Sledge's Resignation and Departure, for now.

I'd like to start off with how I even got here:

I joined the server after seeing bub games play it and was like "why not? let's fuck around and see what the fuss is about... what makes this the 'worst gmod server ever'." This happened to be one of the best choices I made, I got hooked on playing as GSD and I was surrounded by people that treated me like family.

I saw someone undisguise, in a blue dress shirt, and then handcuff an individual for "Slander I" after insulting someone and ever since that moment, I aimed to become that.

From then I started my journey into Internal Affairs, where I'd meet Kwan or Cornelius, along with Pupper, Beelzebub, Dolus (whom I hated originally), Ace, Jonker, Chii, Samuel, Marcus, Jonquavious, and many more. Most of them are gone now, with the exception of Pupper who joined DEA (lame) and jonquavious who's still kicking.

Loved the job, I remember I was an agent for about a month before I summed up the courage to apply. I walked around for the first time as a CL 4 and it felt really nice. I remember richard saying "About time! I knew you were gonna be the next one of us to get CL 4 I knew it!" and it made my day really.

And then my dumbass would lose ambassador because I didn't actually know the gravity of my actions when I chose to go into O1 bunks and leave a document on their corkboard saying "I wanna join O1 PS: Sorry for trespassing" and then a couple hours afterwards I literally rat on myself to Reaper who has to kidnap me and turn me into red mist. Suffice to say, I was an idiot and definitely deserved to lose Amby from that.

I'd say that was pretty bad, but I reapplied literally right off cooldown and Jonker let me back in, never really had an issue since then. Lots happened since that time, Nikolai took Jonker's spot and not soon after gets replaced by Walter. And all this time, people slowly leave. I think Kwan leaving affected me the most, he gave me the test 5 times before I finally passed and got me into IA in the first place.

I played the server exclusively for around 5-6 months, I've made a lot of friends along the way, one particular person stands out who means a lot to me. I won't name drop ya, you know who you are. I've also met a lot of people I wish I didn't have but, compared to the many great people I've met and continue to be friends with, it was more than worth the journey and the time, I'd do it all again.

Now, why am I quitting? Is it because I'm hardstuck ambassador and i'll never get assistant? HAHA! No!

I'm leaving because I have no passion or drive to continue. My activity is atrociously bad, I want to play different games, and I got a lot of irl shit coming up and it was either I quit now or be removed. The truth is, I got denied the first couple times for actual good reasons, the other ones were because one dude didn't like me in particular and, I'm glad I got denied, because I didn't want to work or even be associated with them. Towards the end, I learned that I didn't actually want assistant, and i'd be unhappy since I only wanted to use it as a stepping stool to get into a better spot. I have this issue where, I see a problem, and I tell everyone they suck at their job and want to do it myself. That's the entire reason I became a gensec captain, because I saw poorly trained gensec, and minges with licenses who didn't deserve them so I became a captain to fix it. While I did enjoy being a captain, I resigned since I knew I wasn't motivated for the right reasons, and frankly I never really played captain, I only hosted 3 sweeps ever and 1 sweep I was the only CL 4 on site (I was ambassador). We sweeped with 2 Nu7, like 3 gensec, and a tech expert with a katana. (It was a successful sweep and the best thing I ever led).

This server made me learn a lot about myself, I learned how to lead and work with people, I also learned how to not work with people and be a complete buffoon which is always great, and it just really was an overall great experience that I wish to continue later.

If I had to sum up why i'm leaving, it would be: Friends leaving, not being interested/active enough, and being frustrated at things not being done. For example, I've made it more than clear how much I hate how Site Command is dealt with and how GOC never get to do anything, and seeing how easy these things are to fix, and seeing them not get fixed, it makes me lose my mind.

Am I leaving for good? Maybe, for now I don't feel like continuing and have literally no drive to play on the server. If I do come back, it won't be for awhile. I might pop in every once in awhile just to see how things are going, but to regularly play and get on, it won't happen for quite some time.

So, I guess that's it. I feel like that answers every possible question you might have, just DM me on discord if you have another. I'll be handing in my badge and my gun now. Uhh, IA on top, ISD power trip, Site Command always inactive, and Pineapple on pizza is actually decent. Oh and Fish is the superior emote.