Shizzle's Intel Ambassador Application [UK]

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Apr 16, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155984648
Discord name: Shizzle#5277
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since April 2022, over 2.6 million seconds which is about a month of on-server playtime.
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT/BST
Character name(s): Zack 'Validus' Andreev, Jack Andreev, Tyler Andreev
Civilian name: Tyler Andreev
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Beta-1 PVT [Held], MTF A-1 SGT [Held], MTF NU-7 SPC [Held], MTF E-11 PVT [Held], Overseer Assistant [Held], Security Captain [Held], GOC SPC [Held], CI Delta [Held], SCP-096 [Holding]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: For what I can remember, I have none of these.

Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?:
I'm applying for Intelligence Ambassador because of my interest in GOIs and their operations, but also because I genuinely enjoy Intelligence, both the job, but also the members of it. By this, I mean mostly the Ambassadors and the Department Director, but some of the Agents I've met are fun people to be around who manage to do their job and do it well. Intelligence has been some of the most fun I've had because it's very action packed, even if there are moments where there's less things to do. It's also because I wish to get back into the server again properly and this would be a good way.
What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?:
I've got experience with dealing with GOIs, as my time in B-1, although a little short lived, gave me the information I needed. In A-1 I was also apart of their, at the time, GOI focused squadron although I cannot remember the name of it as it was a while ago. This means that, as a whole, I already have experience without even talking about my experiences as an Agent. As an Intelligence Agent, I've done multiple covert missions on the CI and the odd few on the GOC, though limited because it's much more difficult to infiltrate the GOC, and most of the time we have no reason to anyway. I know how to write up documents and how to format them and I've had my own experiences as CL4 personnel so I believe I can be trusted. Admittedly, my only downside is that I'm unsure if the members of the Intelligence Department know me well, be it from the past or the present, but of course there's ways around that such as having trials and such if I were to be accepted, which I am willing to do, for the Director and other Ambassadors better understand me and my level of trustworthiness. I also understand my upsides and downsides and understand how to improve myself, with or without help.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I'm not fairly sure how many documents I have written for Intelligence. I have likely written a few in the past, although as of late I haven't written any and I'm fairly certain I can't find the ones from the past. I have written a few documents as an Assistant though. However, I do know how to write a document.
What you would need is a concise cover page. This can be done in two ways, depending on the document.
You could either write a summary of the latter pages so that someone who is quickly needing to read a report can know what the report is about without needing to go through the entire document. You can also set up general front page, including any information or some form of indication of what the document is, e.g., Level 3 Document, Intelligence Only. It would be a way to indicate that the document is for Intelligence only and a way to keep prying eyes from reading it.
After the front page, it would be a good idea to put in some form of appendix, or something similar, to indicate what each page is, for example,
Pg 1 - Basic Information
Pg 2 - Report
Pg 3 - Conclusion
It could be formatted differently, but this is a simple way of formatting it to indicate which is which, but it isn't complicated. As for the other pages, it does depend on the document. In general, for all documents, you should aim for having full and correct grammar, as well as concise and simple to understand information. It's a good idea to try and keep it easy to read and quick to read so that anyone who needs to view it can view it quickly and easily.
A good rule of thumb for a document is for it to be about 4 pages long, give or take, but it does depend on the document itself, as a report could only be a page or 2 long, not counting the front page, or it could be much longer than mentioned, as it does depend on the context.
Having a good conclusion is also a rule of thumb, as it's a way for a person to get a general idea of the document, either without reading it, or not understand the initial document.

What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?:
There are a few main responsibilites of an Intelligence Ambassador within RP. Their main ones would be:
1 - Dealing with Hostage Negotiation.
2 - Giving orders and managing the CL3 Intelligence Personnel, whilst taking orders from the Director.
3 - Either leading or supervising interrogations on GOI and other individuals.
4 - They train people who are interested in the Intelligence Department
5 - May, occasionally, collaborate with NU-7/B-1/ISD with GOI Raids and other such things on the surface, such as clandestine operations. They may also run their own operations, separate to other regiments/task forces, with appropriate permissions.

Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"Zack Andreev, eh? I thought that name didn't exist anymore? I looked at some...Old documents, ones you can't find anymore and well...They said he went AWOL a few months ago. You're telling me that he's back? Strange stuff, but I'm sure it has to do with Them doesn't it?"
Muffled Speech could be heard through the speaker, though you couldn't make out what was being said.
"So he's an Agent in Intelligence now? What a fall from grace. Well, with our careers, I'd say he got lucky."
Site Alarms can be heard in the background.
"Another fucking breach? God damnit...GET MOVING!"
You hear the sounds of footsteps, the alarms still blaring. The recording cuts short.

[CL4 Access Granted, welcome.]
You skip past all the introductory parts of the document. You already know all of this.
Zack 'Validus' Andreev is an Intelligence Agent within the Foundation. He is stationed at Site-65. He has shown an incredibly high resilience in his work, and a strange interest in the GOIs that oppose the Foundation, though in a way that would benefit us. Some reports and rumours have indicated he has an interest in one specific GOI, the GRU-P, though this likely ties to his Russian blood, especially since his Father was apart of the GRU-P, which he learnt recently. A close eye has been kept on Andreev, and there are no signs of him going AWOL to try and hunt down members of GRU-P, and his interest has began to fade ever since his re-assignment to Site-65.
You skip down the report until something catches your eye.
Andreev has recently applied to become an Ambassador within the Intelligence department. Although his past has its experience, due to [DATA EXPUNGED] his request has been put on hold for a while by higher ups. In an attempt to erase parts of his past, this role could be a good step towards that goal.
You close the file. You've seen all you need, for now. You quickly get up and leave, carrying on with your day. This Zack guy sure is a mysterious fella. Maybe you should meet him in person...
(Check my previous Applications, GENSEC CPT/OSA for some context. I like to make my lore more like a story)
Last edited:
Dec 25, 2020


Application On Hold

The following message is composed by Intelligence Department Leadership.

Hello, @Shizzle

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Department of Intelligence. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request.

This request has been put on hold for 1 week. Please contact me for further instructions and information.

Best Regards,
Director Zwacky

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​



The following message is composed by Intelligence Department Leadership.

Hello, @Shizzle

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Department of Intelligence. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be Denied . Please contact me if you wish to discuss the reasoning behind our decision.

Best Regards,
Director Falcon

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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