656 foot pit. Further research about this room is classified to the open, preventing anyone from entering to see, except some authorized personnel, Sark has continued to fill the hole with water and if we tried putting hidden cameras in the room is destroyed after 10 to 30 minutes to Sark's disappearance. It is broken and crushed by something, the camera is outside after broken. Analyzing the camera it seems it was 5 minutes after it got broken, seemingly that Sark knew that we tried putting cameras in. END OF DOCUMENT.


After Interviewing Sark about this, he has been very honest and is very respectful, however he still doesn't speak about something, as he thinks its personal to say about. We respect his personal information, and what you are about to hear now is a interview.

Anonymous: Hello, my name is [REDACTED] and do you know why you are here today?

Sark: No, I must assume this is a interview?

Anonymous: Correct. So uhh, I wanted to question you about something weird of you and who you are really, starting off. When you disappear randomly, seemingly to an hour or 2 max, you enter a self-made room and after analyzing the room there's a huge pit that seems to be 656 foot, was it your doing?

Sark: Hmm? You found that? I wondered why no one found out till now. But I will be honest for all of this, I did make that hole. and room.

Anonymous: You made that? Its full of teeth marks and the teeth mark is from a shark, are you saying that you are a Shark?

Sark: Im sorry to say this but I know this room is recorded for something but yes, I am a Shark, considering my name is quote on quote "Sharky" it is true.

Anonymous: He is puzzled by this as he shows visible confusion. So I uh- sorry, Im confused I. Sigh You're a shark, like, no joke just literally a shark?

Sark: Yes, there's no denying or lying, as you have attempted to put a camera in MY room. Sark points to him repeatedly. Its not okay to put a camera in MY room, without consent. Sark is infuriated by this but quickly calms.

Anonymous: Okay okay, we were confused and curious about this, this never happens without us knowing, we did saw you go in there once..

Sark: Again, I'm
minding my business but don't show this to the public, I saw checkpoints there and multiple researchers wanting to check it out, burn ALL documents regarding that room and classify it to CL4, I don't like my identity being known, I will tell you when to make this public so the others may know, but I want one thing.

Anonymous: That is?

Sark: You can call engineers or anyone to help with this room, polish it, make it formal and such, but after that Amnesticate them and never say anything. Make it so that I As Sark points to himself can only go there if I need to. I only stay as human when I'm out the room to keep my job, as its a quite nice place.

Anonymous: Sigh Sure but may I refer you as when you're in Shark, Hes confused, thinking on what he should call him i thinked about inspiring your name to Type blue, green and what. But you can choose.

Sark: Type Great White, I'm abnormal and can change my identity at will, however, delete all camera recordings, of this. Only recordings can stay.

Anonymous: Okay, cut the cameras..

Sark: I have to say my goodbyes, is there any more questions i need to answer before i take my leave?

Anonymous: No, you're free to go.

Sark tidies up his suit as he walks out the door, the Anonymous personnel is thinking as he stands up leaving.



After interviewing Sark, we decided to classify him as Type Great White. With this special authorization from Sark himself, I will wait for him to authorize me to let this be known to CL3. It confused me for some moment and had me thinking. Overall, Sark is a special Entity, able to shapeshift to human and shark, this is the only known shapeshifting we know as now, I will document any shapeshifting from Sark himself and more. Overall he is a entity that's able to shapeshift, heighten senses, instincts and more. After checking the cameras in Cantina, we see him eat Fish more often overall. With this classified name he isn't a Reality Bender, he's only a entity that can shapeshift, overall we will refer to him as Sark, for now.


Closing Shark.doc. Is there anymore you need?

>> No that is it for now, thank you.

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