Denied Site Administration Department Suggestion

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This suggestion will make an addition of a Department that would be responsible for Site Administration, below I will list all information regarding this Department:

- Responsible for the Safety of Site Administration, acting as personal bodyguards. (similar to ISD eg. Alpha-1 & Omega-1)

- Tasked with handling operations given by Site Administration.
- Directly reports to Site Administration & O5 Council.
- Would be first line of communication for any issues regarding Departments Site Administration is responsible in the case Site Administration isn't On-site. (would report anything directly to Site Administration)

(Basic Entry job) (Tryout):
Access Level 4 Card, Elastic Restraints, Handcuffs, Fang-45, M1911 (Unlimited Slots)

(Entry Internal promotion job):
Access Level 4 Card, Elastic Restraints, Handcuffs, Smoke Grenade, Sticky Grenade, M249 Para, M1911 (6 Slots)

(Medium Internal promotion job) (primarily used for disguising):
Access Level 4 Card, Elastic Restraints, Handcuffs, M4 SOPMOD, Disguise Kit (Team, Spy), M1911 (4 Slots)

(High Internal promotion job) (would be able to promote up to Entry Internal promotion job):
Access Level 4 Card, Elastic Restraints, Handcuffs, M4 SOPMOD, M1911, Disguise Kit (Team, Spy) (4 Slots)

(Director job) (would be able to promote up to High Internal promotion job):
Access Level 4 Card, Elastic Restraints, Handcuffs, VHS-D2, Disguise Kit (Team, Spy) (1 Slot)

Following the recent Addition of the VHS-D2 Permanent Weapon don't believe there will be much of an issue regarding the balance of said Weapon.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- Site Administration would have a department specifically tasked to Protect & Report to them for any operations (eg. Investigations, Interrogations, Escorting & Substance Collection)
- Would allow those who are apart of DEA & Nu-7 who enjoy being with Site Administration to work more closely with them, allowing more RP potential with both Site Administration & the Department I am suggesting to be added.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Sub divisions that currently are operating as the guards of Site Administration will most likely cease to exist.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Would benefit RP & give Site Administration more ability to be the public figures of the foundation they are meant to be without always needing to be looking over their shoulder at the risk of a CI or UNGOC capturing them.

P.S Please Content Team don't Instantly lock & deny this suggestion, Would also like for Content team to reach out to both US & UK Site Administration as this is a suggestion for Site Administration

Names of the Positions, Gun changes & Department name can be worked out if suggestion is accepted.
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Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Content Team
Group Moderator
May 23, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Pyro,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion because SA already control MTF and GENSEC, and they can request them if they require escort.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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