Slimbs Chief of Medicine application [USA]

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New Member
May 2, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Total play time at the time of submission: 3d 2h 16m
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
"TunnelRat" Slimbs
Civilian name: None
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF E-11 CPL (Have been E-11 medic for a bit)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Chief of Medicine?
Because I haven't seen many of Trainees acting well and even running into D-block so id like to have some more respect for higher ups and Eli needs some help with med licenses. Trainees have been MOODY to say the least.
What makes you suitable for Chief of Medicine?:
I have been around the facility as a combative and a medical professional, I wish to better the medical staff on-site leading them by example. Now i may be a fool around people i know, but i get serious when the situation calls for it. I even saved Elivan from being kidnapped while MTF were focused on 323 containment mission.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
Healing a fracture the shock therapy way - First take them into med bay and lay them on the X ray bed, while doing so ask how they fractured their body part to help with possibly finding the ones responsible after the procedure. Then check the screen for the fracture, asking them if they know what electroshock is, if they answer no tell them exactly what it is, if they do ask for consent to treat and if they have been resuscitated this life, tell them not to go into the light (doing /looc don't respawn), line them on the wall and use a medical harpoon when possible, to stop their heart. using the defibs on them quickly to resuscitate even if it takes 20 times. After healing the patient back to full health, ask them if they are ok to return to work. Then send them on their way.
What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Medicine in RP?:
The Chief assists the Director with overseeing medical departments day to day operations.
assisting doctors and trainees with learning operations and procedures to be as ethical as possible while doing their jobs.
Please give some lore about your Chief of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Doctor Slimbs was a small town doctor for Fairbanks Alaska, he had no-one in his life but his job. Slimbs would go many days without sleep or even go without food for many of them. While on one of these sleepless days he was contacted by a rather... suspicious person to say the least, the person needed a life-saving surgery that same night... He instantly agreed to this as emergency operations costed a bit more than normal so it keep his clinic open longer. The moment he sent that return message, armed men busted into the clinic carrying a man in a black suit. Slimbs had been held up before, but never by people this heavily armed and well put together. From that point on the details are very hazy but from what he does remember was that a note with a location, and a phrase "Secure Contain Protect" was left with him.


Well-known Member
Mar 1, 2022
Hello, this is Elivan Sterling. On behalf of the Medical Department, I have decided to accept your application as I believe you are worthy of the position. I am glad to have someone dedicated to the medical team, and are looking to make our department strong.

~ Dpt. Director of Medicine Elivan Sterling
P.S. First time writing an acceptance thing, and also thank you for saving me from the CI, haha :D


New Member
May 2, 2022
Hello, this is Elivan Sterling. On behalf of the Medical Department, I have decided to accept your application as I believe you are worthy of the position. I am glad to have someone dedicated to the medical team, and are looking to make our department strong.

~ Dpt. Director of Medicine Elivan Sterling
P.S. First time writing an acceptance thing, and also thank you for saving me from the CI, haha :D
Thank you! I wont let you down.
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