Smiths''Rarey''Jacobs Overseer Application (UK)

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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 13, 2022
Steam ID: 76561198820795397
Discord name: Rarey#1809
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For over 5-6 months
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: Estonia but i can speak english and estonian.
Time zone: (GMT +2)
Character name(s):Smiths''Rarey''Jacobs
Civilian name: Smith''Rarey''Jacobs
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes but it's hard for me to use it because, my PC is more in my living room and i can't talk often.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:-I Started in Nu-7 until i got LCP, then i switched to E-11 and i was there until i was a SPC so i joined back nu7 and i'm a LCP now. And i got 096 Whitelisted.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:I Have recived 4 Warns, 2 of them was for not adverting for somebody to go away,1 was for mixing when i was new and the last one was for having too much warns and i got banned for RDM.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
-Personally what makes me the best candidate for Overseer assitant, is that i listen to my superiors, i've have had many Missons/Objectives with A-1 and O-1, Kidnappings, Floor 3 problems, CI Raids and many more.
I Have been trying to improve my RP and my playtime.I can follow O5 commands while being active while in staying in RP.I can handout O-1 and A-1 orders when O5 is not on site. I'm dedicated to this SCP server and if it's needed i'll spent all of my free time on this server.
When i come home from school most of the O5's are offline so i can be in charge when O5's aren't present. In the summer i'll be on the job for 70% of my time. And i have experience with negotiations.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
-As a Overseer assitant it is your job to help the O5. O5 Gives you certain tasks too see how diffrent departments are doing. If you're done meet the director and tell him how is diffrent departments are doing. You tell the director
the pros and cons about each department. Later the information goes to higher rankings like O5's. It is the Assitants job to make the councils life as easy as possible.


Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Rarey Jacobs was born in Australia, in a very poor farming family. Jacob had 2 brothers and 1 sister, he worked all day from 6AM to 12 AM with his family. They Didn't have much food or water. So Jacobs went to school, he studied really hard. He graduated then he went to college.
He gratuaded college, Hes studied about mutating animals and humans Dna. He worked and bought hes family a normal house to live in and the family got jobs and they were living just fine. Jacobs had to go to military for 2 years. He went and hes aim and detecation was so good the SCP Foundation started noticing him.
The military ended and Jacobs went to work in his lab like normal but the SCP Foundation kidnapped him and was Amnesticated.


a Internal Agent walked in the room and greeted Jacobs. Jacobs was mad and scared at the same time. Jacobs asked: Why did you kidnap me?!. Agent was quiet.
Agent takes a paper and says: 2018 4 of March 12:34PM. Jacobs was confused.Agent said: So Jacobs we have alot to uncover but here is the main question... will you work for us? Jacobs said in a furious voice: NO!
Agent talked to Jacobs for 3 hours about the facility. Agent said: Our main goal is to Secure,Contain and Protect the world from unhumane creatures and anomalies, in shortened we call us the SCP facility. Jacobs agreed to work for them.


Jacobs started as Jr.Researcher, then he moved to Gensec couse Jr.reasearcher was hard.He was in Gensec for 5 Years, he got promoted to Sergant. He tought the Gensec started being too exachusting and traumatising.
He moved to Nu-7. He loved Nu-7 but he wanted to try the E-11 too. he moved to E-11 and after 2 weeks he left because it was way too dangerous for him So he rejoined Nu-7. He got many new friends and partnhers from there.
Then he got kidnapped again, it was by the A-1. He got asked do you want to be a assitant for the facility? He agreed. The O5 was watching it from the camera. A-1 Asked from Jacobs questions about the facility and the knowelge about Ethics.
And he got 3 wrong questions, but the O5 agreed him to be the assitant. He worked hardly for the O5 and didn't get enough sleep sometimes.

To this day.


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Civil Gamers Expert
May 31, 2021
skype headquarters

Application Denied

Good evening, @Rarey - please interact with the Council or A-1 more before applying.

I have assessed all previous encounters, and the overwhelming comments lead me to believe that you do not meet our requirements to assist the Council.​
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